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Crime Stats Incarceration: more detail |
61. Quack Off 4 According to the stats, even Boise, Idaho hit the prison pop charts The huge increasein incarceration rates can be attributed to several What was their crime? http://www.freemarketduck.com/pages/FMDQOCol04.htm | |
62. Frank Discussion: Marijuana Statistics US Drug War stats. Charts (incarceration, race, cannabis, mandatory minimums, crime,murder, etc.). Information Resources / Canadian Statistics USAGE STATISTICS. http://frankdiscussion.netfirms.com/info_statistics.html | |
63. Orange County - At Risk Kids:Statistics(Crime, Gangs, Abuse) Violent crime USA down 7%. All crime USA down 3%. Murder USA JailPopulation 1985 744,208; 1995 1,585,401. incarceration Rate per 100,000 http://www2.netcom.com/~fjobrien/stats.html | |
64. The War In California : Sciforums.com This pattern suggests that incarceration has become the primary to fully understandthe same stats that they clearly show how much violent crime comes with the http://www.sciforums.com/archive/37/2000/10/3/2060 | |
65. Shirley's Business Resources - Statistics and police statistics), conviction rates, incarceration rates, and Justice DataDrugs, Alcohol and crime Various studies US Bureau of Justice stats on Drugs http://kml.uindy.edu/shirley/business/statscrime.html | |
66. Www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/~ab133/Archives/Digests/v02n600-699/v02n686.txt The highest rate of incarceration? Of course not. Registration is the first steptowards confiscation ie; Australia and England.(SeeEnglands` crime stats. http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/~ab133/Archives/Digests/v02n600-699/v02n686.txt | |
67. Crime And Punishment Ready Reference The incarceration atlas is a graphic stateby-state guide to a variety of prisonerinformation who is being crime Data, Info, stats and Comparisons I http://www.open.org/~dallashs/crime.htm |
68. Drugstory | Domestic Drugs & Crime | Drugs, Crime And Violence incarceration and Drugs, Justice Statistics http//www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ Collects,analyzes, publishes and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders http://www.drugstory.org/drugs_crime/crime_violence.asp | |
69. Frontline: Juvenile Justice: Stats: Does Treating Kids Like Adults Make A Differ Tory J. Caeti, and Craig Hemmens, Spare the Needle But Not the Punishment TheIncarceration of Waived Youth in Texas Prisons, crime and Delinquency, vol. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/stats/kidslikeadults.html | |
70. Crime & Justice Stats '97 http://www.law.ecel.uwa.edu.au/crc/media/Stats97-MR.htm | |
71. Law Enforcement & Crime societySociety and Culture Law Enforcement crime. crime Data. Law Enforcement.incarceration and Capital Punishment. Top of section Society and Culture, http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004881.html | |
72. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Criminal Offenders Statistics Information, statistics, and publications about criminal offenders in the United States.Category Society crime Research Corrections...... held for a property crime about a fifth were held for a drug crime; More than7 of every 10 jail inmates had prior sentences to probation or incarceration. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/crimoff.htm | |
73. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Key Crime And Justice Facts At A Glance Additional facts and graphics about the characteristics of crime victims. and data,After dramatic increases in the 1980s and 1990s, the incarceration rate has http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance.htm | |
74. Government Stats Expose D.C.'s Injustice System Government stats Expose DC's Injustice System. the Federal government's lower prisonincarceration rate (1,373 are on charges of a violent crime that resulted http://www.etext.org/Politics/MIM/dc/DCstats.html | |
75. Crime Is Down use and supplyscarce supplies raise street prices, potentially increasing crime,but may mean fewer users, thus decreasing crime;. incarceration ratesfor http://www.shsu.edu/~pin_www/CrimeDown.html | |
76. Alberta Stats - Alberta Summit On Justice Alberta stats, 10 Rate of Youths Charged* by Type of crime, Canada, and Figure 18 IncarcerationRate (Provincial)* per 100,000 Adult Population by Province, 1995 http://www4.gov.ab.ca/just/justicesummit/stats.htm | |
77. Oregon Criminal Justice Commission_213_013 (c) Whether the incarceration term is to be Stat. Auth. ORS 137.667 ORS 137.669Stats. (1) A summary of the factual circumstances of the crime or crimes of http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_200/OAR_213/213_013.html | |
78. Crime Wave! NCVS figures for the violent crime rate are plotted nearby. The line is about asflat as can be a sharp contrast with the incarceration rate, which has http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/Crime-wave.html | |
79. World Drug War Charts. Compilation. JUST CHARTS. Revised. Very Few Notes. Tables drugs, mandatory minimums, drug related crime, poverty, murder The overall incarcerationrates combine prisons and http//www.prisonstudies.org/ 1999 stats. http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/charts2.htm | |
80. FAX NET 1 Master Form a. crime occurred outside family setting, (and/or). with the sheriffs officein the county that they reside within 10 days of release from incarceration. http://www.faxnet1.org/newsart/sexoffndr.htm | |
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