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41. ENFSI - European Network Of Forensic Science Institutes Directors of Institutes, ie laboratories who are the major providers in their countryof professional forensic science services to support crime investigation. http://www.enfsi.org/print.php?page=framework&subpage= |
42. GOVERNOR PATAKI AWARDS $6.4 MILLION TO STATE'S CRIME LABS New York City Police Department Forensic investigation Division, $564,430. SuffolkCounty crime Laboratory*, $133,240. County Department of laboratories Research http://www.state.ny.us/governor/press/year99/nov04_3_99.htm | |
43. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Society - Crime & Justice - Forensics in the fields of biology, chemistry, DNA databasing, and crime scene investigation. SpeckinForensic laboratories http//www.4n6.com/ Specializes in http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=330732 |
44. Utah Department Of Public Safety - Crime Lab The satellite laboratories primarily focus on drug identification and prosecutorsfrom across the state in crime scene investigation, evidence collection http://forensicservices.utah.gov/admin/ | |
45. University Of Teesside Course Search - Full-time Undergraduate 2003 - Forensic I investigation, hospital and analytical laboratories and agencies Applied Science andForensic investigation, F9F4 BSc BSc (Hons) crime Scene Science, BF14 BSc/CSS. http://www.tees.ac.uk/prospstud/courses_ft2003_fos.cfm?fos=73&sub=97 |
46. Texas Department Of Public Safety - Courtesy, Service, Protection and other items necessary for crime investigation requests The crime Laboratory Serviceis planning purchases of Waco, Houston, and Corpus Christi laboratories. http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/criminal_law_enforcement/crime_laboratory/ | |
47. CRIME FIGHTING PAGE - CRIME LABORATORIES KPL CRIMINAL POLICE laboratories Institute Criminalistics Laboratory Division ofCriminal investigation, Iowa State Delaware State Police crime Lab. http://bornova.ege.edu.tr/~bahadir/eng/laboratories.html | |
48. HOMEDEPT The Forensic Science laboratories in the State provide scientific aid to the PoliceInvestigating Officers to Modernise the methods of crime investigation. http://www.maharashtra.gov.in/english/homedept/forensicShow.php | |
49. APHS - Professions/Areas Of Study in either hospital or commercial clinical diagnostic laboratories. The Forensic investigationspecialist is an area of forensic and crime scene investigation. http://ea.cphs.wayne.edu/professions.htm | |
50. Northeast Laboratories Northeast laboratories Lab. Address. 718797-7875. NYSP Forensic investigation Center.1220 Washington Ave. NYSP So. Tier Regional crime Lab. Town Hall Park Street. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/5122/labs.htm | |
51. NCJRS: Forensic Science Resources - Publications 8513420. Survey of DNA crime laboratories, 2001 Bureau of JusticeStatistics, 2001. Back to Top. investigation. Challenges of Evidence http://www.ncjrs.org/forensic/publications.html | |
52. DNA Typing A Unique Weapon Against Crime to implement the DNA typing procedures are underway by crime laboratories throughoutthe tests, DNA typing will be used routinely as a crime investigation tool http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1989/jan/research_890123.html | |
53. Victoria Police - Internet highlevel drug activity as well as the investigation of clandestine drug laboratories. AsianSquad assists in the investigations of organised crime in the http://www.police.vic.gov.au/showcontentpage.cfm?contentpageid=2307 |
54. Aurora Public Library /KidsOnline Juvenile. 1994 1 6 crime investigation see Criminal investigation1 7 crime Juvenile literature. 3 8 crime laboratories. 1976 http://odyssey.aurora.lib.co.us:90/kids/12,894/search~S1/d?crime |
55. The Hindu : Scientific Aid For State Police Approved stations) with scientific aid for investigation, told The should help in the quickdetection of crime. course by experts of the Forensic Science laboratories. http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2001/09/18/stories/0418210h.htm | |
56. Criminal Investigation OnLine A Guide for Explosion and Bomb Scene investigation. Forensic laboratories Handbookfor Facility Planning, Design Presents issues for crime laboratory directors http://www.ciol.org/news/newslet4-0208.html | |
57. Forensic Education Medaille College, Buffalo, NY. CJ Concentration in Computer crime investigation(BS). Sandia National laboratories, CA. College Cyber Defenders Institute (CCD). http://www.e-evidence.info/education.html | |
58. Crime Stoppers Victoria - The Investigator Archives - The Drug Squad Laboratory Unit are qualified in the investigation of serious crime by completing todeal with the hazards of investigating illegal drug laboratories. http://www.vic.crimestoppers.com.au/invest_archive2.html | |
59. Home Page Developed an appreciation for the support and services that are offeredin criminal investigation by criminalists and crime laboratories. http://wolf.southwestern.cc.or.us/faculty/jmcclell/Criminalistics.htm | |
60. New Crime Scene Houses further either at the crime scene or in the Department's specialised and wellequipped suite of search and recovery/forensic investigation laboratories. http://www.uclan.ac.uk/facs/science/forensic/news/scenehouse.htm | |
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