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1. Luciano Floridi Read the paper "Information Ethics On the Philosophical Foundation of computer ethics" which includes macroethics and informational ethics. http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/~floridi/ie.htm | |
2. Computer Ethics Resources On WWW computer ethics resources with references to publications, organizations, courses and other materials.Category Computers Ethics Directories...... If you're looking for print resources in this area, check out our StartingPoints in computer ethics / InfoTech Ethics. Back to http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/resources/computer/ | |
3. Computer Ethics Resources On WWW Computer Information Ethics Resources on WWW. computer ethics resources fromKeith Miller; Copyright WebSite; Copyright Fair Use Site at Stanford; http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/resources/computer/topics.html | |
4. Computer Ethics Information Systems Ethics. computer ethics Cyberethics. Founder-Editor David Vance http://cyberethics.cbi.msstate.edu/ | |
5. Computer Ethics Institute Page The Ten Commandments of computer ethics. by the computer ethics InstituteThou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. Thou http://www.cpsr.org/program/ethics/cei.html | |
6. CAPP471 SYLLABUS links to materials on computer ethics The course concentrates on the theory and practice of computer ethics. The aim of the course is to study the basis for http://www.nd.edu/~rbarger/capp471syl.html | |
7. Detect Campaign that provides information and tools to help parents and teachers communicate with kids about the ethical issues surrounding Internet and computer usage. http://www.nicekids.net/ |
8. Ten Commandments For Computer Ethics By CEI THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR computer ethics. From the computer ethics Institute http://www.tekmom.com/tencommand | |
9. Luciano Floridi Short "webliography" compiled by Luciano Floridi, Oxford University.Category Computers Ethics Directories......A Short Webliography on computer ethics for Philosophers. The websites concerning computer ethics issues are innumerable. Here I http://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/~floridi/ceweb.htm | |
10. Welcome To ICEE Javascriptbased online survey which asks for your ethical opinions on example ethical scenarios. Buggy http://web.cs.bgsu.edu/maner/xxicee/html/welcome.htm | |
11. The Brookings Institution Similar pages Ten Commandments of computer ethicsThe Ten Commandments of computer ethics were created by Dr. Ramon C. Barquinin 1992 and have since had a heavy influence on computer ethics. http://www.brook.edu/its/cei/cei_hp.htm | |
12. Teaching Computer Ethics TEACHING computer ethics. Editor Herman Tavani. computer ethics Cautionary Talesand Ethical Dilemmas in Computing. 2nd ed., Cambridge, MA MIT Press, 1994. http://cyberethics.cbi.msstate.edu/biblio/part2.htm | |
13. ThinkQuest Guide to computer ethics issues and current news includes an introduction to the problematic copyright issues raised by digital media. http://library.thinkquest.org/26658/cgi-bin/2-1.cgi | |
14. Computers/Ethics Links to resources for computer ethics compiled by the technologyand-computers.com search portal (2001). http://www.technology-and-computers.com/Computers/Ethics/ | |
15. Taking The Byte Out Of Cookies Privacy, Consent, And The Web Paper on computer ethics presented to an ACM conference in 1998. Suggests minimum conditions to be met to ethically justify the collection of personal data. 393K PDF. http://cpe.njit.edu/dlnotes/CIS/CIS350/TakingTheByteOutOfCookies.pdf |
16. The Net: User Guidelines And Netiquette, By Arlene Rinaldi The Net User Guidelines and Netiquette by Arlene Rinaldi. THE TENCOMMANDMENTS FOR computer ethics. from the computer ethics Institute. http://www.fau.edu/netiquette/net/ten.html | |
17. Welcome To ICEE Javascriptbased online survey which asks for your ethical opinions on example ethical scenarios. BuggyCategory Computers Ethics......The Interactive computer ethics Explorer This prototype requiresa browser that has good support for JavaScript and frames. You http://www.cs.bgsu.edu/maner/xxicee/html/welcome.htm | |
18. Ethics In Computing Similar pages courses.ncsu.edu/classesa/computer_ethics/www/ Similar pages More results from courses.ncsu.edu computer ethicscomputer ethics. Name Laith Mohammed Murad. Email laith@link.net.jo Computerethics. Internet use policy. Computer Viruses 1. Computer Viruses 2. http://courses.ncsu.edu/classes-a/computer_ethics/ | |
19. Midwest Technology Journal A computerrelated, trendy, educational, business and end user monthly newspaper. Monthly feature sections include computer ethics, legal advice, website directory, hardware updates, and new product reviews. http://www.pcjournal.com/ | |
20. Computer Ethics - Lecture 10 computer ethics However, as their use became widespread in every facet of our lives,discussions in computer ethics resulted in some kind of a consensus. http://www.geocities.com/lool95/computer_ethics1.htm | |
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