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81. Education Planet Art And Music,Art History,General Resources,startat10 Lesson Pl Home/Education/Student resources general resources (12) Home/Art and Music/ArtHistory/Teacher resources general resources (2) Home/Geography and Countries http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Art_and_Music/Art_History/General_Resource | |
82. I Want To Know About: History of the discoveries of nineteen early French Canadian explorers including biographies HistoryGeneral resources Canada and the World A History A look at the http://discover.lpl.london.on.ca/kids/i_want_to_know_about/template.php?category |
83. Web Resources For Student Projects Web resources for 6th8th Grades. The site includes an overview of the various motivesbehind exploration, information about individual explorers categorized by http://www.my-ecoach.com/resources/webresources6-8.html | |
84. Kids Online Resources - Explorers, Vikings, English, Conquistadors Pg 2 The English Every Name Tells a Story 100 Years of Official Place Namingin Canada. European explorers resources - on the World Wide Web. http://www.kidsolr.com/history/page2.html | |
85. Scotch College Senior Library - A-Z Index aborigines history and culture Australian Art Galleries and Museums Australianexplorers Australian History - general resources Australian Literature http://www.scotch.vic.edu.au/Library/infores/intsites/azindex/azindex.htm | |
86. NLC's Educational Sites - Teachers' Resources strategies available on the Educational resources page. A site about the explorersof early Canada Target Audience general public, music students aged 12 and up http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/6/32/s32-1000-e.html | |
87. Classroom Resources Global Access to Educational ResourcesAmerican History European Voyages of ExplorationExplorers United States US Tribes Colorado general Assembly Senate http://www.psd.k12.co.us/schools/olander/classroo.htm |
88. BLM Learning Landscapes Explorers--History Desert Training Center, at which general George Patton Historic Trails Links to resourcesabout historic Stopover for Native Americans, explorers, Trappers and http://www.blm.gov/education/LearningLandscapes/explorers/lifetime/history.html | |
89. DM Review: Information Management: Charting The Course: The End-User Community DSS users. There are four general classifications of users of DSSstourists, farmers, explorers and data miners. Tourists are people http://www.dmreview.com/master.cfm?NavID=55&EdID=263 |
90. Age Of Exploration Resources For US History Charlotte Mason Unit Studies Biblical Holidays. HomeschoolBooks.com. The Age of Exploration. TheUsborne Book of explorers by Felicity Everett. Charts, diagrams http://homeschoolunitstudies.com/Resources/History/explorers.htm | |
91. Curriculinks general resources. Featured resources. October 2002. http://www.enoreo.on.ca/curriculum/ | |
92. Primary & Secondary Education In Latin America - LANIC LANIC's page for K12 Education programs and resources.Category Regional South America Education...... http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/k-12/ | |
93. Educational Resources Radiation Protection resources. Water Quality resources. http://www.deq.state.la.us/assistance/educate/ | |
94. Ancient And Modern Languages Links Web Spanish Lessons. Little explorers EnglishSpanish Picture Dictionary. GeneralResources French German Latin Spanish. WMS WPS Updated 2/4/02. http://www.wellesley.mec.edu/wms/library/pages/curric_pages/a_ml.htm | |
95. Teaching & Learning About Canada TEACHING LEARNING ABOUT CANADA. resources FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS.Information and links dealing with Canadian Geography, History http://www.canadainfolink.ca/teach.htm | |
96. Note You Are Looking At An Archived Copy Of This Web Page, On EE Radiation Protection resources. Water Quality resources. http://eelink.net/~eeadmin/ee-link/archives/116576/116576.html | |
97. History Links explorers from Surf Report (PBS) extensive links. Age of Exploration GeneralResources Gander Academy features European explorers by country. Lenape. http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/barleylibrary/lib/student/cur1.htm | |
98. Biography Resources http://www.teaneckschools.org/mscl/pages/biog.html | |
99. Peru - LANIC Translate this page http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/peru/ | |
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