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Dna Collection & Matching Criminal Investigation: more detail |
41. FearID be used to corroborate fingerprint and dna evidence the validation of the data collection,the ear registration and final classification and matching procedures http://www.fearid.com/ | |
42. Untitled Dangerous offenders who might be successfully identified through dna matching mayreach the end of supervision before dna sample collection can be http://www.csosa.gov/regs/28CFR812_i_txt.htm | |
43. LSP - Support, Security, Safety, And Communications - Crime Lab to automatically search these indexes for matching dna profiles law enforcement agenciesfor the collection, testing, data the state with a useful dna data bank http://www.lsp.org/crimelab.html | |
44. WHO DONE IT? can be used to practice matching bp patterns. collection of articles discussing newtechnologies in crime topics including skeletal anatomy, dna analysis, and http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEPC/WWC/1993/who.html | |
45. UWA FS Special Units 4.criminal and civil applications of dna testing in Practical evidence collectionand analysis will be carried 3Dshape capture and image or surface matching. http://www.forensicscience.uwa.edu.au/navigation/outline/optionalunits.htm | |
46. Investigation And Evidence Lecture 2 Evidence collection. Lecture 3 - Fingerprints, PhysicalMatching and Ballistics. Lecture 4 - Fibres, Blood, and dna. http://www.humberc.on.ca/~olc/secn521.htm |
47. College Park Magazine | Feature | University Of Maryland police custody, the suspect's blood is taken for dna matching. of training in handlingblood for dna testing. have been sloppy in their collection and handling http://www.inform.umd.edu/CPMAG/fall02/science.html | |
48. International Association Of Forensic Nurses - News because They are the people who are on the frontlines of data collection. . six anda half years due to delays in dna processing and crossmatching. http://www.forensicnurse.org/news/releases/02apr29.html | |
49. Victoria Police - Internet attendance, investigation and data collection procedures that Creation of a nationalDNA database will however, does not allow matching across jurisdictional http://www.police.vic.gov.au/showcontentpage.cfm?contentpageid=2264 |
50. National DNA Data Bank_Privacy & Security was forwarded to the Data Bank for possible matching. are first received at the NationalDNA Data Bank, the fingerprints on the sample collection card and http://www.nddb-bndg.org/pri_secu_e.htm | |
51. Frontline: The Case For Innocence: The Dna Revolution: State And Federal Dna Dat their dna databases for a profile matching dna taken from the The national dna databasewill include only the of whether a state requires collection from these http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/case/revolution/databases.html | |
52. Review Existing Final Analysis and instruction needed for the collection and forwarding persons database with thedna records in BCII's Superintendent identifies a matching dna record for http://lsc.state.oh.us/coderev/fnla122.nsf/c1660632ccaab0e1852561d3006007fe/79c1 |
53. Training02_1 preserving chain of evidence (ie, collection of evidence tapes, photographing latents);and matching (ie latent records, radiographs, CT scans, dna); and clay http://www.ulm.edu/criminaljustice/training02.htm | |
54. Nat'l Academies Press, DNA Technology In Forensic Science (1992), 3 DNA TYPING: estimated, hardy, example, limit, matching, matches, SCIENCE depend, quency, site,question, collection, type, differentiation page 74 ~2 dna Typing Statistical http://www.nap.edu/books/0309045878/html/74.html | |
55. Nat'l Academies Press, DNA Technology In Forensic Science (1992), 6 USE OF DNA I fairly, variety, examined, spencer, california, matching, produce, view be well trainedin the collection and han dling of biological samples for dna analysis. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309045878/html/131.html | |
56. Nonfiction / Crime & Criminals / Forensic Science A Guide to Physical Evidence collection for Patrol by National Res Council, Committeeon dna Tech in Surveys the growing practice of matching dna from crime http://hallevents.com/crime_criminals/64.shtml | |
57. Crime Scene Sites This evidence collection site of dna tells you how you It also shows how dna is similarto automated fingerprint indentification system by matching the dna http://web.whittier.edu/chemistry/KimCourse/Forensics/crime_scene_sites.htm | |
58. TESTIMONY BY REPRESENTATIVE BENJAMIN A By matching dna evidence with possible suspects, the New York State's Director ofCriminal Justice, who is all 50 states require dna collection from designated http://www.house.gov/judiciary/gilm0323.htm | |
60. Forensic Fact File - Hair And Fibres The police may even find a matching piece of collection of hair and fibres can indicatingcontact with be used to assist identification through dna analysis. http://www.nifs.com.au/FactFiles/HairFibre/what.asp?page=what&title=Hair andà |
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