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Connecticut K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
41. K-12 Websites City schools Member Districts Membership map and list of schools. An annotatedlist of Internet sites with k-12 educational standards connecticut Standards. http://ursamajor.hartnet.org/chow/integrate/www.htm | |
42. Understanding The Influence Of Standards In K-12 Science, Mathematics, And Techn 1988present; National Educational Honor Societies; connecticut School Principals missionof promoting technological literacy in our nation's k-12 schools. http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/CSME-Q-98-05-A?OpenDocument |
43. Membership Information CAS has emerged as an informed leader in connecticut's education system, providingservices to connecticut's k12 schools in areas ranging from academics to http://www.casciac.org/casmembership.shtml | |
44. Connecticut River Education Initiative - Overview Resource Center (www.wgby.org/crei) to focus on the connecticut River watershed awardedEarth and US community service grants to twenty k12 schools in the http://www.wgby.org/edu/crei/pages/overview.html | |
45. CEA - Connecticut Education Association Excellent resource to help end antigay bias in k-12 schools. www.glsen.org.The connecticut Chapter can be reached at www.outinct.com/glsen. http://www.cea.org/ProfessionalIssues/BeyondTolerance/10.html | |
46. Connecticut RiverFest and watershed concepts, with interdisciplinary k12 curricula that study programsin the connecticut Valley and and teachers with other schools, using internet http://www.ctriverfest.org/education.htm | |
47. EU Summary - October/November 2001 of that assistance centered on the preparation for the connecticut Education Network,a highspeed network connecting more than 1,000 k-12 schools, 100 college http://www.doit.state.ct.us/news/eu/eu1-02.htm | |
48. Resources For K-12 Teachers & Curriculum Specialists - Safe Schools Coalition Safe schools Manual comprehensive manual 2000, Out for k12.mn.us/outforequity/manual.htm grades k12. for Planned Parenthood of connecticut and GLSEN http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/RG-teachers_k-12.html | |
49. School Composting...The Next Step In Recycling connecticut public and private k12 school in late September. It is our hope, afterreviewing the manual, that educators at connecticut schools will become http://dep.state.ct.us/wst/compost/schmanual.htm | |
50. Career Services State of Rhode Island Home Page; State of connecticut Home Page; The School Directory Find vital school information on all 108,000 k-12 schools in America. http://www.bridgew.edu/depts/carplan/research.htm | |
51. AFT: K-12/Educational Issues Department: CSRD: State CSRD Contacts Casberg connecticut Department of Education PO Box 2219 Hartford, connecticut 01645. OFCOLUMBIA Yvonne Lewis District of Columbia Public schools 825 North http://www.aft.org/edissues/rsa/csrd/Contacts.htm | |
52. K-12 And Adult/College Education desires.Used for both Public and Private schools. is a web site that k12 schooldistricts States listed include connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky http://www.mnstate.edu/career/K-12AdultCollegeEducation.htm | |
53. EduHound.com - Search Results - Everything For Education K-12! EASTCONN is an regional educational service center serving northeastern connecticut. Webbased,advertising-free communication for k-12 schools, featuring email http://www.eduhound.com/showlinks.cfm?subj=Educational & General&skey=Educationa |
54. KSU Career & Employment Services Education Employers School Directory Directory of private schools (k-12 and college Midwest job listingsfor k-12 and higher view job listings for connecticut, Florida, Georgia http://www.ksu.edu/ces/education/employers.html | |
55. The Heritage Foundation: Research: Education: School Choice 2001: Connecticut connecticut SCHOOL CHOICE 2001 WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE STATES. State Profile(Updated June 2001). k12 Public schools and Students (2000-2001). http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/Schools/connecticut.cfm | |
56. Pace University - Internet Job Search - Education an online application program for teachers seeking positions in connecticut. k12Jobs.com- Opportunities for k-12 educators at public and private schools. http://www.pace.edu/COOPCS/jobSearch_Education.htm | |
57. K-12 State And International Testing Parent's Guide Locate schools, state tests are currently developing and implementingK12 tests which connecticut -Links connecticut Academic Performance Test http://www.edinformatics.com/testing/testing.htm | |
58. Colonial America 1600-1775, K12 Resources Know about connecticut, From connecticut State Library. Virginia TimeTravelers, Learnabout k12 programs; interactive WebQuest, From Davidson County schools, NC. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/colonial.htm | |
59. Stamford Public Schools, Stamford, Connecticut The Stamford Public schools are committed to providing a comprehensive education Throughoutthe Prek-12 school years, overall learning goals are integrated http://www.stamford.k12.ct.us/LearningGoals.htm | |
60. Links Of Interest to schools EDUCATORS. Teachers and k12 students can find informationand on connecticut History Online - Photographs, drawings and prints about http://www.eastconn.org/links_edu2.htm | |
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