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41. Traditional Medicinals - Medicinal Herbal Teas, Links faq, contact us, site map. Botanical Gardens and herbariums; General HerbalInformation; Government/Regulatory Listings; Botanical Gardens and herbariums http://www.traditionalmedicinals.com/links.html | |
42. PRA-5017 Thus we will be able to create herbariums, which will later on provide forthe largescale reintroduction of the investigated species into nature. http://www.tech-db.ru/istc/db/pra.nsf/pran/5017 | |
43. Sonoran Desert -- Links To More Information photos and geological information. Geology of the White Tanks Mountains Range located west of Phoenix metro area. herbariums. http://members.aol.com/melasoma/links.html | |
44. Floralinks Flora Links. herbariums Links to various herbariums around the country.Journals - A listing of selected botanical journals. University http://www.acad.carleton.edu/campus/arb/floralinks.html | |
45. Links - Cowling Arboretum Here's a good place to start. Other Information. herbariums, Links to various herbariumsaround the country. Journals, A listing of selected botanical journals. http://www.acad.carleton.edu/curricular/ARTS/16places/backusa/Links/Links_page.h | |
46. Lewis And Clark In WA Shrub Steppe Habitat Both groups made sample herbariums. Students made several herbariumsto use as reference for students conducting studies in the future. http://www-ed.fnal.gov/ntep/f98/projects/pnnl/bkgrd.shtml | |
47. Research Update From The Annual Meeting In Seattle, Washington, Of The American The Virtual Herbarium idea reaches beyond research botanists and largeuniversity herbariums. Barkworth and Clyde want the network http://www.aibs.org/biosciencelibrary/vol46/dec.96.aibs.mtg.html | |
48. MU Campus Mail items may be mailed at the library rate when loaned or exchanged between schools,colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, and herbariums, and non http://www.missouri.edu/~cmailwww/campus/chap6.htm | |
49. OptiRed Objectives Of The Survey 1- To Gather Data Concerning The d)Laboratories and herbariums. 10 answers in order of importance. a) Mail. 20 answersin order of importance. a) Botanists, herbariums, Taxonomists (universities). http://www.bellanet.org/medplants/studies/tramil.wpd?ois=yes&template=blank.htm |
50. National Gardening Association's WWW Links- Gardens, Arboreta, Herbariums Gardens, Arboreta, herbariums. Secrest Arboretum The Arboretum of LosAngeles County Arnold Arboretum Living Collections Australian http://www.wowpages.com/nga/Links/arboreta.html | |
51. Www.export.nl: The Dutch Export Site Product herbariums Exportpage Quality-exporters Business Category 925 - Library,archives, museums and other cultural activities (0). http://www.export.nl/uk/produkt/925/produkt-9253917.html | |
52. Herbarium Collection FAQ's herbariums are a relatively easy method for verifying a volunteer'sidentifications. Were herbariums always required for FW sites? http://dnr.state.il.us/orep/inrin/ecowatch/FOREST/herb.htm | |
53. Www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Poetry/Hugo/LesMiserables/Volume03/Book05/chapte The sole decoration of the four rooms on the ground floor, which composed his lodgings,consisted of framed herbariums, and engravings of the old masters. http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Poetry/Hugo/LesMiserables/Volume03/Book05 | |
54. Australia State Of The Environment Report 2001 - Natural And Cultural Heritage T example; or they might be removed to another repository, as in the case of museumcollections of historic or Indigenous artefacts, or herbariums and natural http://ea.gov.au/soe/2001/heritage/heritage01-5.html | |
55. Rosa Multiflora Var. Carnea As Redouté and Thory have not left herbariums which could serve as reference,this is therefore the first obstacle to overcome. .. there are herbariums! http://web.wanadoo.be/ivan.louette/botarosa/roses/carnea_en.htm | |
56. Tuesday, September 7, 1999 Mail pieces may be mailed at the Library Mail rate when sent between — Schools,colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums, and nonprofit http://tln.lib.mi.us/news/1999/9/7/main.html | |
57. Berichtshefte: Forstwirt/in Translate this page Berichtsheft Forstwirt/in. Anlegen eines herbariums. zum Forstwirt/In ist das Anlegeneines herbariums ein fester Bestandteil der erfolgreichen Ausbildung. http://www.lv-h.de/berichtshefte/info/forstherb.htm | |
58. Arizona Native Plant Society Arizona Native Plants Resources. Arboretums, herbariums, and Organizations. http://aznps.org/html/np_information_az.html | |
59. Mail User Guide items may be mailed at the library rate when they are loaned or exchanged betweenschools, colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums and non http://www.cwru.edu/finadmin/matsupp/mailguide/mailguide.html | |
60. Other Lichen Sites of Lichenology from the University of Hawaii at Maoa herbariums. USNational Herbarium Search Mosses, Hepatics and Lichens at the http://csdept.umfk.maine.edu/LichensWebsite/sites.asp | |
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