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1. Herbariums Herbier général Dr F. Jaquet, 257 boîtes 19506 plantes Herbarium friburgense Dr. F. Jaquet 1919, 37 boîtes 2000 plantes Herbier Europe Chan. Cottet, 66 boîtes Herbarium Helveticum Chan. Castella, 41 boîtes Herbier Prof. J.D. http://teacher.esuhsd.org/museums/herbariums.html | |
2. Gardenscape.com Gardens Gardenscape's list of arboreta, botanical gardens and herbariums is our compendium of the Arboreta, Botanical Gardens, Gardens, and herbariums resources that we have found on the Web. http://www.gardenscape.com/GSGardens.html | |
3. Herbariums herbariums. Main Menu. herbariums. Whether you're looking for advice ongardener journal or gardener journal, we'll show you where to find it. http://www.herbariums.com/ | |
4. Herbariums Das Anlegen eines herbariums soll helfen, die einheimische Flora kennenzulernen und sich mit ihr intensiv zu http://jagor.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/herbariums/herbar.htm | |
5. Herbariums herbariums in Croatia. MAKARSKA (MAKAR) Herbarium, Institut Planina I More,Malakoloski Muzej, Zrtava Fasizma 1, HR58 300 Makarska, Hrvatska. http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/herbariums/herbar.htm | |
6. Gardenscape.com And Horticultural Photography(TM) Gardenscape's List of Gardens, Arboreta, Botanical Gardens and herbariums http://www.gardenscape.com/ | |
7. Herbariums Similar pages Dr. Fungus Links (herbariums and Collections) Links herbariums and Collections Botanische Staatssammlung München http//www.botanik.biologie.uni-muenchen.de/botsamml/This site presents the Botanische http://www.plantworld.com/library/pw000049.htm | |
8. Geschichte Des Herbariums HAUSSKNECHT http://www2.uni-jena.de/biologie/spezbot/herbar/geschich.html | |
9. Bilbliothek Des Herbariums Haussknecht Translate this page Bibliothek. im Herbarium Haussknecht. Status Zweigbibliothek Herbarium Haussknechtder Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ThULB)®, http://www2.uni-jena.de/biologie/spezbot/herbar/biblio.html | |
10. National Library Of Australia - Australian Science And Technology On The Interne Botanic Gardens/herbariums. Council of Heads of Australian Botanic Gardens (CHABG) http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/sciencew.html | |
11. Hinweise Zur Anlage Eines Herbariums Translate this page Startseite Hinweise zur Anlage eines herbariums 1. Das Sammeln und Bestimmen derPflanzen Die Standorte werden vorsichtig betreten, so dass die Pflanzen nicht http://www.rsmuehlheim.tut.bw.schule.de/herbar/anlage.htm | |
12. Herbariums - Homes For Sale herbariums Homes For Sale. Main Menu. Back to herbariums. RecommendedSites. Homes For Sale. 1. MyLoanQuote.com Mortgages Offers http://herbariums.com/homes_for_sale/homes_for_sale.htm | |
13. Herbarium herbariums in the world The oldest herbariums of the world probably date floraIronical since 1963. Iranian herbariums The late Dr. Erwin http://www.fos.ut.ac.ir/text/museums/herbarium.htm | |
14. Canadian Gardener Here's The Dirt herbariums, December 17, 19/99. A flower press, consists of layers of cardboardand blotting paper, which will help to take moisture out of the specimens. http://www.tv.cbc.ca/canadiangardener/HeresDirt/3-121899dec1899.htm | |
15. ROOT Index Ministry, DG6, Home page, Research, National Botanic Garden. herbariums. BT.Bryophytes. Fungi. NannengaBremekamp Herbarium Myxomycetes. SP. Poaceae ofBenin. http://www.br.fgov.be/RESEARCH/COLLECTIONS/HERBARIUMS/ | |
16. Herbarium Mycologicum Of The National Botanic Garden Of Belgium http://www.br.fgov.be/RESEARCH/COLLECTIONS/HERBARIUMS/FUNGI/SURVEY/ |
17. Andrea's Weblog: June 21 2000 knew UserLand Frontier! bamboo Two beautiful herbariums The images weremade with a flatbed scanner. Herbarium Berolinensis Digitalis http://andrea.editthispage.com/2000/06/21 | |
18. Records For Helicopters -- Piloting -- Examinations, Questions, Etc. (in MARION) herbariums. Not found or no more entries match key. Data on thissystem is ©Board of Trustees, Cleveland Public Library. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/@HERBS THERAPEUTIC USE/36f0c0006000/0 | |
19. Herbar Und Botanische Sammlungen Translate this page Am Aufbau des herbariums waren insbesondere sein Begründer und dessen AssistentenHermann ZABEL (1832 - 1912) und Ludwig HOLTZ (1824 - 1907) beteiligt. http://www.uni-greifswald.de/~pfloek/herbar.htm | |
20. Botanical Collections Of Belarus. herbariums, Back. Herbarium of introdused plants ofthe Central Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Belarus. http://hbc.bas-net.by/bcb/eng/scol.php?kod=1&head=Herbariums |
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