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Crime Stats Hate Crimes: more detail |
41. FrontPage Magazine.com Yet the thought police who judge what is and is not a hate crime refuse to Accordingto the watereddown stats quoted, white 'hate crimes perps' only http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=4809 |
42. Campus Crime Act Makes It Tougher For Schools To Withhold Crime Stats Act Makes it Tougher For Schools to Withhold crime stats. Statistics on all crimewill be divided into four hate crimes are required to be divided into categor http://www-tech.mit.edu/V118/N53/crime.120.3.53n.html | |
43. About CVPP -- Campus Violence Prevention Program Campus program seeks to raise awareness on sexual assault, hate crimes.7 October 1999, California Aggie. UCD New crime stats are confusing. http://cvpp.ucdavis.edu/news/ | |
44. Hate Crime Statistics 85 of the 404,242 criminal offenses were hate crimes and of those, only seven werecommitted because of sexual orientation. Link to FBI crime stats http//www http://www.ncfamily.org/stories/021211s1.html | |
45. LFC Security & Public Safety Crime Stats hate crimeS Of the above reported crimes, number that can be classified hatecrimes , crime Definitions From the Uniform crime Reporting Handbook. http://www.lfc.edu/services/security/stats.htm | |
46. MU Crime Stats Page of Items on Campus Security Act Reporting Charts, 19982000 hateCrime - hate crimes are crimes that manifest evidence that the victim was...... http://www.millikin.edu/campuslife/Security/Keepsafe.html | |
48. Stats01 PSU crime stats 2001. crime Main Campus, University Owned, Residence Halls, NonCampus Buildings, Public Property, Total, University Owned, Residence hate crimes, http://www.cpso.pdx.edu/stats/stats01.htm | |
49. Olivet Nazarene University - Crime Stats crime stats In 1990, the federal government, through the statistics regarding occurrencesof campus crime as reported 0 Referrals 0 0 5 1 hate crimes 1998 1999 http://www.olivet.edu/services/publicsafety/crimestats.asp | |
50. NCPA - Crime And Gun Control- Statistics And Forecasts Dampening Jubilation On crime stats. crime Down In Some Areas, Up In Others. DrugArrests Increase, Violent crime Falls hate crimes. hate and Prejudice Murder. http://www.ncpa.org/pi/crime/crime21.html | |
51. CSU Stanislaus 1999-2001 Crime Statistics Voluntary confidential reporting of crime incidents on TOTALS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. Bactto Top, 19992001 hate crimes on Campus (Turlock Campus Stockton Site Combined). http://www.bf.csustan.edu/dps/Web Stats/All Stats.html | |
52. 1999-2001 CSU Stanislaus Crime Statistics hate crimes and NonPolice crime Incidents (TurlockCampus and Stockton Site Combined). http://www.bf.csustan.edu/dps/Web Stats/Clery Stats.html | |
53. M I C H I G A N C R I M E V I C T I M S W E B S I T E - S E R V I C E S government now requires states to monitor hate crimes. The following figures werereported on January 1, 1997, on the federal Uniform crime Reporting (UCR http://www.mivictims.org/services/stats/hate/ | |
54. PD Arrest Stats SA Referrals for Student Conduct Code Violations by Type of crime for 1999. SA CodeViolations by Location for 1999. SA hate (Bias) crimes for 2001 by Category http://admin.siue.edu/studentrightto/pdarrest.htm | |
55. FAQ: Crime And Violence Statistics: Hate Crimes Disproportionate Harm hate crime in Canada by Julia Roberts, University of http//www.mediaawareness.ca/eng/issues/stats/isshate.htm hatecrimes. http://www.gdsourcing.ca/works/faqhatec.htm | |
56. Related Links On Hate Crime Prevention hate crime stats http//www.fbi.gov/ucr.htm hate crime for hate crime data collection,and hate crime data collection ADL hate crimes Laws www.adl.org/frames http://www.stophate.org/stophate/relatedlinks.html | |
57. Government To Compile Online Database Of Campus Crime Stats Government to compile online database of campus crime stats. soon be able to see campuscrime statistics by numbers of offenses from hate crimes to homicides http://archive.nandotimes.com/noframes/story/0,2107,500221402-500316296-50177473 | |
58. Gays, Lesbians And Bisexuals Rank Third In Reported* Hate Crimes - 2000 || Human Total hate crime Incidents Reported. hate crimes based on sexual orientation. Percentageof crimes based on sexual orientation. 1991. 4,558. **. 8.9%. 1992. 7,466. http://www.hrc.org/issues/hate_crimes/background/stats/stats2000.asp | |
59. Statistics html http//www.hrc.org/issues/hate/stats.html. NOW hate crime Update http//www.now.org/issues CountyHuman Relations Commission hate crimes Annual Report on http://www.cahro.org/html/statistics.html | |
60. LAHRC Stats 102 religious hate crimes were reported. 1 genderbased hate crime and4 hate crimes against persons with disabilities were reported. http://www.cahro.org/html/lahrc_stats.html | |
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