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Europe Intl Civ Rights: more detail |
1. UNC Charlotte - International Studies Program HONR 3702 Social Justice and Human rights. RELS 1110 The Asian Studies (3). europe intl 2301 Introduction to european FREN 4007 French Culture civ. FREN 4202 French Lit. http://www.uncc.edu/International_Studies/major.htm | |
2. KU CredTran Data For American University CNTMPRY EAST europe, 3.00, POLS, S, CNTMP EAST europe, 3.00. intl POLS, 3.00, POLS,S, QUANT APP intl POL, 3.00. civIL rights/LIBERTI, 3.00, POLS, S, civ rights/LIBERT,3.00. http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~irdata/transequiv/DC/005007.html | |
3. Political Science IND LIB civ rights. 3. POLS442. civ LIB EXPRESSION POLITICS IN WESTERN europe. 3. Updated Fall 2001 12620. PSCI368. intl LAW ORG. 3. POLS469 http://www.uneb.edu/students/PDF%20Files/Political%20Science%202001%20UNK.pdf |
4. Political Science GOV PLTCS OF EAST CENT europe. 3. PSCI3580 IND LIB civ rights. 3. POLS442. civ LIB EXPRESSION 5090. PSCI468. ADV intl POL(WI). 3 http://www.uneb.edu/students/PDF%20Files/Political%20Science%202001%20UNO.pdf |
5. Legal Citation Abbreviation Archives: US Publications (CCH), Que. Tax Rep. (CCH). **europe, european Community Cases, CEC (CCH), CEC(CCH). Mason U. CRLJ, Geo. Mason U. civ. rights LJ. Geo. Wash. J. intl. L. Econ. http://www.legalcitation.net/qallpubs.htm | |
6. [NEWW/WEW] Info Request: Research Project On The Effects Of Law And Policy On He message NEWW/WEW Afghanistan Poor rights Record of fety of prostitutes workingwithin europe? BR /FONT protocols, and decisions made by civ= il servants. http://lists.partners-intl.net/pipermail/women-east-west/2001-October/001227.htm | |
7. Course Listing For JURI private schools; parent, student, and teacher rights and responsibilities law in thewestern world continental europe, the British Oasis Title intl civ LITIG http://www.bulletin.uga.edu/bulletin/courses/descript/juri.html | |
8. CAC Manuscripts: MS 468 New York intl. League rights of Man, 1963; 001514 United Nations. Denial of humanrights in eastern europe. on civ.rights, 1955; 001566 Rustin, Bayard. http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/ms0468f.html |
9. Course Catalog Academic Year 2002-2003 intl. LAW 371J ADV INT LAWPUB LIBS europe UN Credits 2.00 DER INT AVDO LAW 403A- ADVAN PROC FED JUR civ rights Credits 2.00 DER PROC civ AVANJ FED CON http://web.inter.edu/Catalog/catalL.htm |
10. Economics Course Descriptions Eicher. 403. Econ Property rights. Barzel. 404 WEcon Hist of europe. HIST. 462. W-Econ Hist of US to civ War. HIST http://www.econ.washington.edu/instruction/courses/prelim_sched_400.html | |
11. LegalCitation: Periodical Abbreviations New Eng. intl. Comp. L. Annual. Confinement, New Eng. J. on Crim. civ. Confinement. L.Rev. New europe Law Review, New europe L. Rev. New europe L. Rev. New. http://www.legalcitation.net/qperiod.htm | |
12. Human Rights Research Researching Human rights Law. General Council of europe Human rights Web http//www.humanrights.coe.int/ org/ docs/ international/ UN_ convention_ civ amp; polrights. pdf http://library.law.smu.edu/Human-Rights.htm | |
13. FALL 2001 - GENERAL EDUCATION LIST civ AHST 252 JEWS IN 20TH CENT europe AHST 255 HIST I AINS 235 CHINESE CULTURE civ ALNG 345 POLICY APOL 223 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT APOL 235 intl POLITICS MENV http://www.ramapo.edu/register/genEd/genedFall01.html | |
14. Ramapo College Of New Jersey || Online Catalog AHST 263 CONTEMPORARY AFRICA AHST 302 europe BETWEEN THE WARS AINS 235 CHINESE CULTURE civ AINS 315 233 EAST ASIAHIST POLITICS APOL 235 intl POLITICS APOL http://www.ramapo.edu/catalog/academicPrograms/GenEd/courseListNew.html | |
15. SWT - CatsWeb - Transfer Course Equivalencies HONS 3373. europe TODAY. HIST. ELADV. europe TODAY HONS 4376. intl HUM rights SOC. SOCI. ELADV. intl HUM rights HONS 78. CIVPROGRESS OR DECLN. HIST. ELADV. CIVPROGRESS OR http://www1.swt.edu/catsweb/am/TCE2/E003621_039.HTM | |
16. (144) History 55 ICC 101 Kuznitz C HIST159 LATIN AMERICAN civ II 3 530 ICC 213 Hill B HIST-247EURO intl REL II Schneider Z HIST-340 HIST OF CHILDHOOD IN europe 3 available http://www.georgetown.edu/registrar/02A/02A144.html | |
17. (144) History WGR 211 Kuznitz C HIST159 LATIN AMERICAN civ II 3 113 Paxton J HIST-240 THE REFORMATIONIN europe 3 available 530 ICC 206B Leonard A HIST-247 EURO intl REL II http://www.georgetown.edu/registrar/01A/01A144.html | |
18. Department Num. School Num. Division Num. Executive Level Long civIL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MECHANICS, civ ENGR 2, INSTITUTE ON WESTERN europe,INST WESTERN europe. INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION, CTR intl CNFLCT RES. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/controller/old/DeptExec.html | |
19. Course Listing Spring_2003 617001, Envrn Issues in intl Business, 3.0, LAW-708-001, Enfrcng civ rights, FedCrim http://cryobase.wcl.american.edu/courses/searchcourse.cfm | |
20. Schedule Of Courses POLSCI 120, intl CONFLICT/VIOLENCE. POLSCI 122, FOUNDATIONS MOD intl POL. POLSCI134, CLASSICS W civ GER TRAD. POLSCI 135, POL DEV WESTERN europe. http://www.siss.duke.edu/Schedule/0980/POLSCI/ | |
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