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Death Penalty For High School Students: more detail |
61. The Beeline - Education: K-12: WeB Pix for news, art, academics, fast facts, postcards by students, megalists, and more.WeB Pix Award Winner. death penalty Curricula for high school This resource http://bton.com/ed/k12/picks.html | |
62. ACLU Nebraska - Public Education Program often gets inquiries from both high school and college 300 copies of the ACLU studentsRights Guide Sheets on Reproductive Rights, death penalty, Freedom of http://www.aclunebraska.org/acluneb/public_ed.htm | |
63. Back To School Week: High School Lesson Plan I Should high school students be able to get birth control information and devicesfrom their school clinics? who commit murder, be subject to the death penalty? http://www.ncsl.org/public/trust/lessonp1-h.htm | |
64. American Civil Liberties Union ACLU issues such as immigrant rights, the death penalty, the three Celebration willfeature creative works from numerous high school students including the http://www.commondreams.org/pressreleases/Dec98/120198c.htm | |
65. Prison Activist Resource Center: Curriculum educational presentations are designed primarily for high school students to provide studentswill take on different perspectives and try to death penalty. http://www.prisonactivist.org/curriculum/ | |
66. Human Rights Education Library: Death Penalty Curricula For High School / HOME / SITE MAP / / SEARCH / Index Resource Centre Calendar Databases Library Links Library Teachers Title death penalty Curricula for high school Teacher Edition Author(s) Michigan State University Communication Technology Laboratory/death http://erc.hrea.org/Library/teachers/msu00.html | |
67. As New Lawyers, They'll Challenge Death Penalty The pair have already worked on the defense of high profile death penalty cases whilestudents at the Law school; and together, they've logged in nearly 1,600 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/record/archives/vol21/vol21_iss27/record2127.24.html | |
68. Death Penalty Information Center Walls, Thurgood Marshall Academy, Eastern high school, Maya Angelou Public Charterschool, and Luke to interact with death penalty experts representing http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/Summit.html | |
69. Law Related Education Resources - CT Judicial Law Libraries CRFC has conducted lawrelated education programs for elementary and secondary studentsand their death penalty Curricula for high school, TEACHER EDITION. http://www.jud.state.ct.us/LawLib/education.htm | |
70. JHU ACLU - Main Page On Saturday February 22nd, high school, undergraduate, and graduate will gather atHoward Law school for a on different aspects of the death penalty system in http://www.jhu.edu/~aclu/registration.html | |
71. ACLU Press Release 04-15-02 ACLU Announces 2002 Youth a student at Mechanicsburg high school in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, started aschool chapter of the as racial profiling and the death penalty. http://archive.aclu.org/news/2002/n041502a.html | |
72. Ernest James Gaines | A Lesson Before Dying (OUSD Urban Dreams Project) Ultimately, the students will compose a journal using textual evidence, develop ahigh school exit and employment portfolio, create a death penalty Documentary http://www210.pair.com/udticg/lessonplans/lessonbefore2/ | |
73. Truman Capote/In Cold Blood and examine the controversial issue, the death penalty, an underlying theme How canstudents use the electronic features in the high school library to | |
74. Teens Ponder Malvo's Possible Fate (washingtonpost.com) mandate any focus on the death penalty, high school teachers across is especiallyappropriate in a school year that George Ryan's order emptying death row in http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A30260-2003Jan22.html |
75. LEXIS-NEXIS® Academic Universe-Document the Humanities, said nearly 200 students from across Shawna Riley of Hobbs high Schoollearned that in public, that turned opinion against the death penalty. http://nationalhistoryday.org/08_others/08_coordinators/lexisnexis/nm4.htm | |
76. Edward Little High School's Library-Media Center Website entries and more than 10,000 crosslinks may be useful for some high school students. ACLUDeath penalty Pages In this site the American Civil Liberties Union http://w3.auburnschl.edu/ELHS/Library/currentissues.html | |
77. Democracy NOW! high school student Tristan Kading was forced to apologize to his entire school fordaring FOR MANSLAUGHTER IN RUBY RIDGE, THE death penalty PHASE IN http://www.webactive.com/pacifica/demnow/dn20010606.html | |
78. Editorial - Capital Punishment For Youth Since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976, there there were 67 juvenilearrests on death row. On December 1, 1997, a high school freshman, Michael http://www.m-a-h.net/inkdroppings/cb-punishment.htm | |
79. Idaho Indymedia Center Timberline high school has activities planned as well Boise State University studentsare planning antiwar death penalty Moratorium Bill - Press Conf 12pm 2/11 http://idaho.indymedia.org/archives/display_by_date.php | |
80. The Militant - 11/20/95 -- 500 March In Philadelphia To Demand A New Trial For M students also came from Rowan College and Swarthmore stops at Benjamin FranklinHigh school, offices of city prosecutor and death penalty advocate Lynne http://www.themilitant.com/1995/5943/5943_3.html | |
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