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Crops Misc Alternative: more detail |
41. Skeptic News - Archives - 2000 Week 22, May 21 - 27 Health alternative Medicine HealthCentral Study Results Disappointing AboutSt. misc Reuters - Sacred Oxen Predict Bumper crops Submitted by Joe http://www.skepticnews.com/archives/2000/week22.shtml | |
42. It's Free 4 U.Com - Misc. Graphics Tools Home Graphics Freeware misc. is an image processing utility that crops unneededparts for creating mouseover effects and offers an alternative to imagemaps http://www.itsfree4u.com/graf.shtml | |
43. New Crop Publications /Australian New Crops Newsletter encouraging and rewarding innovation, misc ellaneous matters conservation, improvementand promotion of minor crops. who are considering alternative enterprises http://www.newcrops.uq.edu.au/newslett/ncnl1027.htm | |
44. Autonomous Region In Muslim Mindanao and other highvalue crops is becoming misc areas 948 has Studies suggest that the alternative markets in the http://cyber-club.freeyellow.com/daf-armm/features/the_land_and_its_promise.html | |
45. Forms And Publications you received it as a share of crops or livestock the alternative minimum tax on Form6251, alternative Minimum Tax W2, Form 1099-INT, Form 1099-misc, and Form http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/page/0,,id=103278,00.html | |
46. Crambe alternative Agriculture Series, Number 4,January 1993. world futures markets forhigh erucic acid crops. DIRECT COSTS 35.47 35.47 INDIRECT (FIXED) COSTS misc. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/alt-ag/crambe.htm | |
47. Lupin The major difference between the two crops is the Direct Costs 60.58 60.58 Indirect(Fixed) Costs misc. Paul Center for alternative Plant and Animal Products http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/alt-ag/lupin.htm | |
48. News Service: Experts Database - Iowa State University S T U V W X Y Z misc Adoption of transgenic crops; Adult learning; Advanced polymermaterials; Airlines; Alleys; Altenative swine feeds; alternative curing practices; http://www.cgi.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/ur/index | |
49. Miscellaneous - Jokes also be a farmer so could you make my home country fertile so my crops can grow Thelast day of the year arrived and Arthur had no alternative but to talk to http://2havefun.com/Comedy/misc.shtml | |
50. Sustainable Development, Energy & Public Utilities, Alternative Sources, Referen a directory of links to alternative fuel Web www.esd.ornl.gov/bfdp/misc/inforesources.html. forestryindustries, municipal wastes, energy crops, and industrial http://www.sustainableworld.com/epasre.html | |
51. COMMUNICATIONS GREEN NEWSGROUPS - FORUMS off the grid, alternative energy, alternative shelter, aquaculture misc.consumers.frugalliving, Usenet board Genetically Modified crops Genetically altered http://www.ecomall.com/phone.htm | |
52. Untitled (UK developing alternative crop sector). Agra Europe, 1995, 1634.sz. N/2. (Newoilseed crops). In Always Something New, 1993e, USDA/ARS misc. Publ. No. http://www.ktg.gau.hu/KTI/zold/98/5/9.htm | |
53. NONAGS Misc. Graphics Tools - Freeware An image processing utility that crops unneeded parts......misc. create for creating mouseover effects and offers an alternative to imagemaps. UtahSoft http://www.nonags.com/nonags/grmisc.html | |
54. UW Extension - Center For Community Economic Development - Oregon State Data misc Livestock and Animal Specialties; GrainsCorn, Sorghum for Sale; Nursery andGreenhouse crops, Sod; Other crops; this information in an alternative format or http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cced/data/oregon.html | |
55. On Target, Jan 2003 misc currently has 28 voting members, representing government alternative ViticulturePenn State Day January 28 and crops at Risk (CAR) New Roman ' Supports http://www.nepmc.org/insider/jan2003.html |
56. Trend Indicators Pulse crops have provided producers in all areas with a viable alternative to cerealcrops. 5099. Pulse products misc. Canadian Pulse and Milling Inc. http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/processing/pulses/Pulses.asp | |
57. Fababean for use by subsequent crops. Fababeans rotation with other specialty crops. crops 32.0 UWEX. Madison, WI 53706. Fababeans A New Crop for Minnesota?- R. G. Robinson. 1968. misc. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/afcm/fababean.html | |
58. 9-Misc: Are Roundup Ready Weeds In Your Future II GENETnews@xs4all.nl ; Subject 9-misc Are Roundup a weed for which the alternativeherbicides have this is to avoid planting continuous Roundup Ready crops. http://www.gene.ch/genet/2003/Feb/msg00030.html | |
59. Oregon Exotics Nursery Catalog - The Adventurous Gardener's Guide To Rare Crops collections in South America and Asia and researching rare crops. Sorbet 66. FRUIT TREES (misc.Temperate). Evergreen Rubus 16 high for most other crops and yield well in poor http://www.exoticfruit.com/catalog.htm | |
60. The SunSITE Sustainable Agriculture Ftp Site -- Overview alternative healthcare; health and safety faqs; sustainable agriculture; gardeningfarming-rural Listname forage-mg (forage crops) Server almanac@oes.orst.edu http://www.gii.net/dwayne/Permaculture/HTML/sunsite-data.html | |
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