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21. Kzoo.edu/~k99ke01/pfolio/Ethnobotany.html http://kzoo.edu/~k99ke01/pfolio/Ethnobotany.html |
22. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Ethnobotany Reading List A suggested introductory reading list from the Centre for Economic Botany, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Category Science Biology Botany ethnobotany......Visitor Information, ethnobotany Introductory Reading List. Readable, still vigorouspolemic on the importance of ethnobotany. Balick, MJ PA Cox (1996). http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/scihort/eblinks/ethnobook.html | |
23. People And Plants Online A partnership between the WWF and UNESCO, in association with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, producing Category Science Biology Botany ethnobotany...... left. ethnobotany Links is a gateway to selected highquality informationabout related work and studies throughout the world. The http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants/ | |
24. Sacred Earth - Ethnobotany & Ecotravel: All The Earth Is Sacred Articles, resources, and links.Category Science Biology Botany ethnobotany...... SEARCH THIS SITE ethnobotany EMAIL DISCUSSION FORUM Subscribe to ethnobotany. Thesepage are intended as a brief introduction to ethnobotany. http://www.sacredearth.com/ethnobotany.htm | |
25. Ethnobotany Prickly Pear. Food Uses A C E,F G,H J,K,L,M N,O P Q,R,S T,U,V,Z. Medical Uses AB C D E F,G H I J,K L M,N O,P Q,R S T U,V,W,X,Y,Z. Some Unknowns. To Ethnozoology. http://emuseum.mnsu.edu/cultural/ethnoarchaeology/ethnobotany/index.shtml | |
26. Ethnobotany Of The Middle Columbia Native Americans Traditional uses of native plants in central Washington state. Includes subsistence patterns, land Category Science Biology Botany ethnobotany......ethnobotany of the Middle Columbia River Native Americans Intro. IntroPatterns of subsistence Caretakers of the land Fibers, textiles http://www.cwnp.org/ethnobot2.html | |
27. Ethnobotany Program At The University Of Hawaii A list of courses available, information for students and a recommended reading list.Category Science Biology Botany ethnobotany......The ethnobotany Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, ethnobotanyClub at UH, A studentrun organization at the university. http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/ethnobotany/ | |
28. Ethnobotany Program At The University Of Hawaii The ethnobotany Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Courses, A list ofcourses and their descriptions which have relevance to the field of ethnobotany. http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/ethnobotany/ethno_pgm.htm | |
29. Internet Directory For Botany: Economic Botany, Ethnobotany INTERNET DIRECTORY FOR BOTANY ECONOMIC BOTANY, ethnobotany. Original locationof this page http//www.helsinki.fi/kmus/botecon.html. ethnobotany. http://www.botany.net/IDB/subject/botecon.html | |
30. Medical Herbalism Ethnobotany Links ethnobotany. Aboriginal Trail in the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG).American Indian ethnobotany Database, University of Michigan, USA. http://medherb.com/ETHNOBOT.HTM | |
31. Kalyx.com Ethnobotany Books ethnobotany Books The Ancient Wisdom Click the Cover or Title to Orderfrom Amazon ethno15.jpg (3362 bytes), Agaves of Continental http://www.kalyx.com/catalog/ethnobotanybooks.htm | |
32. Ethnobotany Australia Index Upcoming Event Sydney Meet (Feb 15) The time now is Fri Feb 07, 2003 823am ethnobotany Australia Forum Index, View unanswered posts. ethnobotany, http://www.ethnobotany-australia.net/ |
33. Ethnobotany ethnobotany. This guide contains bibliographic references and links to internetresources for ethnobotany and indigenous plant use. Recommended Reading http://home1.gte.net/ericjw1/ethnobotany.html | |
34. Ethnobotany Description of what ethnobotany is....... ethnobotany Guide picks. Cultural use of herbs and plants from around theworld. ethnobotany http://herbsforhealth.about.com/cs/ethnobotany/ | |
35. Ethnobotany In The Forests Of Belize ethnobotany in the Forests of Belize. While the world screening program.The Belize ethnobotany Project has been a part of this endeavor. Drs http://fadr.msu.ru/rodale/agsieve/txt/vol5/1/art1.html | |
36. Secwepemc Ethnobotany Living Landscapes - Thompson / Okanagan Past, Present, and Future- Secwepemc ethnobotany Marianne Ignace and Nancy Turner. http://royal.okanagan.bc.ca/octconf/abstract/ignace.html | |
37. Ethnobotany Of The Ahupua'a: Asia-Pacific Digital Library ethnobotany of the Ahupua'a. Abstract Ancient Hawaiian land division consistedof mokopuni (larger islands) divided into moku (districts). http://apdl.kcc.hawaii.edu/~ahupuaa/botany/ | |
38. Ethnobotanical Leaflets EBL's Policy Corner has a note on recent National Science Foundation grantsrelevant to Economic and ethnobotany. Careers in ethnobotany. http://www.siu.edu/~ebl/ | |
39. Erowid Ethnobotany Vault A collection of information and links about ethnobotany, and the medicinal use ofplants. ethnobotany is the plant lore and agricultural customs of a people. http://www.erowid.org/entheogens/ethnobotany/ethnobotany.shtml | |
40. Erowid Ethnobotany Vault : Ethnobotany And Economic Botany Please make a donation today. ethnobotany and Economic Botany of the North AmericanFlora by Charles B. Heiser Jr. 1993. ethnobotany and Economic Botany. http://www.erowid.org/entheogens/ethnobotany/ethnobotany_heiser.shtml | |
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