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61. Currency Converter - World's Main Currencies. scroll down to see more currencies, USD United States http://www.gergo.com/home/finance/currency.htm | |
62. The IMF/World Bank/GATT/NAFTA/WTO/MAI/Military Colossus: The Enforcers Of Struct undervalued exchange rates and the workings of the international monetary system .Theworld's monetary system does not set values of the currencies on the http://www.slonet.org/~ied/frthoz.html | |
63. Futuresdata.net | World Currencies Choose here , http://www.futuresdata.net/currencies.html | |
64. World Currencies THIRD world currencies. July 1, 2002. country. currencies. $1 equals. Afghanistan,afghani, 4,750. Albania, lek, 140. Algeria, dinar, 80. Angola, real kwanza,43. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Travel/currencies.html | |
65. Currencies Trivia And Quizzes 2, A Small world of Asian currencies. currencies, Average, 15, 168, Jul 20 02,Quinze. 3, Money Around The world I. currencies, Average, 15, 579, Sep 01 00, Vermic. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizlistgold.cfm?cat=495 |
66. Allproduct.com - The World's Best Products Directory For Volume Buyers Services. Subject currencies. Message We deal with hard currencies. Pleaserevert with your legitimate and detailed inquiry/offer for further development. http://www.allproducts.com/lead/MessageData/Buy/S02_2003.02.06_Dahbi.shtml | |
67. EyeWire PhotoDisc Photography world currencies Money. In every language. Lightbox1, If you need world currencies, this is the title for you. http://www.eyewire.com/view/402853 | |
68. World Currencies - Quanto Financial Technology Quanto currencies, currencies. Symbol, Currency Name. ADF, Andorran Franc.ADP, Andorran Peseta. AED, UAE Dirham. AFA, Afghanistan Afghani. ALL, AlbanianLek. http://www.equanto.com/world_currencies.html | |
69. Quotes - World Currencies And U.S. Treasury Debt Yields - From The Privateer Bonds currencies. Currency Cross Rates. The Interactive Currency Table Pick anycurrency and find its present exchange rate in all other major currencies http://www.the-privateer.com/quotes2.html | |
70. World Currencies http://www.triltd.co.jp/kawase/e_fsakai.html |
71. Bernard Lietaer: 'Community Currencies' in 1972 of the Bretton Woods system, the world has been living with pure fiat currencythatis, there is nothing material backing the currencies of the world. http://www.transaction.net/money/cc/cc01.html | |
72. Nature Publishing Group 35078143. Converting currencies in the Old world Simple arithmetic underpinnedtrading throughout the Near East during the Bronze Age. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v411/n6836/full/ |
73. Nature Publishing Group 24 May 2001. Nature 411, 437 (2001); doi10.1038/35078143. Converting currenciesin the Old world. ALFREDO MEDEROS* AND C. C. LAMBERGKARLOVSKY. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v411/n6836/abs/4 |
74. #4224-99 World Wide Currencies.out IN EXCESS OF $2.3 MILLION TO CUSTOMERS IN CFTC ACTION INVOLVING ILLEGAL FOREIGNCURRENCY FUTURES FRAUD; CFTC Charged world Wide currencies, Inc., United http://www.cftc.gov/opa/enf99/opa4224-99.htm | |
75. Converting Currencies In The Old World Nature 411, 437 (2001) © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Converting currenciesin the Old world. ALFREDO MEDEROS* AND C. C. LAMBERGKARLOVSKY. http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~wilkins/science/arch/weight_1-3BC.html | |
76. Currencies Of The World Ronnie J. Phillips presents currencies of the world Updated August16, 2000 Collections. The American world currencies. A Special http://lamar.colostate.edu/~rphillip/currency.html | |
77. World Wide Ag Network- First American Currencies Quote Page http://www.worldwideag.net/fadc/fadccurrencies.htm | |
78. World Of Meln: Currencies Of Meln coins. This way also currencies of other nations started to flow into world. Nation, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Half, Quarter, Rate. http://www.melnworld.com/englanniksi/currency.php3 | |
79. Creating Community Currency healthy relationships between all lifeforms; it is inner peace, world peace, balanceand harmony in the home, the community, the world. Local currencies are a http://www.communitycurrency.org/ | |
80. Currencies Of The World International Economics at Shippensburg University. currencies of theworld. Source The currencies of the world. (C) 1995/1998 by Prof. http://grove.ship.edu/econ/statistics/currencies.htm | |
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