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Health Welfare Acronyms: more detail | ||||
61. Approaches To Evaluating Welfare Reform: Lessons From Five State Demonstrations: Approaches to Evaluating welfare Reform Lessons from Five State Demonstrations.LIST OF acronyms. DHHS = US Department of health and Human Services. http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/hsp/isp/waivers/acronyms.htm | |
63. TrailBlazer Health - Medicare Terms And Acronyms Home Help Medicare Terms and acronyms. Medicare acronyms and TerminologyIndex DHEW, Department of health, Education and welfare. http://www.trailblazerhealth.com/acronyms.asp?alpha=d |
64. Regulatory Agencies: Europe acronyms used in the European Regulatory Environment. reports VWS Ministerie vanVolksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (Dutch ministry of health, welfare and Sport http://www.ispe.org/regulatory/regageuro.htm | |
65. NYSDOL - Labor Market Information - Business - Demographic Data The following is a list of commonly used acronyms that may assist you in decipheringthe APWA, American Public welfare Association. DOH, Department of health. http://www.labor.state.ny.us/labor_market/lmi_business/doa.htm | |
66. AdvaMed: Industry Solutions - Industry Acronyms You may also scroll the page to view the entire list of acronyms. MGMA Medical GroupManagement Association MHW Ministry of health and welfare (Japan, Korea http://www.advamed.org/solutions/industryacronyms.shtml | |
67. Finance Acronyms And Definitions acronyms and Definitions. is to establish minimum standards for public school facilitiesthat will protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the http://www.isbe.state.il.us/finance/financeacronymsanddefinitions.htm | |
68. NJF Work Shop On Economics Of Animal Welfare And Health Economics of Animal welfare and health. A translation of all foreign words shouldbe included in parentheses, and acronyms should be spelt out in full in http://honeybee.helsinki.fi/njf-animal_welfare/instructions.html | |
69. Acronyms [Alcohol And Illicit Drugs In Australia] Alcohol and Illicit Drugs in Australia. acronyms. AIC, Australian Instituteof Criminology. AIHW, Australian Institute of health and welfare. http://www.aic.gov.au/research/drugs/acronyms.html | |
70. Health Care Acronyms AIFS, Australian Institute of Family Studies. AIHW, Australian Instituteof health and welfare. AIMS, Australian Independent Medical Services. http://www.odgp.com.au/health_care_acronyms.htm | |
71. DICTIONARY OF COMMUNITY SERVICE SECTOR A C R O N Y M S DICTIONARY OF COMMUNITY SERVICE SECTOR acronyms. AGM, Annual GeneralMeeting. AIHW, Australian Institute of health and welfare. http://www.dice.org.au/valid/acronyms.htm | |
72. ACRONYMS acronyms AADPA, Assistant Associate Director for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs.AE, Aeromedical Evacuation. HWC, health and welfare Canada. Hz, Hertz. http://www.dem.dcc.state.nc.us/abbrevtn.htm |
73. Oregon Health Services Glossary Of Terms & Acronyms OHS Oregon health Services's Glossary of Terms acronyms http://www.ohd.hr.state.or.us/glossary.htm |
74. Coordination And Integration Of Welfare And Workforce Development Systems: Main COORDINATION AND INTEGRATION OF welfare AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS. This reportwas prepared for the US Department of health and Human Services, Office http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/coord00/ | |
75. Acronyms - "N" Home acronyms N acronyms N NCCAW, National Consultative Committee on AnimalWelfare. Food Authority (within the Department of health, Housing, Local Gover. http://www.affa.gov.au/content/acronyms.cfm?Letter=N |
76. Home > Livestock > Livestock Diseases And Animal Health > General on the protection of public health in relation to of animal diseases; and animal welfareon farm and include statistical tables, and abbreviations and acronyms. http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/809d1ebf877eea6f27d535dd39bdbb3d.html | |
77. Acronyms - OLAC Guide To Services Selected acronyms 3VETS, 643-8387. ARS, Animal Resources Supervisor. AHT, AnimalHealth Technician. AWA, Animal welfare Act. AWIC, Animal welfare Information Center. http://www.olac.berkeley.edu/Olac/Customer/guide/acronyms.htm | |
78. ODJFS - Ohio Health Plans - Bureau Of Consumer And Program Support Many families have heard of the healthy Start healthy Families programs, but assumethat it's part of welfare. This is NOT the case! health care coverage can http://www.state.oh.us/odjfs/ohp/bcps/hshf/article.stm | |
79. Board Member Reference Guide - Terms, Programs Acronyms Glossary of Workforce Terms, Programs acronyms. A. ABE. Volusia County HealthDepartment. Florida's welfare reform program, which operated until July 1, 2000. http://www.wdb-fvc.org/board/orientation/acronyms.htm |
80. State Health And Welfare Official Letter - 9/21/00 DEPARTMENT OF health HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE September21, 2000. Dear State health and welfare Officials SUBJECT http://cms.hhs.gov/states/letters/shw92100.asp | |
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