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41. Office Of Continuing Education services for individual communities and the general public by The Office of ContinuingEducation's Office Hours are mail at r_fujimoto@wccada.wcc.hawaii.edu or http://www.wcc.hawaii.edu/commsvcs/default.htm | |
42. Attorney General Opinions of Members of the Board of education, Delegates to a Article III, Constitution ofthe State of hawaii. for Making Appropriation Excess general Fund Expenditure http://www.hsba.org/Hawaii/Admin/Ag/agindex.htm | |
43. Index general, East Asia (Japan), From Cultural Atlas of Japan Comparative Cultures, Children,and education Section (O World History The University of hawaii Approach. http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/asdp/ | |
44. Laboratory For Microbiological Oceanography: General Information Laboratory for Microbiological Oceanography general Information. The University ofHawaii's SOEST was founded academic unit focusing on education and research http://hahana.soest.hawaii.edu/lab/intro.html | |
45. Nearctica - Organizaitons - Education general. American educational Research Association. Georgia Georgia ScienceTeachers Association. hawaii hawaii education and Research Network. http://www.nearctica.com/organize/educsoc.htm | |
46. Here Is The General Background Of Love Yamamoto education Juris Doctor University of California at Berkeley against the developerand the general contractor substantial amount of time to hawaii Lawyers Care http://www.napua.com/html/here_is_the_general_background_o.htm | |
47. MCC General Catalog: Table Of Contents Message from the Provost. general Information. Mission; History; educational Programs;Outreach; University of hawaii Center, Maui; Continuing education and Training. http://mauicc.hawaii.edu/catalog/ | |
48. Mars Education Resources general Public, Space Telescope Science Institute. http//marsnt3.jpl.nasa.gov/education/modules/webpages http//www.soest.hawaii.edu/spacegrant/class_acts http://www.spacescience.org/Outreach/TravSciExhibits/MarsQuest/Education/Resourc | |
49. 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting GENERAL INFORMATION Online abstracts and conference details of the 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting.Category Science Earth Sciences Oceanography Conferences...... by the AGU Committee on education and Human ready to share their knowledge of hawaii'shuge array of interest, shopping, dining, and general helpful information http://www.agu.org/meetings/os02top.html | |
50. Facts And Figures - State Of Hawaii Lieutenant Governor James Aiona (www.hawaii.gov). education The University of Hawaiisystem had Commercial airports (1999) 9; general aviation, military or http://www.state.hi.us/dbedt/facts/statefact.html | |
51. Hawaii State Foundation On Culture And The Arts w/ Mauliola Cook Paliku Theatre 10 am general Session Paliku Elaine Zinn, SFCAArts in education Coordinator, email elaine.zinn@hawaii.gov, phone http://www.state.hi.us/sfca/artsineducation.html | |
52. Hawaii Admin Rules Directory/Title 8 Education hawaii ADMINISTRATIVE RULES DIRECTORY. TITLE 8 DEPARTMENT OF education. Subtitle1 Rules of Practice and Procedure Chapter 1 Rules of general Applicability 2 http://www.hawaii.gov/lrb/admin/admndoe.html | |
53. Hawaii Admin Rules Directory/TITLE 20 UNIV OF HAWAII 205-4 College for continuing education and community service at the University ofHawaii at Hilo §20 for Senior Citizens Subchapter 1 general Provisions §20-6 http://www.hawaii.gov/lrb/admin/admnuh.html | |
54. Medical Education | John A. Burns School Of Medicine, UHM Medical education general Overview he John A. Burns School of Medicine is currentlyone of only a handful of schools in the nation to convert its curriculum http://hawaiimed.hawaii.edu/medical_ed/medical_ed.html | |
55. International Bureau Of Education. International Activities. Databanks. World Da hawaii. Official site of the Department of education. general information about theDepartment; current programmes and reforms; assessment results; achievement http://www.ibe.unesco.org/International/Databanks/Wde/namerica.htm | |
56. Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center: Board Of Trustees Luther Park, partner, Morgan Stanley, Honolulu, hawaii. MA, vice president of education,North American CPA, assistant treasurer of the general Conference of http://www.llu.edu/directory/lluahsc/ | |
57. LLUAHSC Board Of Trustees Luther Park, partner, Morgan Stanley, Honolulu, hawaii. Humberto Rasi, PhD, director,department of education, general Conference of Seventhday Adventists http://www.llu.edu/directory/ |
58. CS Store Conference Proceedings - General Interest / Reference general Interest / Reference. HICSS 2002 35th hawaii International Conference onSystem ICCE 2002 2002 International Conference on Computers in education. http://www.computer.org/cspress/CATALOG/procb.htm | |
59. Hawaii Hotel Association hawaii Hotel Association Site Directory general INFORMATION Who We Are MissionStatement Association Goals Governmental Representation Continuing education http://www.hawaiihotels.org/web_dir.htm | |
60. Untitled related costs pertaining to education incurred by other state agencies, such asthe hawaii state Departments of Accounting and general Services; Attorney | |
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