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Health Welfare Acronyms: more detail | ||||
41. Abbreviations And Acronyms Abbreviations and acronyms. SACWIS, State Automated Child welfare Information System. SAMHSA,Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration, an HHS http://www.acf.hhs.gov/nhsitrc/techguides/tg-glossary/abbreviations_acronyms.asp | |
42. Terms And Acronyms Translate this page Terms and acronyms CHP, Community health and Prevention, CWAC, Child welfare AdvisoryCommittee, Comité Asesor de Servicios Sociales para la Protección y http://www.state.il.us/dcfs/com_communications_acro.shtml | |
43. Acronyms DICTIONARY OF FREQUENTLY USED acronyms AFTB Association For The Blind AGM Annual GeneralMeeting AIHW Australian Institute of health and welfare AMHS Area http://www.centralaccess.com.au/Acronyms.htm |
46. TeleHealth - List Of Acronyms List of acronyms. ACCI Australian Computing and Communications Institute. AIHWAustralian Institute of health and welfare. http://www.med.monash.edu.au/mrh/resources/telehealthreport/tele01.htm | |
47. APPENDIX 2: HCPF Acronyms And Terms APPENDIX 2 HCPF acronyms AND TERMS CWEST, Child welfare Eligibility and ServicesTracking (system). DH H, Denver health and Hospitals; now Denver health Medical http://www.chcpf.state.co.us/refmat/ref98/ref98ap2.html | |
48. MENTAL HEALTH ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS MENTAL health ABBREVIATIONS AND acronyms. Living Residence SMHAC State Mental healthAdvisory Council SOCS WIS- welfare Information System WRTC- Wilmar Regional http://www.mhcsn.net/acronyms.htm | |
49. ACRONYMS acronyms. AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area. HSRI health Systems Research Institute.HWS The health and welfare Survey. IDD Iodine Deficiency Disorders. http://eng.moph.go.th/profile97-98/ACRONYMS.htm | |
50. Nat'l Academies Press, Improving Information For Social Policy Decisions -- The 311 OCR for page 312 312 GLOSSARY OF acronyms DYNASIM2 Dynamic and Human Services)HEW fU.S. Department of health, Education, and welfare HHS US http://www.nap.edu/books/030904541X/html/311.html | |
51. Nat'l Academies Press, Health Data In The Information Age: (1994), Acronyms stage renal disease 244 OCR for page 245 acronyms 245 FCRA ESCHEW OS Departmenl ofHeabh, Education, and welfare OS~HHS OS Repayment of health and Human http://www.nap.edu/books/0309049954/html/244.html | |
52. CDER Acronyms MEDWATCH, MHW, Ministry of health and welfare (Japan's equivalent to theFDA). MI, Myocardial Infarction. MIC, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration. http://www.sqa.org/Committees/CSS/acronym.html | |
53. Guide To Hong Kong Medical, Health & Welfare Libraries And Information Resources The full entries (alphabetical), 197. Part III, Medical, health and welfare librariesand information Appendix B List of terms, initialisms and acronyms, 277. http://www.hklib.org.hk/medcom/toc.htm | |
54. John Snow International acronyms. MM Maternal Mortality MMR - Maternal Mortality Rate MOH - Ministry ofhealth MOHFW - Ministry of health and Family welfare MoHP - Ministry of http://www.jsiuk.com/resources/acronyms.htm | |
55. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ANNUAL REPORT FY 2001. APPENDIX 5 GLOSSARY OF acronyms. OSHA Occupational Safetyand health Administration. PWBA Pension and welfare Benefits Administration. http://www.dol.gov/_sec/media/reports/annual2001/appendix5.htm | |
56. FY 2002 Annual Performance Plan - Appendix E. List Of Acronyms Appendix E. List of acronyms PWBA, Pension and welfare Benefits Administration.PY, Program Year. SHIMS, Safety and health Information Management Systems. http://www.dol.gov/_sec/performanceplan2002/2002app-app-e.htm | |
57. Commonly Used Acronyms Commonly Used acronyms. AAALAC. APHIS. Agriculture and Plant health InspectionService. ARD. Animal Review Desk. AWA. Animal welfare Act. AWRs. http://www.orrp.ohio-state.edu/Guidelines/Commonly_Used_Acronyms.htm | |
58. Acronyms And Abbreviations MOFD, Ministry of Food, MOHFW, Ministry of health Family welfare, MOP, Ministryof Planning, ZFCL, Zia Fertilizer Company, acronyms and Abbreviations. http://www.erdbd.org/informationcenter/acronym.jsp |
59. Frequently Used Acronyms Frequently Used acronyms. AA, Appropriation Adjustment. DEC, Determination of ExceptionalCircumstances. DHEW, Department of health, Education and welfare. http://www.mcmfss.uc.edu/geninfo/acronyms.cfm | |
60. Vermont Department Of Social Welfare - Acronyms acronyms. AABD. Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled. ABAWD. HAEU. health AccessEligibility Unit. IVA. Title IV-A of the Social Security Act (welfare). IV-D. http://www.dsw.state.vt.us/cops/acronyms.html | |
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