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61. Welcome To The Home Of U.S. Figure Skating Online! Governing body of figure skating in the US features results, rankings, a listing of skating clubs, athlete biographies, and press releases. 2002 U.S. figure skating Association. All rights reserved. 2002 olympic gold medalist Sarah Hughes became the second straight figure skater to win the http://www.usfsa.org/ | |
62. Olympic Sports, CBS.SportsLine.com Offers full coverage of the games with categorized news about each sport.Category sports Events olympics...... olympic sports. Worlds Lange leads twoman at Worlds after two heats Japan's Hondaputs on quadruple show, wins title Dutch sweep 5,000m speed skating race Skari http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/ | |
63. Olympics 2002 - CBS.SportsLine.com ones (Michelle Kwan), the figure skating competition will be remembered for thepairs judging scandal. Full story Related Links , olympic highlights. http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/2002/figure/ | |
64. 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Games Links Offers news links and a directory to websites about the 2002 Winter olympic Games.Category sports Events olympics Winter Games 2002 Salt Lake City...... Winter olympic sports Links. Alpine Skiing Biathlon Bobsled Cross Country SkiingFigure skating. Ice Hockey Luge Ski Jumping Snowboarding Speed skating. http://www.sirlinksalot.net/2002games.html | |
65. Cbc.ca CBC sports reports on judging in figure skating.Category sports skating Ice skating......Judging in figure skating, according to Skate Canada Philip Saunders,CBC News Online February 2002. What do judges look for? Technical http://www.cbc.ca/news/features/figureskating_judges.html | |
66. CNNSI.com - 2002 Winter Olympics Latest news, athlete biographies, and features by CNN/SI columnists.Category sports Events olympics Winter Games 2002 Salt Lake City...... olympic Venues Check out the 10 competition sites short track speed skating Women'sfigure skating Shea's skeleton Room Copyright © 2002 CNN/sports Illustrated http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/2002/ | |
67. CNNSI.com From CNN And Sports Illustrated From sports Illustrated The Cold Wars A Century of Winter Olympics SI Photo Boards Lace up your skates and join in the figure skating discussion. http://www.cnnsi.com/wintersports/ |
68. Rocky Mountain News: Figure Skating In ladies figure skating, it was Nagano revisited, with Hughes Her shocking win leftskating fans with bittersweet Kwan walked away again without olympic gold. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/figure_skating/article/0,1299,DRMN_269_100 | |
69. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Olympic Marathon 1% Granular Insecticide At E figure skating 2 Pack, figure skating - 2 Pack Enjoy performances by today's topfigure skaters including Beach Volleyball video features olympic and world http://www.epinions.com/hmgd-Lawn_and_Garden-Pest_Control-All-Olympic_Marathon_1 | |
70. U.S. Hughes Wins Women's Figure Skating Olympic Gold Last updated at (Beijing Time) Friday, February 22, 2002. US HughesWins Women's figure skating olympic Gold. Sarah Hughes beat a http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200202/22/eng20020222_90851.shtml | |
71. U.S. Figure Skating Association | News roster for Crest Whitestrips International figure skating Challenge to sanctionedby the International skating Union (ISU The top olympiceligible athletes will http://www.usfsa.org/news/2002-03/abcproam-tix.htm | |
72. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print in sports and FitnessIce skating and Gymnastics and Breaking of Elite Gymnasts andFigure Skaters by princesses and pixies who fascinate olympic fans eating http://www.powells.com/subsection/SportsandFitnessIceSkatingandGymnastics.html | |
73. Movies And Specials: ABC Sports Presents A Skating Tribute----AllYourTV.com ABC sports Presents A skating Tribute (The Legacy of a lineup of stars spanning USfigure skating history, from Michelle Kwan to 1984 olympic champion Scott http://www.allyourtv.com/moviesspecials/a/moviesspecialsabcsportspresentsskating | |
74. Fewer Olympic Sports The olympic Movement's slogan is Cetius, Altius, Fortius fit in with this ethic egFigure skating, synchronised swimming I also agree that sports like football http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Fewer_20olympic_20sports | |
75. AllSports (tm) U.S. Figure Skating Asks ISU For Ethics Commission Russian conspired to fix olympic ice dancing (7 That's what United States figure skatingAssociation president a letter sent to International skating Union boss http://www.allsports.com/cgi-bin/showstory.cgi?story_id=33118 |
76. The Winter Olympics in Sweden, the International olympic Committee sanctioned an International WinterSports Week at nordic skiing, speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0115111.html | |
77. The Globe And Mail: Breaking Sports News It's something for the FBI to figure out may have been referring to an InternationalSkating Union investigation before, during or after the olympic Games with http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/sports/RTGAM/20020802/wfixlaw/Sp | |
78. Olympic Roundup: Figure Skating Duo Revel In Fifth-place Finish GENERAL NEWS olympic roundup figure skating duo revel in fifthplacefinish Associated Press Tuesday, February 12, 2002. As the http://olympics.hiasys.com/olympics_main/news/ap_olynewsnotebook02122002.htm | |
79. HickokSports.com - History - Index To Figure Skating Top of Page. In the Library. Brennan, Christine, Edge of Glory The Inside Storyof the Quest for figure skating's olympic Gold Medals Paperback, 1999; http://www.hickoksports.com/history/figskaix.shtml | |
80. Women's Sports At Bcbiz.com Category Women's sports figure skating. What you will find figure skating. http://www.bcbiz.com/dsn_sports/dreamsports/pop_ups/WomensSports/FigureSkate.htm | |
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