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61. Subject Index To Periodicals In The HI State Lib OF ALCOHOL AND drug education; JOURNAL OF drug ISSUES; IN education; JOURNAL OF TEACHEReducation; LANGUAGE ARTS; MEDIA AND METHODS; MIDDLE school JOURNAL; MOMENTUM; http://www.state.hi.us/hsl/libraries/serlist/sindex/desindex.html | |
62. CDE A-Z Index that are essential to improving education in California. The pages address afterschool partnerships, drug prevention, Even Start, guidance and counseling http://www.cde.ca.gov/azindex/list.asp?search_letter=S* |
63. Strategies At School Your Success Are your school and community Comprehensive sexuality education and responsibledrinking programs how to restructure current drug education efforts http://www.safety1st.org/strategiesatschool.html | |
64. US Department Of Education - School Crisis Drills & Plans; School Security Fundi Measures The US Department of education has also to receive Safe and drugFree Schoolprogram funds. assessment of objective data about drug and violence http://www.schoolsecurity.org/resources/usdoe-security-drills.html | |
65. Educari: Resources For PSHE & C And Drug Education to take part in the life of the school and its 2002 Video Release In Too Deep drugeducation is all realistic and accurate accounts of their drug misuse in http://www.educari.com/NewEducari/veryNewEducari/htdocs/Publications/default.asp | |
66. Educari: The Learning Organisation develop their organisations policies on drugrelated incidents the Personal, Socialand Health education Citizenship you can do in your school (within this http://www.educari.com/NewEducari/veryNewEducari/htdocs/Training/default.asp | |
67. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 02783 PARENTS RIGHTS (education of Handicapped guidance Children) 176. 02854SCHOOL HERO guidance 190. 02874 drug PROGRAMS (3 Parts) guidance 194. http://www.roe27.k12.il.us/roe27/avlibrary/subjectindexguidance.htm | |
68. SECAC | Safe And Drug Free School Resources What is an Effective Safe, drugFree school and Community organizational componentsand summarizes the 1997 US Department of education Principles of http://www.sedl.org/secac/sdfsc.html | |
69. North Dakota School Health & Drug Free Programs HIV/AIDS Content Notice; Safe and drug Free schools Overview; school Health Staff;school Health Programs Unit; 1998 school Health education Profile (SHEP). http://www.dpi.state.nd.us/health/index.shtm | |
70. Belk Library - Journal Finder Other Libraries, Intervention in school and Clinic. Journal for Humanistic Counseling,education, and Development. Libraries, Journal of Alcohol and drug education. http://journalfinder.uncg.edu/elon/search-subj.asp?subj=60 |
71. Guidelines For The Management Of Incidents Of Drug Misuse In Schools: Page 2 who do so and may feel labelled as drug misusers sets out the roles and responsibilitiesof education authorities, schools, school Boards, parents http://www.scotland.gov.uk/library3/education/dmis-02.asp | |
72. College Drinking: A Call To Action: Changing The Culture Of Drinking At U.S. Col Ph.D., Professor, Boston University school of Public Health US Department of education'sHigher education Center for Alcohol and Other drug Prevention, and http://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/Reports/TaskForce/Commissioned_02.aspx | |
73. College Drinking: Facts About College Drinking: Problems Services, National Household Survey on drug Abuse (2000 Risk Behavior Survey (1997);Harvard school of Public 2000); US Department of education, National Center http://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/media/factsheetproblems.aspx | |
74. Subject Hot Topics - Drug Education - ACTivatED of Melbourne, 1519 July, 1997 school Psychology - making Presents a successfuluniversity alcohol and drug prevention and education program that http://activated.decs.act.gov.au/reading/curr_jour_hotlists_drugeducation.htm |
75. Raohome Click here to visit Ms. Rao's drug education Resource Web Page. Welcome to the HomePage of Ms. Leathia Rao school Counselor at Turner Mega Magnet Middle school http://raol2020.homestead.com/raohome.html | |
76. NASSP Annual Convention & Exposition - Exhibits FundRaising Programs + Furniture, Flooring + Health education/Programs + Insurance schoolJewelry + school Photography school Safety/drug Testing Prods http://www.nasspconvention.org/applications/exhibitordirectory/browsecategory.cf |
77. Montclair State University--Master Of Arts In Counseling New York State school Counselor Assocation. International Coalition for AddictionStudies education. Association for Alcoholism and drug Abuse Counselors. http://www.montclair.edu/pages/CHDEL/counselingpage.htm | |
78. Contra Costa Times | 03/19/2003 | Youth Drug Program Cut imminent layoffs for middle and high school guidance counselors due The past schoolyear, about 350 students were and adult alcohol and drug recovery services http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/news/local/states/california/counties/contra_ | |
79. Drug Policy Alliance: Government Teen Drug Use Study Misguided, Say Leading Drug reduction education similar to comprehensive sexuality education and responsible placefor middle and senior high school students to ask drug and alcohol http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/pressroom/pressrelease/pr121702.cfm | |
80. USCB Library Print, Microform And Electronic Journal Titles JOURNAL OF ALCOHOL drug education, Wilson. TODAY'S school PSYCHOLOGIST, LexisNexis.TOPICS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL education, 1997-2001, 1986-1996, Extended http://www.sc.edu/beaufort/library/ftlist/edu.html | |
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