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41. USATODAY.com - Experts Seek Clues In A Bioterrorist's Penmanship Experts seek clues in a bioterrorist's penmanship By Cathy Lynn Grossman, USATODAY Days before Majority Leader Tom Daschle were the same, handwriting http://www.usatoday.com/life/2001-10-22-penmanship.htm | |
42. Columbia News ::: Columbia Exhibition Chronicles The Evolution Of Handwriting Ov documents and printed writing manuals from 1658 to the present day chronicle theevolution of handwriting style and the methods of teaching penmanship in a new http://www.columbia.edu/cu/news/00/01/RBMLExhibition.html | |
43. MS/JAMA - Oct 1 Articles Poor Physician Penmanship [Full Text The Evidence. Just how poor is physicians' handwriting? Research inphysician penmanship has yielded varying results. A comparison http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs/msjama/articles/vol_278/no_13/jpu71007.htm |
44. Education World ® : Curriculum: Have Computers Forced Handwriting Out Of The Pi crashed. How would people communicate then? For many, the answer iscursive handwriting. penmanship is a lifelong skill. If learned http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr241.shtml | |
45. Education World® : Curriculum : Hurry Up And Write! Contest Deadline Looms Do you want to see the art of penmanship restored to a place of importance in ournation's classrooms? If legible handwriting is important to you, don't miss http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr325.shtml | |
46. HandRIGHTing Ink - Handrighting Penmanship Teaching Learning HandRIGHTing Ink handwriting development specialists - click forhompage Ink. Amy Carroll has started handwriting Success, Inc. http://handrightingink.com/about.html | |
47. HandRIGHTing Ink - Handrighting Penmanship Teaching Learning HandRIGHTing Ink handwriting development specialists - click for hompage Tipsto Promote handwriting Success. Consider cursive handwriting instruction. http://handrightingink.com/articles/tips.html | |
48. Unit Study Library: Worksheets : Language Arts : Penmanship penmanship Worksheets. handwriting worksheets include lined papers,practice letters, formations guides, and more. Links unit study http://teachers.hypermart.net/links/pages/Worksheets/Language_Arts/Penmanship/ | |
49. Bad Penmanship Can Lead To Medical Errors the American Medical Association has long cautioned physicians to take greater carewith their handwriting. One approach to poor physician penmanship has been http://www.institute-shot.com/bad_penmanship_can_lead_to_medical_errors.htm | |
50. Penmanship.ca - Marie's Penmanship Series - Writing Can Help. Penmanship Educati penmanship.ca Marie's penmanship are a series of books that teach a child to masterthe art of handwriting, caligraphy, manuscript and other penmanship skills http://zero-gravity.ca/penmanship/ | |
51. Do You Remember Penmanship? And now even nonLD students use a computer for much of their schoolwork, and thusdo not practice their handwriting, so the awful penmanship I first noticed http://www.teacherblue.homestead.com/penmanship.html | |
52. Is Your Penmanship The Best Or Worst handwriting guide, Write Now by Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay, well known for theirwork to improve doctors handwriting, or even win penmanship lessons with http://www.awfaber-castell.com/News/PressRel/General/Handwriting Contest.htm | |
53. Handwriting - El Camino Real -The Royal Road handwriting Book 7, penmanship skills handwriting - Book 7, penmanship skillsAn attractive way to improve handwriting skills and perhaps learn some new http://lcaminoreal.safeshopper.com/106/cat106.htm?614 |
54. Handwriting - Book 7, Penmanship Skills - El Camino Real -The Royal Road handwriting Book 7, penmanship skills An attractive way to improve handwritingskills and perhaps learn some new prayers. http://lcaminoreal.safeshopper.com/106/754.htm?614 |
55. Home Forum - Dipping Into America's Penmanship Past What had begun for me as a means to better my handwriting exploded into a the importanceof posture, blotters, pen wipes, and other finer points of penmanship. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1997/08/06/home/home.1.html | |
56. HANDWRITING 12.95. Spenserian penmanship (Mott Media). Spenserian penmanship Elegant handwritingthe old fashioned way. Spenserian Theory Book plus five copybooks. 15.99. http://www.lamppostpublishing.com/LanguageHandwriting.htm | |
57. Put Your Headings Here OR Not Checkout here. handwriting SKILLS This beginning penmanship book will take yourchild through the transition from scribble to correct letter formation. http://www.curriculumcottage.com/penmanship.htm | |
58. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted 28, 2001 penmanship Problems Hurt Quality Of Student Writing, Study Suggests. ByDebra Viadero A recent study suggests that a little handwriting instruction can http://www.edweek.org/ew/ewstory.cfm?slug=24writing.h20 |
59. Mott Media - Spencerian Penmanship Mott Media Presents Spencerian penmanship. In the mid1800's, the Spencerian formof penmanship became a standard. An elegant handwriting was much prized. http://www.mottmedia.com/spencer.html | |
60. HANDWRITING IN AMERICA Exploring such subjects as penmanship pedagogy, handwriting analysis, autographcollecting, handwriting experts, and calligraphy revivals, Thornton http://www.yale.edu/yup/books/064772.htm | |
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