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61. UC Berkeley Digital Library Project Project documents and information from the University of California at Berkeley.Category Reference Libraries Digital Library Development......The UC Berkeley Digital Library Project is part of the digital libraries Initiative,sponsored by the National Science Foundation and many others. http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/ | |
62. Index Page Of The Rutgers Distributed Laboratory For Digital Libraries. Interdisciplinary environment designed to address research and educational issues relevant to development, understanding and implementation. http://scils.rutgers.edu/RDLDL/ | |
63. Computer Vision Meets Digital Libraries regions. Computer vision meets digital libraries when there are lotsand lots of images. Our interest is (at least!) two fold. Provide http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/vision.html | |
64. CiteSeer: The NEC Research Institute Scientific Literature Digital Library A scientific literature digital library that aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeer provides algorithms, techniques, and software that can be used in other digital libraries. CiteSeer indexes Postscript and PDF research articles on the Web, and provides a number of special features. http://citeseer.org/ | |
65. Mass Storage And Long-term Preservation of Michigan. Digital preservation a time bomb for digital libraries.Margaret Hedstrom. The challenges of digital preservation. The http://www.uky.edu/~kiernan/DL/hedstrom.html | |
66. BUBL LINK: 025.0 Digital Libraries And Online Services Home Search Subject Menus AZ Dewey Countries Types Updates Random About. 025.0 digital libraries and online services. http://link.bubl.ac.uk/digitallibraries/ | |
67. First European Conference On Research And Advanced Technology For Digital Librar Presentation by Renato Iannella, DSTC at the First European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for digital libraries, Pisa, Italy, 13 September 1997. http://www.dstc.edu.au/RDU/pres/eurodl97/sld001.htm |
68. ECDL 2003 7th annual conference to be held in Trondheim, Norway, August 1722, 2003. http://www.ecdl2003.org/ |
69. Canadian Digital Libraries Symposium 2001 About this Symposium The Canadian digital libraries Symposium will bring togetherdigital library professionals, academic researchers, and information http://digital-libraries.net/conf2001/ | |
70. Interaction Design Centre Institute based at the University of Middlesex working on various funded projects concerning the design and use of digital libraries. http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/ridl/index.html | |
71. Infolab: The Infolab Home Page The Infolab is Tilburg University's research group on Information and Communication Technology, specializing in electronic commerce and digital libraries. http://infolab.kub.nl/ | |
72. Computer - Building Large-Scale Digital Libraries Building LargeScale digital libraries. Bruce effectively. So research intodigital libraries is really research into network information systems. http://www.computer.org/computer/dli/ |
73. Digital Collections, Digital Libraries And The Digitization Of Cultural Heritage First Monday Digital Collections, digital libraries and the Digitizationof Cultural Heritage Information by Clifford Lynch This http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue7_5/lynch/ | |
74. Oscar H. Ibarra Home Page University of California, Santa Barbara Design and analysis of algorithms, theory of computation, computational complexity, parallel computing, digital libraries. http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~ibarra/ | |
75. Index Page Of The Rutgers Distributed Laboratory For Digital Libraries. Interdisciplinary environment designed to address research and educational issues relevant to development Category Reference Libraries Digital Library Development...... environment designed to address research and educational issues relevant tothe development, understanding and implementation of digital libraries. http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/RDLDL/ | |
76. ConMeg, Design, Conversion, Cad-libraries, Drawings, Interior, Furniture, Cnc Netherlands company providing in products and services for design, automation, CAD/CAM, CNC, conversion, digital libraries and product development. Includes company background, project examples and contacts. http://www.conmeg.com/ |
77. Second European Conference On Digital Libraries Second European Conference on Research and AdvancedTechnology for digital libraries. http://www.ics.forth.gr/2EuroDL/ | |
78. Advances In Digital Libraries 1998 With Generous Support From Alexandria Digital Library, CESDIS, Library of Congress,NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, National Library of Medicine, Hughes http://www.alexandria.ucsb.edu/conferences/ADL98/ | |
79. Interaction Design Centre Institute based at the University of Middlesex working on various funded projects concerning the design Category Reference Libraries Digital Library Development......Research in digital libraries (RIDL). Digital Library Projects. UsabilityEvaluation Techniques for the Design of Interactive digital libraries. http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/ridl/ | |
80. Digital Libraries And Search Engines digital libraries and Search Engines. There are a number of World Wide Web digitallibraries, which order hyperlinks to documents by subject. digital libraries. http://www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/libraries.html | |
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