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81. Brazilian Orchids - Orchid News I don't know if there is some one missing, I can not remember now.ON What is method of working, visiting habitats, herbariums? http://www.orchidnews.hpg.ig.com.br/on/on12/paginas/mat01eng.htm | |
82. TEZ ÖZETLERÝ During this research, the samples collected by means of some tools were keptin proper fixatives, and the herbariums of the algae were prepared. http://www.omu.edu.tr/w2/akd/fenbilen/sutem_yl.htm | |
83. SuperDirectories - The Most Complete And Comprehensive Directory On The Internet 11,499 categories). Arts Culture (1,997 categories). Museums, Galleries Exhibits (1,968 categories). herbariums (4 categories). http://www.superdirectories.com/?Branch_ID=9116 |
84. Www.infomotions.com/serials/alawon/alawon-v2n56.txt following items may be mailed at the library rate when sent between (1) Schools,colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums, and nonprofit http://www.infomotions.com/serials/alawon/alawon-v2n56.txt |
85. Schweizerische Orchideenstiftung Am Herbarium Jany Renz Translate this page Bedeutung des herbariums Jany Renz für die Schweiz und für Basel von Dr. ChristianHeitz, Basel Herbarien stellen noch heute eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung http://www.unibas.ch/botschoen/renz/heitzkoerner.htm | |
86. Fossil #2 marks time. I have always been inspired by fossils and herbariums. In fillingmotifs. In the herbariums, the result is almost identical. The http://gcc.bradley.edu/exhibit/98/1/fossil_2/art.html | |
87. New Page 1 html. Quick Tip herbariums. An herbarium and books. herbariums can containentire plants (including roots), seeds, leaves, or flowers. Try http://www.hometrainingtools.com/newsletter/pastIssues/July 2002.htm | |
88. CORSICA Cap Corse Nature Patrimony Sea Flora, The posidonies ensure a good balance in the coastal environment.These sea plants form real submarine herbariums. On http://www.internetcom.fr/corsica/uk/regbast/capcorse/capc_130.htm | |
89. In Search Of Asplenium Pinnatifidum Methods and Materials. The initial research for this project consistedof studying 19 herbarium sheets of three different herbariums. http://www.biochem.okstate.edu/OAS/OJAS/story02.htm | |
90. Internet Resources Biology Subject Guide Botanical Gardens and herbariums. These sites containillustrations of the flora and maps of the gardens. Some of http://www.citadel.edu/library/biologyab.htm | |
91. EC Smith Digital Herbarium Scientific Research. Canadian herbariums. International herbariums.Databases. Conservation. GF Ledingham Herbarium The Specimen Database http://luxor.acadiau.ca/library/Herbarium/research.html |
92. Natural History Museums And Collections Find a comprehensive compendium of links to museums in the US and internationally. Includes links to other directories. http://www.lib.washington.edu/sla/natmus.html | |
93. Uvalde Leader News - Newspaper For Uvalde, Texas With Uvalde Real Estate, News, Southwest Texas daily provides news and sports, a hunting report and guide, radar weather, classifieds, and a visitors guide. http://www.uvaldeleadernews.com/ | |
94. Hochschule Vechta - Bilogie, Anleitung Zur Erstellung Eines Herbariums Translate this page Hinweise zur Anlage einer botanischen Vergleichssammlung (Herbarium).Das Herbarium vivum, heute kurz Herbarium, bezeichnet eine http://www.uni-vechta.de/institute/biologie/anleitung_herbarium.html | |
95. The Largest Agriculture And Outdoor World Website Directory The agsites.net link directory features over 36 000 hand selected websites with the common theme of agriculture and the outdoor world. http://www.agsites.net/ | |
96. MHN_co11.htm Herbarium friburgense Dr. F. Jaquet,1919, 37 boîtes 2000 plantes; http://www.fr.ch/mhn/collections/mhn_co11.htm | |
97. Possible CS395T Projects http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/miranker/395t/projects.html | |
98. Respuestas Sobre Las Encuestas http://www.bellanet.org/medplants/studies/tramil.wpd?ois=no |
99. Links To WWH Sites http://www.ph.utexas.edu/~yjy/WWH/REPORT/sites.html | |
100. The World Wide Herbarium http://www.ph.utexas.edu/~yjy/WWH/REPORT/mpaper.html | |
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