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21. WebQuest Examples: Grades 3-5 Social Studies Grades 35 Social studies WebQuests = newly listed since 6 TourusA, Tour the us anddevelop a map, article Travel Back To colonial times, Students research one of http://webquest.sdsu.edu/matrix/3-5-Soc.htm | |
22. LMC - History & Social Studies to learn about life in colonial times, click on American studies Web This is theReference/Research of current and historical information on the us Congress. http://www.spusd.k12.ca.us/spms/lmc/html/sub/history.html | |
23. Social Studies Department the United States from precolonial times up to placed on vocabulary development,social studies skills enhancement The us Constitution; The Federalist Era; The http://www.pvhs.k12.nj.us/socialstud.html | |
24. UNT Libraries: Subject Guides, Military Studies For books on military studies, first consult the Statistics of the United States,colonial times to 1970 C3 DefenseLINK (Official site of The us Department of http://www.library.unt.edu/subjects/military/milstudy.html | |
25. Women's Studies Courses At University Of Rhode Island Life; Black Women in the us colonial times to Present History Topics (New Interpretationsin us Women's History HPR 110 Honors Introduction to Women's studies. http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/courses.htm | |
26. Beginning Library Research On African American Studies of African American women, ranging from colonial times (1700's) to of African Americansin the us Army, 1866 African American studies Statistical Information. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/afam.html | |
27. 2001-2003 University Of Wisconsin-Madison Undergraduate Catalog Students who wish to include courses in information studies and librarianship in in15th century Europe to 1900, and in the us from colonial times to the http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/ug/10lettsci/depts/library.html | |
28. Women's Studies Faculty The Americas Review, and Explorations in Ethnic studies. writings produced withinthe various us Latino communities from colonial times to the http://www.albany.edu/ws/belen.html | |
29. Medieval Times colonial America. Medieval times Medieval Living History studies This site wasdone by organizations that recreate Medieval fighting and battles. http://www.jacksonesd.k12.or.us/k12projects/jimperry/Medieval.html | |
30. KU Women's Studies Program: Courses WS 560/AAAS 560 Race, Gender Postcolonial times, Omofolabo Ajayi, 200-320 MW,204 WOMEN'S studies 201. us Women Today An Interdisciplinary Introduction (3 http://www.ku.edu/~wsku/courses.shtml | |
31. Social Studies Labyrinth A tremendous site for Medieval studies from the University of us History.United States History From colonial times to modern times (Mississippi http://www.learningspace.org/instruct/jr_high/sites/soc_studies.html | |
32. Women's Studies Resources UCB Library Microform Sets in Women's studies as well as in 15 languages from Europeand us on women women's letters and diaries from colonial times to 1950. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/Womstu/wsres97.html | |
33. Howard University and journal articles covering all areas of us history from precolonial times tothe and secondary documents on African-American studies, including the http://www.howard.edu/asp/keywordsearch/resourcesondemand.asp?keyword=African St |
34. Social Studies Primary Sources and Activities us History This NY times Daily Lesson Plan AmericanHistory. colonial Williamsburg Almanack 17501780 Experiencing colonial Life http://www.b40jr.santacruz.k12.ca.us/socialstudies.html | |
35. Dominican Studies Institute. The City College Of New York of events in Dominican territory from precolonial times through the Mujer, familiay sociedad en Santo Domingo colonial. using the 1980 and 1990 us Census data http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/dsi/publications.htm | |
36. What's New At BoondocksNet.com in the Philippines that focuses on usAsia cultural through the early 1900s, withcase studies of women in in the United States from colonial times through the http://www.boondocksnet.com/whatsnew.html | |
37. NKU | Steely Library | Automation Division statistical data from the us Department of reports, periodicals, census publications,special studies, which have of the United States, colonial times to 1970 http://www.nku.edu/~library/dept/govdocs.html | |
38. Research Description Of Russell Menard Statistics of the United States, colonial times to 1970 of demographic records suitablefor colonial studies ( Whatever Happened Sample of the 1910 us Census of http://www.pop.umn.edu/bios/Russell_Menard.html | |
39. James Madison High School: Social Studies Select a Social studies course. of our nations past, from precolonial times tothe movements; the Progressive movement; the us becomes a http://www.jmhs.com/courses/social.html | |
40. AMERICAN STUDIES 7172, Introduction to American studies (33 and issues in American civilizationsince colonial times, with emphasis of women's experience in us history, the http://www.gwu.edu/~bulletin/ugrad/amst.html | |
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