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41. Economic History Keywords economic history Throttling The Railroads; Child Labor andThe British Industrial Revolution; Closer Look at Gold; Throttling http://www.libertyhaven.com/theoreticalorphilosophicalissues/economichistory/ | |
42. American Economic History By Scott AMERICAN economic history. Copyright 1997 2001. by Dr. Carole E. Scott. IntroductoryComments on the Study of economic history. History is important. http://www.westga.edu/~cscott/history/ | |
43. How To Rewrite Economic History - 97.04 Thomas Palley comments on the Boskin Commission's report to Congress Atlantic MonthlyCategory News Online Archives Atlantic Monthly 1997...... the Advisory Commission to Study the Consumer Price Index, chaired by MichaelBoskin, has rewritten the economic history of the past twentyfive years. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/97apr/econhist.htm | |
44. University Of Wisconsin Publications. African economic history. A journal published by theAfrican Studies Program of the University of WisconsinMadison. http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/afrst/publications/aeh.html |
45. University Of Sydney - Economic History Discipline - Page Redirection economic history Discipline, University of Sydney website has beenmoved. You will be redirected shortly. The new web site is http Category Society History Australia New South Wales http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/econhist/ | |
46. Economic History Books (book Reviews) economic history. Fernand Braudel Civilization and Capitalism 15th18th Century**- a social and economic history of the shaping of the modern world; http://dannyreviews.com/s/economic_history.html | |
47. NHH: Seksjon For økonomisk Historie Section of Mathematics and Statistics. Section of economic history. Section ofEconomic Geography. economic history Section Seksjon for økonomisk historie. http://www.nhh.no/sam/his/seksjon.html | |
48. Economic History - Cambridge University Press Search. economic history. Highlight titles. http://publishing.cambridge.org/hss/history/economic/ | |
49. Economic History - Cambridge University Press Search. economic history. Highlight titles. Price £45.00. An important book onthe monetary history of the Ottoman empire by a leading economic historian. http://publishing.cambridge.org/hss/economics/history/ | |
50. Finnish Economic History Association FINNISH economic history ASSOCIATION. The Association was founded in 1952.According Currently. The Finnish economic history Association, participates http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~pete/yearbook/finnish.htm | |
51. HJG: Periodicals Directory: Topical Index: Economic History Topical Index economic history Discussion Lists Directory Topical Index EconomicHistory Other online resources WWWVL Economic and Business History http://www.history-journals.de/journals/hjg-subject-eco.html | |
52. IDEAS: Economic History, Economics Working Paper Archive At WUSTL Top hits Tutorial Help! . Economics Working Paper Archive atWUSTL. economic history. Contact information of Economics Working http://ideas.repec.org/s/wpa/wuwpeh.html | |
53. Scandinavian Economic History Review Scandinavian economic history Review. Title; Publishers; Address; Editors;Distribution and Subscription; Information for Authors; 1/2000; http://www.valt.helsinki.fi/yhis/sehr/ | |
54. University Of Zimbabwe - Faculty Of Arts DEPARTMENT OF economic history Mission Statement. The Department ofEconomic Histroy is committed to producing wellrounded, informed http://www.uz.ac.zw/arts/econhist/ | |
55. The Swedish Economic History Association The Swedish economic history Association. The Swedish economic historyAssociation, organises The Swedish economic history Meetings. http://www.ekhist.umu.se/seha.html | |
56. Department Of Economic History - Umeå University economic history, Logo. Welcome to the Department of economic history! economic history is a discipline where many aspects of the http://www.ekhist.umu.se/index_eng.shtml | |
57. Economic History Home JEL Classification. Top JEL N economic history. N0 economic historyGeneral; N1 Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; Growth and Fluctuations; http://netec.mcc.ac.uk/WoPEc/data/JEL/N.html | |
58. IMEHA International Maritime economic history Association. Contents http://www.mun.ca/mhp/imeha.htm | |
59. Usyd: Faculty Of E+B: Staff & Structure: Discipline Of Economic History The University of Sydney Economics and Business Faculty website, Disciplineof economic history. Welcome to the Discipline of economic history. http://www.econ.usyd.edu.au/econhist/ | |
60. RFE: N - Economic History Title Page / Mailing Lists Usenet / Mailing Lists / N economic historyTables of Contents Abridged Complete Search RFE N - economic history. http://rfe.wustl.edu/MailUsenet/MailLists/N/ | |
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