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81. Musique-Images-Instruments N°3 II) Unlike what we observed during the previous century (see MusiqueImages-instruments,n°2), there are a great number of harpsichord players portraits and http://www.culture.fr/culture/editions/r-loim/s-loim3a.htm |
82. Harpsichord And Keyboard Maker And Restorer, Peter Barnes Making and restoring harpischords since 1974. Photos of instruments for sale.Category Arts Music instruments Keyboard harpsichord Builders...... Phone 01373 831498 for a free quote. New instruments for sale Double Manual harpsichord.harpsichord, click for larger imageafter Delin, 2x8', 1x4' plus Buff. http://www.aviolin.com/peterbarnes.html | |
83. Microtonal Instruments trumpets; Fretless Guitars; A 31 tone harpsichord; Ela Lablin's instruments;The Continuum Fingerboard; Enharmonic Cembalo; The Enharmonic http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~jstarret/instrmnt.html | |
84. Classical Net - Interesting Links - Instruments & Instrument Makers Sites of Keyboard instruments Steinway Sons - Baldwin Pianos - Poletti Tuinman- Fortepiano Makers - Young Chang Akki Co., Ltd. - PianoBroker. - harpsichord http://www.classical.net/music/links/instlink.html | |
85. KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS advice about Edward Turner and his instruments. For an account of the constructionof this instrument see Ray Nurse, ER Turner harpsichord Maker , Canada http://intranet.arc.miami.edu/rjohn/KeyboardTurner.htm | |
86. 19th Century Musical Instruments, Military And Civilian Available from Also check out http//www.harpsichord.com/ and http//wwwpersonal.umich.edu/~bpl/hpsi.html.Miscellaneous AUTHENTIC instruments Coming Soon. http://www.ushist.com/props/musical_instruments.htm | |
87. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print , Harmony. , harpsichord. , Hip Hop and Rap. , History and Criticism., Holiday Songbooks. , instruments. , Introduction to Music Theory. ,Jazz. http://www.powells.com/subsection/MusicHarpsichord.html | |
88. Claviers Baroques Harpsichords Clavichords And Other Fine Historical Keyboard In historical keyboard instruments from our shop here in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Wealso do consulting and appraisals. If you are looking for a harpsichord, or http://home.ca.inter.net/~hpschd/ | |
89. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Keyboard Instruments canada Last checked 20001114 harpsichord Clearing House Builders and repairersof harpsichords and continuo organs offering a list of instruments for sale http://bubl.ac.uk/link/k/keyboardinstruments.htm | |
90. Dolmetsch Harpsichords works on 'historical' instruments are no more 'historically informed' than thosewho perform early repertoire on 20th century conceptions of the harpsichord. http://www.dolmetsch.com/harpsichordindex.htm | |
91. Makers Of The Harpsichord And Clavichord 1440-1840 Keyboard Instruments Biograph Makers of the harpsichord and Clavichord 14401840 Keyboard instruments Biographyfilm television music Reference works c 1000 CE to c 1500 c 1500 to c 1600 http://www.hotpoetry.co.uk/Donald-H-Boalch-Makers-of-the-Harpsichord-019318429X. | |
92. The SoundDirectory - - /SoundDirectory/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Harps Sounds of harpsichords Compare with other instruments. How to Builda harpsichord Includes photographs and stepby-step instructions. http://www.deltaz-palaze.de/SoundDirectory/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/H | |
93. Vincent Ho Early Music Webpage Early music and instruments, sound files of harpsichords and clavichords, and a table with pictures of the author's early music instruments collection, from medieval psalteries to renaissance recorders. http://www.tsoft.com/~hbv/earlymus/ | |
94. Net Instruments Musical instrument classifieds list a wide variety of musical instruments for sale and wanted, including trumpets, saxophones, flutes, violins, cellos, and guitars. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.looksmart.com/og/pr%3Dcdd%3B |
95. AUGUSTO BONZA - CLAVICEMBALI E ANTICHI STRUMENTI A TASTIERA Italian maker and restorer of harpsichords and other early keyboard instruments, including a folding Italian. http://www.augustobonza.it/ | |
96. John Phillips Harpsichords Small Berkeley, California shop that produces four to six instruments based on French, Flemish and Italian prototypes per year. Harpsichords tuned and repaired; concert and recording rentals and tunings provided. http://home.earthlink.net/~jplectra/phillips.html | |
97. Kubota Harpsichord Harpsichords built mainly after historical Flemish instruments, typically the Ruckers and Couchet family. http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~sakazaki/eki/kubota/index-e.html | |
98. Fred Bettenhausen For Harpsichord Spinet Klavecimbel Cembalo Muselar Clavicembal Makes copies of antique harpsichords and clavichords in his workshop in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Information about instruments and prices. http://www.fredbettenhausen.com/ |
99. Maurici Piano And Harpsichord Price $10,000.00. French harpsichord Small Fortepiano Virginal INSTRUMENTSClick on images to get larger view. Italian harpsichord http://home.earthlink.net/~editorny/harps/instrum.html |
100. Home Collections Collection Of Ancient Musical Instruments was, except for the Ruckers family, considered to be the leading exponent of Flemishharpsichord making. In contrast to most Italian instruments, the cases of http://www.khm.at/staticE/page196.html |
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