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Crime Stats Homicide: more detail |
21. 2001 Crime Stats, Public Safety, Business And Finance, Barry University, Miami S 2001 crime stats (All OnCampus Property). Barry University crime Statisticsfor 2001. All On-Campus Property. TOTALS. homicide (Total). 0. 0. 0. http://www.barry.edu/businessfinance/publicSafety/crimeStats2001.htm | |
22. 1999 Crime Stats, Public Safety, Business And Finance, Barry University, Miami S 0. 0. 0. Back to top. 1999 crime stats (All OnCampus Property). Barry Universitycrime Statistics for 1999. All On-Campus Property. TOTALS. homicide (Total). 0. 0.0. http://www.barry.edu/businessfinance/publicSafety/crimeStats1999.htm | |
23. Clery Report 2002 crime stats. weapon is used which could and probably would result in serious personalinjury if the crime were successfully CRIMINAL homicideMANSLAUGHTER BY http://www.msubillings.edu/security/clery2002.htm | |
24. CJOnline.com | Crime In The City It only takes one bad guy to mess up your stats. An analysis of crime statisticsprovided by the police shed some light on the incidence of homicide and rape http://cjonline.com/webindepth/crime/stories/090300-5_crime.shtml | |
25. 2001 Crime Stats - Union University Group A Offenses 2001. Offenses. Rate per 1,000. Clearances by arrest. homicide OFFENSES(TOTAL). 0. 0. 0. Murder. 0. 0. 0. Justifiable homicide. 0. 0. 0. KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION. http://www.uu.edu/studentservices/safetysecurity/crimestats/2001.htm | |
26. Media Releases Up 0227-03 Budget Cuts 02-21-03 2002 crime stats 02-13-03 Shelter-In-Place 01-01-03Fillmore homicide 12-07-02 El Rio Shooting 11-06-02 Sheriff Brooks on http://www.vcsd.org/media/media_releases.htm | |
27. 11-21-01 Crime Stats The Uniform crime Reporting Program classifies offenses into two groups, Part 1and Part 2. Part 1 offenses are defined as Criminal homicide, Forcible Rape http://www.vcsd.org/media/11-21-01_crime_stats.htm | |
28. Chandler, Arizona Official Web Site Chandler Police crime Statistics City Wide July 2000 Part I crimes. Part I CriminalOffenses, Actual. homicide, 0. Rape, 4. Robbery, 8. Aggravated Assault*, 20. http://www.chandleraz.org/police/pdstats.htm | |
29. Irving Police Department's Online Crime Stats Database. The database used for the Online crime stats will be updated on adaily basis. BURGHAB Burglary of a Habitation. homicide. KID - Kidnapping. http://www.irvingpd.com/crimestats/crimestats.htm | |
30. Metro Transit Police Department Crime Stats 2002, 2003. Month. YTD. Month. YTD. Part I crime. Aggravated assault. 7. 15. 3. 12.Arson. 0. 0. 0. 0. Burglary. 0. 0. 0. 0. homicide. 0. 0. 0. 0. Larceny. 30. 79. 20.60. Motor vehicle theft. http://www.wmata.com/about/mtpd_crime_ytd.cfm | |
31. Crime Stats average. To research crime on your street or in your neighborhood,please use the crime Search Tool. CHANGE. homicide (MURDER NON, http://www.charmeck.nc.us/departments/police/crime info/crime statistics/crime s | |
33. Crime Stats crime, Occurrences. Assaults, 12. Theft, 39. Burglary Residential, 4. Value,NonResidential, 2. Value homicide, 0. Aggravated Robbery, 0. Criminal Mischief,25. http://ci.golden.co.us/dept/police/crime.htm | |
34. Drugstory | Drug Stats | Crime Stats crime stats Drugs and crime Facts Drug Use and crime Charts the percentage of onthe incidence of various alcohol/drugrelated behaviors, including homicide. http://www.drugstory.org/drug_stats/crime_statistics.asp | |
35. Olivet Nazarene University - Crime Stats crime stats In 1990, the federal government, through the US are the statistics regardingoccurrences of campus crime as reported Violence 0 8 3 0 homicide 0 0 http://www.olivet.edu/services/publicsafety/crimestats.asp | |
36. Crime Stats 10 Year Comparison Chart crime STATISTICS 10 YEAR COMPARISON City of Bellevue crime Statistics 10 Year ComparisonChart. 1992. 1993. 1994. 1995. 1996. 1997. 1998. 1999. 2000. 2001. homicide. 1. 2.5. http://www.ci.bellevue.wa.us/page.asp?view=3955 |
37. News -- Education Dept. Releases Campus Crime Stats Releases Campus crime stats. The report, which includes crime statistics for over6,300 public and of some oncampus crimes such as homicide have decreased in http://www.thehoya.com/news/012601/news3.htm | |
38. Division Crime Stats No 2 Division crime overview Year to Date as at 31 December 2002 Marked Increaseshave occurred in homicide (140%) Rape (46.2%) Property Damage (10.6%) Theft http://home.vicnet.net.au/~nhwr4d2/division_crime_stats.htm |
39. Campus Police Acknoweldge Omission Of FSILG Crime Stats Campus Police Acknoweldge Omission of FSILG crime stats. statistical information aboutten types of crime on campus, ranging from homicide to robbery and http://www-tech.mit.edu/V118/N15/acp.15n.html | |
40. Scotland pdf; homicide in Scotland, 1999 www.scotland.gov.uk/stats/bulletins/0004300 www.scotland.gov.uk/library2/doc08/hsb98-00.htm;homicide in Scotland VICTIMS OF crime. http://newark.rutgers.edu/~wcjlen/WCJ/stats/scotland.html |
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