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Crime Stats Juvenile: more detail |
1. Juvenile Crime Prevention Stats Extended Detention Rules HOME BASIC_C - crime stats juvenile. search find the mostpopular books, videos and DVDs on crime stats juvenile. images newsgroups. http://www.tokoimports.com/are-black-college-bound.htm |
2. Idaho Mountain Express: Juvenile Crime Stats Show Need For Facility In South-cen For the week of August 26 thru September 1, 1998. County commissionershear new juvenile crime stats. A state juvenile corrections http://www.mtexpress.com/1998/08-26-98/juvcor.htm | |
3. BCSO Crime Analysis - Juvenile Statistics Auto Theft juvenile Arrests 9299 Overall crime stats 93-99 10 Year Homicide stats. http://www.co.bexar.tx.us/BCsheriff/juvenilestats.htm | |
4. NORTON POLICE TARGET YOUTH STATE POLICE CRIME STATS SHOW NORTON POLICE TARGET YOUTH STATE POLICE crime stats SHOW. By Frankie Vitino Sam Mongle has not requested any special youth initiatives to curb juvenile crime such as a curfew time. http://www.mywisecounty.com/news/npd.htm | |
5. Raton, NM Crime Stats Raton crime stats. The City of Raton enjoyed an overall drop in crime in 1997. adult arrests dropping from 580 to 511 and juvenile arrests dropping from 67 to 34. http://www.ratonchamber.com/comunprof/crime.htm |
6. Houston Police Online Morgan County juvenile/Adult crime stats Sheet 2001 to 2000 Comparison http://www.ci.houston.tx.us/departme/police/stats.htm | |
7. Morgan County Juvenile/Adult Crime Stats Sheet - 2000 To 1999 Morgan County juvenile/Adult crime stats Sheet 2000 to 1999 Comparison http://www.scican.net/~cburnham/court/compar00.pdf |
8. City Of Jacksonville, Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Strategy Juvenile Crime Fac AGENCY MISSION REQUIREMENT. juvenile crime REDUCTION. crime Indicator Data Streams School violence/crime stats from the School Indicator Report http://www.hsc-jacksonville.org/hsc/jcfdata.htm | |
9. Drugstory | Drug Stats | Crime Stats crime stats on drug trafficking and seizures, and drugrelated crime, enforcement,courts Annual Report on Drug Use Among Adult and juvenile Arrestees (June http://www.drugstory.org/drug_stats/crime_statistics.asp | |
10. The Truth About Pensacola And Escambia County Crime Stats Graybiel may of gotten incomplete stats or have gotten other data mixed up with itbut that for Escambia County both the adult and juvenile crime rates went up http://godnet.org/crime.htm | |
11. City Of Jacksonville, Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Strategy Juvenile Crime Fac Measurement and Analysis of crime and Justice. stats and Analysis by over 30 researchers. sourceof national data relating to adult and juvenile crime and police http://www.jcci.org/hsc/jcfdata.htm | |
12. Crime Stats crime, 1,930. 1,900. You can browse current JSO crime stats at the JSO crime Statpage. Click here to open the juvenile crime update for 2002 (1.6MB PowerPoint). http://www.geocities.com/shadcof/news_crimestats.html | |
13. Crime Stats Three crimes registered increases in 1997 Runaways (a juvenile offense),36, up from 33. 1998 crime stats. © 1997 detective@ctlnet.com. http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/7155/crimestats.html | |
14. Frontline: Juvenile Justice: Stats: Does Treating Kids Like Adults Make A Differ To date, only two studies have examined whether stricter transfer lawsresult in lowered juvenile crime rates. Both found that there http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/stats/kidslikeadults.html | |
15. STATS Index Crime (inc. Guns, Rape, Missing Children, Violence May 21, 2000. juvenile murders Guns Pot Shots. stats Spotlight, December October24, 1995. Miscellaneous crime Psychiced Out Chandra Coverage. Vitalstats http://www.stats.org/crime.htm |
16. Juvenile Crime. VitalSTATS, August 1997 in risky behavior or activities) where crime is most the nation's counties had nojuvenile homicides at The Statistical Assessment Service (stats), a nonprofit http://www.stats.org/newsletters/9708/juvenile3.htm |
17. Crime Statistics, City Of Peoria, IL juvenile Arrests of Selected crimes. Career Opportunities CitizensPolice Academy Community Affairs Programs crime stats 2001. http://www.peoriapd.com/crimestat.htm | |
18. Prosecutor Takes Crime Stats With A Grain Of Salt Kaye Claims Numbers Dont Alw Prosecutor takes crime stats with a grain of salt Theyve added an eighth crime,motor vehicle accounting for drug crimes and no juvenile crime, none, Kaye http://newstranscript.gmnews.com/News/2000/0802/Front_Page/10.html | |
19. CRIME STATS DON'T TELL WHOLE STORY, JUSTICE OFFICIAL SAYS (December 11, 1998) crime stats DON'T TELL WHOLE STORY, JUSTICE OFFICIAL Much news coverage of crimenationwide focuses on in the murder rate and juvenile crime, but statistics http://www.gannett.com/go/newswatch/98/december/nw1211-3.htm | |
20. Crime & Justice Stats '95 the University of WA today released its annual statistical report crime and Justice oncrimes reported to police, police arrests and juvenile cautions, Higher http://www.law.ecel.uwa.edu.au/crc/media/stats95-mr.htm | |
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