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81. Articles En Ligne Jean Nicod: Browse By Subject: Epistemology And Philosophy Of Browse by Subject epistemology and philosophy of 1 Logic, epistemologyand philosophy of Science, pages 421429. de Gruyter. http://jeannicod.ccsd.cnrs.fr/view_ijn_Philo_Epistemo.html | |
82. Department Of Philosophy People Hannah Ginsborg (Ph.D., Harvard University). Her work focuses on Kant andon Kantian themes in contemporary epistemology and philosophy of mind. http://philosophy.berkeley.edu/html/people/faculty.html | |
83. Staff epistemology, philosophy of Language, philosophy of Logic. John Haldane Professorof philosophy. Moral philosophy, Kant, epistemology and philosophy of Religion. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/academic/philosophy/staff.html | |
84. Legenden.dk Michael Dummett philosophy of Language, Frege, epistemology; GilbertHarman - Ethics, epistemology, philosophy of Language. Bas http://www.legenden.dk/weblog/000070.html | |
85. Faculty, Staff, Students - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Calgary Verena HuberDyson, philosophy of Mathematics. Robert Jewell, philosophy of Science,epistemology. Andrew Fenton, epistemology, philosophy of Mind (Animal Minds). http://www.phil.ucalgary.ca/people/ | |
86. Faculty And Staff Directory, Dept. Of Philosophy, Simon Fraser University Areas of competence moral psychology, epistemology, philosophy of mind,philosophy of personal identity. Tel./ Email lisa_shapiro@sfu.ca. http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/facstaff.htm | |
87. Philosophy Journals journal that publishes technical, critical essays on specific problems, arguments,and issues in the areas of metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind http://www2.canisius.edu/canhp/canlib/journals/philojour.html | |
88. Philosophy Topics Main Page This section provides easy access to resources in philosophy, categorizedby topic, tradition, or time period. Practicing philosophy. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/MainTopi.asp |
89. Philosophy Resources philosophy Resources. philosophy on the Internet. Welcome to the new, updated Blackwell philosophy Resource The number of philosophyrelated sites can be overwhelming, and some are http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/PHILOS | |
90. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Epistemology Author Alvin I Goldman, University of Arizona Subjects epistemology, philosophyof mind DeweyClass 120 ResourceType article, essay Location usa Last http://bubl.ac.uk/link/e/epistemology.htm | |
91. BUBL LINK: 120 Epistemology, Causation, Humankind Author Alvin I Goldman, University of Arizona Subjects epistemology, philosophyof mind DeweyClass 120 ResourceType article, essay Location usa http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC2363 | |
92. Graduate Student Directory - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Washington Graduate Student Directory. Link to Instructors' Office Hours David Alexander dalexand@u.washington.eduEpistemology, philosophy of Mind, philosophy of Science. http://depts.washington.edu/philweb/graduate.directory.html | |
93. Department Of Philosophy - Administrative Offices - National Chung Cheng Univers the requirements of this area before he/she graduates a. Metaphysics and Epistemologyphilosophy of Language, philosophy of Mind, Advanced Logic b. Ethics http://www.ccu.edu.tw/english/academic/deptphi.htm | |
94. Department Of Humanities It is a coorganizer of the Summer school on epistemology and Philosophyof Science for students from Slovak universities. Members http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/mffuk/e/departments/kh_e.htm | |
95. Reference Reference Paragon House Publishers http://www.paragonhouse.com/cat.php?ses=new&cat=Reference |
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