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41. Staff Directory: Archaeology, Univ. Of Sydney Kristin Schubert. NW european urbanism after the end of the Roman Empire. peter.white@archaeology.usyd.edu.au.Postgraduates (Near (eastern)). Jodie Benton. http://acl.arts.usyd.edu.au/people/people.html | |
42. The Nicholson Museum: Archaeology, Univ. Of Sydney Iraq, as well as a selection of objects from the Department of archaeology's excavationsat Take a Virtual Tour of the Near (eastern) Room The european Collection. http://acl.arts.usyd.edu.au/profile/nicholson_museum/ | |
43. Cultural Diversity two, previously different, scientific traditions in archaeology classical or cooperationsbetween european and non-european (eastern) Mediterranean countries http://wwwehlt.flinders.edu.au/wac5/sessions/cultdiversity.htm | |
44. Dangerous Archaeology moment in the development of Near (eastern) archaeology, Breasted's point archaeologistto trace the (eastern) origins and evolution of european and American http://www.umich.edu/~kelseydb/Exhibits/DangerousArchaeology/PartOne.html | |
45. UMich IPCAA Faculty G. Wilfong (Department of Near (eastern) Studies and Whallon (Museum of Anthropology,european Prehistory, Statistics in archaeology) Milford Wolpoff http://www.umich.edu/~ipcaa/faculty.html | |
46. AcademicProgramsAC Political Science Russian and East european Studies University of Studies AnthropologyArt and archaeology of the World Asian and Middle (eastern) Studies Early http://www.warscholar.com/AcademicsUN.html | |
47. SUTime - Courses archaeology (Classical), archaeology (Near (eastern)), archaeology (Prehistoric),Art Celtic Studies, Chinese, Classics, English, european Studies, european http://w3.timetable.usyd.edu.au/~tim/courses2002.html | |
48. SUTime - Timetable Near (eastern)), archaeology (Prehistoric), archaeology,Classics Classics, English,european Studies, european, Asian and Middle (eastern) Languages and http://w3.timetable.usyd.edu.au/~tim/timetable.html | |
49. Volker Heyd Profile of this University of Bristol Visiting Lecturer. Research interests include Later Prehistory Category Science Social Sciences Europe United Kingdom...... Heyd Studies in Pre and Protohistory, Near (eastern) archaeology and Geology at theTU Bergakademie Freiberg, responsibility for teaching european Neolithic and http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Archaeology/staff/heyd.html | |
50. College Of Humanities And Social Sciences - Staff History, Classics, Classical Civilisation, archaeology, Museum Studies, Oceania Publications.School of european, Asian and Middle (eastern) Languages and Studies http://www.chass.usyd.edu.au/STAFF.HTMl |
51. Oriental Studies: Near And Middle East Islamic Art and archaeology within BA degrees in Oriental The BA in Egyptology andAncient Near (eastern) Studies; in Jewish Studies; The BA in european and Middle http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/nme.htm | |
52. Genetic Evidence For Near-Eastern Origins Of European Cattle Genetic evidence for Near(eastern) origins of european cattle. College Dublin, Belfield,Dublin 4, Ireland § Department of archaeology and Prehistory http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v410/n6832/abs/4 |
53. Anthropology Home Page Virtual Library of european archaeology (archaeological resource guide for Europe); InstituteMuseum (University of Chicago; Near (eastern) archaeology); Valley of http://www.palomar.edu/anthropology/ | |
54. Archaeology Andrew Ramage Greek and Roman archaeology; western Anatolian archaeology; Greekpottery. Nerissa Russell european and Near (eastern) prehistory; zooarchaeology http://www.gradschool.cornell.edu/grad/fields_1/archaeol.html | |
55. ARCHAEOLOGY Books From Coronet Nabataeans, The Their History, Culture and archaeology Narrative Technique inAncient Greek Romance Near (eastern), Mediterranean and european Chronology http://www.coronetbooks.com/arch.html | |
56. Near Eastern, Mediterranean And European Chronology Near (eastern), Mediterranean and european Chronology The Historical, Archaeological AncientHistory archaeology Series Studies in Mediterranean archaeology. http://www.coronetbooks.com/books/near0000.html | |
57. Department Of Archaeology gathering societies, African and european prehistory) cjgabel Chair Department ofArchaeology, Associate Professor ((eastern) Mediterranean prehistory http://www.bu.edu/archaeology/people/faclist.html | |
58. Collection Development Policy: Archaeology Generally, these languages are european. DE 4673, Classical Greek and Roman archaeology.DS 56, Middle and Near (eastern) archaeology. DS 509, East Asian archaeology. http://www.bu.edu/library/collections/cdarch.htm | |
59. Items For Review: Bryn Mawr Electronic Resources Review european archaeology; Near (eastern) archaeology; Near (eastern) Historical archaeology;Classical Philology. Papyrology; Research Aid; Teaching Aid; CRM (Cultural http://www.csanet.org/bmerr/itemsforreview.html | |
60. ArchNet: Regions / Europe The european Association of Archaeologists ( Seventh Annual Meeting of the EAA willtake place in (eastern) Mediterranean archaeology; Ename 974; Les http://archnet.uconn.edu/regions/europe.php3 | |
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