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Drama & Theatre Collaborative Activities: more detail |
41. Prospectus Menu Page The analysis and practice of drama in social range of performance activities includingcollaborative projects with local community based theatre companies; http://www.hud.ac.uk/part/music/bats.htm | |
42. Cultural Education Collaborative Cultural Education collaborative. January March, $60.00, -, Pre K - 12, theatre,Non Curriculum drama for Healthy Living Relationship Violence Prevention Program, http://www.cecnc.org/orgs/org_activities.asp?OrgID=9 |
43. Cultural Education Collaborative Cultural Education collaborative. Prevention Program, January, , Varies, 9, theatre,Curriculum-Based, drama for Healthy Living Substance Abuse Prevention Program, http://www.cecnc.org/orgs/org_activities.asp?OrgID=9&SortBy=Date |
44. Department Of Theatre College Of Fine Arts Illinois State University THE 185. Process Students are expected to productively engage in the drama/theatre educationcollaborative process, including inclass activities, and team teaching http://www.coe.ilstu.edu/ncate/ncatefolios/theatre/syllabi/the18501.htm | |
45. Safe And Caring Sharing Activities as part of a Telus 2 Learn collaborative project. A group of actors called EvergreenTheatre.presented a play The presentation was an hour long musical drama. http://www.horizon.ab.ca/ves/safe/safe.htm | |
46. Arts & Culture Network Program Reviving Lost Ties collaborative and Interactive Art Contemporary drama in GenderPerspective; Cultural AND TRANSFORMATION; Towards New theatre in Southeastern http://www.batory.org.pl/art/cultural-link/past.html | |
47. MATCHBOX THEATRE The collaborative art of mounting a theatre production is For the remainder of thesemester, members of drama 1304 (Introduction to theatre) and drama http://www.trinity.edu/sgilliam/MATCHBOX/homepage.html | |
48. Toys And Games, Story-telling And Drama, Futuristic Learning Environments point of this project is theatre and drama. plays through the use of a virtual puppettheatre. use these tools to create collaborative theatrical 'productions http://www.i3net.org/ser_pub/services/magazine/august98/page10-11.html | |
49. Hewett Drama Ofsted Report drama and DANCE at Hewett. In addition to the work of The Hewett theatre Company,which This was the first large scale collaborative venture of the Arts Faculty http://www.hewett.norfolk.sch.uk/CURRIC/DRAMA/extra.htm | |
50. THEATRE STUDIES Unit Two: Text Interpretation Students research one of the drama innovators from the theatre of realism own individualinput, their experience of working in a collaborative process. http://www.dramavictoria.vic.edu.au/resources/mask/dec2000/curriculum/Unit_2_TS_ | |
51. Home cooperative, collaborative activity; learning and practicing many These ends of thedrama/theatre continuum offer The many types of activities available through http://www.svsu.edu/~rubin/ | |
52. BC Education - Drama 8-10 Learning Outcomes demonstrate trust through collaborative drama; demonstrate the unique ability ofdrama to unify will understand and apply the elements of drama and theatre. http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/curric/drama810lo.html | |
53. DramaWest Theatre History Links Page- Association Of Drama Educators (W.A.) Justin's drama and theatre Links structure for electronic resources in medieval studies,but also serves as a model for similar, collaborative projects in http://members.iinet.net.au/~kimbo2/Dramawest/links/history.htm | |
54. DramaWest Acting Resources Links Page- Association Of Drama Educators (W.A.) has a range of resources for actors and others interested in theatre and drama. studyof acting and to the concept of theatre as a collaborative art form. http://members.iinet.net.au/~kimbo2/Dramawest/links/acting.htm | |
55. RESEARCH_E interests include Concept Musical and collaborative Creation of the neo areasHistory of western theatre, dramaturgy of modern drama, Production research http://ccsun57.cc.ntu.edu.tw/~theatre/researchE.htm | |
56. RI K-12 Arts Framework storytelling, puppetry, pantomime, improvisational drama, etc comprehensive knowledgeof the theatre process; analyze directors) to the collaborative process of http://www.risca.state.ri.us/education/theatre.htm | |
57. NCCA ORGANIZATION - COMMITTEE ON DRAMA policies and strategies of the regional theatre networks; To promote collaborativeefforts with the other To undertake other activities that would further the http://www.ncca.gov.ph/organization/subcommission/sub_drama.htm | |
58. The Essential Theatre (with InfoTrac), Eighth Edition New chapter World theatre and drama expands the scope student in and enhances thevisual appeal of theatre. revised to focus on the collaborative nature of http://newtexts.com/newtexts/book.cfm?book_id=1232 |
59. Activities In Governance And Human Rights - Governance - The British Council Uga activities in governance and human rights. of child rights and their protection usingopera and drama. Small World theatre group, a UK theatre company were in http://www.britishcouncil.org/uganda/governance/ | |
60. Theatre theatre's collaborative nature develops the leadership, organization and communicationskills THE453 theatre History (w), 3. ENG312 Introduction to drama, 3. http://www.cuaa.edu/catalog/artsci/humanities/theatre.shtml | |
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