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41. FACILITIES/TECHNIQUES/EXPERTISES Facilities and equipment within the Department of biology The Department of biologyoccupies laboratory and office spaces in the adjacent McEniry and Cameron http://www.bioweb.uncc.edu/Masters/FACILITIES.htm | |
42. The Institute Of Biological Sciences work within the Aberystwyth quantitative biology and analytical power, and as newcomputer techniques are developed always striving to keep our equipment as up http://www.aber.ac.uk/biology/research/facilities.html | |
43. BioDirectory.Net - Biology And Bioinformatics Directory and Suppliers Distributors, equipment, Reagents and Methods and techniques Genomics,Molecular, Transgenics References biology Directories, Genetics, Genome http://www.bioinformatics.vg/cgi-bin/odp/ | |
44. Microbiology, Biology 314 Dogma of Molecular biology, mutations, evolutionary serial dilution techniques,including correctly microbiology laboratory equipment correctly, including http://www.ripon.edu/faculty/wallacer/WhatLearn.html | |
45. Molecular Biology At The University Of California, Davis The Molecular and Cellular biology Training Program electron microscopy, relatedmicroimaging techniques, and mass the operation of the equipment is available http://www.dbs.ucdavis.edu/faculty/molec_bio.html | |
46. Molecular Biology At The University Of California, Davis use of each facility, and the equipment is available biology using the approachesand techniques of cell and molecular biology, biophysics, immunochemistry http://www.dbs.ucdavis.edu/fac_res/molec_bio.html | |
47. Nat'l Academies Press, Molecular Biology In Marine Science: (1994), Executive Su infrastructure, biotechnology, techniques, scientists, questions biomedical, commercially,biology, oceanography, commercial series, increased, equipment, million http://www.nap.edu/books/NX004010/html/1.html | |
48. Nat'l Academies Press, Molecular Biology In Marine Science: (1994), 6 Recommenda organisms, biological, biotechnology, biology, facilities infrastructure, technologies,techniques, processes compounds, million, equipment, biology, oceanography http://www.nap.edu/books/NX004010/html/59.html | |
49. UNIVERSITY OF SURREY skills in specialised laboratory techniques, such as molecular biology techniques,as directed by of staff in the use of specialised equipment and facilities http://www.open.mis.surrey.ac.uk/misweb/vacancy/vaclist/3746JD0.htm |
50. CMB Program - Research NMR, ESR, and Xray Diffraction equipment are available at the Advanced Research Laboratoriesand techniques and Physiology), and the Plant biology Building. http://www.ns.msu.edu/cmb/research.html | |
51. Methods And Techniques Website Results :: Linkspider UK of protocols describing clinical techniques specific to Culture Methods Describesthe equipment and work Cell biology Lab - Tissue Culture Methods - Provides http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Science/Biology/MethodsandTechniques/ | |
52. Paleoecological Environmental Assessment And Research Lab (PEARL) email Fginn@biology.Queensu.Ca. Using paleolimnological techniques to study problemsrelated to lake and river management, such as FACILITIES AND equipment http://biology.queensu.ca/~pearl/ | |
53. Newsletter 1 to gain access to structural biology equipment and expertise. is one of 6 structuralbiology centres that the major structuredetermination techniques, and can http://nesbic.bbsrc.ac.uk/News_Letter/newsletter_Oct.htm | |
54. Molecular Biology CLONING APPLICATIONS ESSENTIAL techniques SERIES, Z37 Hormones Microbiology MolecularBiology Plant Biotechnology Syringes Vials equipment Catalog eBookshelf http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Area_of_Interest/Equip____Supplies_Home/eBookShelf/M | |
55. Techniques In Cell Biology (Practical Module) of the techniques currently used in cell biology. to use different microscopic techniquesto analysis of experiments, use laboratory equipment correctly and http://sphere.bioc.liv.ac.uk:8080/bio/studyweb/modules/BIOL227 | |
56. JOB DESCRIPTIONS Ability to utilize computer, wordprocessor, and other office equipment with training.Exempt. Back. Experience with Molecular biology techniques is desirable. http://www.kysu.edu/Administration/Personnel/jobdesexempt.htm | |
57. FFTCP Course Overview Salmonid biology, Fisheries Field techniques, Use and/or application of field equipment;30/50m tape, meter stick, hip chain, clinometer, Abney Level, flow meter http://web.mala.bc.ca/faep/fftcp_overview.htm | |
58. The Graham School Of General Studies: Summer Quarter He has used molecular biological techniques to study S talented students who can focuson biology for a and learn, are trusted with expensive equipment, and are http://grahamschool.uchicago.edu/summer/related_info_hs.cfm?topic=program_ribs |
59. Biol 351 L Advanced Genetics And Molecular Biology Lab Syllabus and apply basic molecular biology laboratory techniques and Methods; Data Analysis;Basic techniques including and Solution Preparation; equipment use; Laboratory http://csm.uscolo.edu/biology/dcaprio/351L.html | |
60. The Molecular Biology Facility use of the tools and techniques of molecular biology. a source of these tools andtechniques to Faculty the MBF maintains common use equipment which individual http://biology.unm.edu/Biology/ghrose/molbio.html | |
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