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101. Java Books Java, Forth, UML Embedded System Programming Books on Java, forth and UML programming formicrocontrollers and embedded systems. http://www.ucpros.com/Resources/books_JAVA_Forth_UML.htm |
102. PFE - Portable Forth Environment - Portable Forth Environment to allow to easily adapt sources from older forth systems to the PFE. COMPLETE withpowerful computers on the desk and powerful programming environments there http://pfe.sourceforge.net/ |
103. FAQTs - Knowledge Base - Faqts Computers Programming My Recent Searches Knowledge Base, Documentation. comp.lang.forth.repository. http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/index.phtml/fid/797 |
104. Forth/FCode Driver Programming Class At the end of this review, the students will be given a programmingexercise with which to refine their forth skills. Experience http://www.firmworks.com/www/drvrclas.htm |
105. Education Planet Computers And The Internet,Computers, Dish Network Access educational programming. Top Site Archives, privacy, Found 5websites and 4 other resources for 'forth.', 0 Lesson Plans, 2 Books, 0 Software. http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Computers_and_the_Internet/Computers/Progr |
106. Computers Programming Languages FORTH - Open Site Top Computers programming Languages forth (2) forth, the name being a playon words, is one of the fastest highlevel languages out there. History. http://open-site.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/FORTH/ |
107. CamelForth For Embedded Programming forth Resources. Page updated 27 Jan 2000. Search the FIG web site forth InterestGroup UK Home Page. Online Books. Draft Proposal 6 of ANS forth FIG. http://www.zetetics.com/camel/resource.html |
108. Freshmeat.net Browse Project Tree - Programming Language Available subcategories. programming Language forth. Browse by. Development Status;Environment; Intended Audience; License; Operating System; programming Language; http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/168/ |
109. Index Of /~archive/msdos/programming/forth Parent Directory 21May-1994 2351 - bbl_a.arc 21......Index of /~archive/msdos/programming/forth. Name Last modified Size http://www.umich.edu/~archive/msdos/programming/forth/ |
110. Hohensee CLIeNUX Guitar Original Songs Programming Forth http://linux01.gwdg.de/~rhohen/rindex.html |
111. Ftp.funet.fi/pub/cbm/vic20/programming/VIC-Forth/ ftp//ftp.funet.fi/pub/cbm/vic20/programming/VICforth/. Files. Manual.txt2002-06-02 81303 User notes for Datatronic VIC-forth and C64-forth. http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/vic20/programming/VIC-Forth/ |
112. Forth h e l l o forth The Lord's Prayer in forth Simple forth rudiments of a programminglanguage Comus some commonly used words Inching forth a tutorial 0123 forth http://www.albany.net/~hello/forth.htm |
113. 0123 Forth sqrt((1+h)/2) LOOP FDROP ; MUCHLIKE-PI FCONSTANT PI \ power after Wirth \ Programmingin Modula 2, 2nd ed., p. 22. \ note that the ANS forth floating-point http://www.albany.net/~hello/01234th.htm |
114. Freshmeat.net Browse Project Tree - Programming Language freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and crossplatform open source software. Thousands of applications are meticulously cataloged in the http://software.freshmeat.net/browse/168/ |
115. BYTE.com A special Byte Magazine article published for Byte's 20th anniversary special reportCategory Computers History Languages...... ANSI standard for MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility MultiProgrammingSystem appears Kim Harris and others set up FIG, the forth interest group http://www.byte.com/art/9509/sec7/art19.htm |
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