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21. Builders Booksource : Chinese Herbs: Their Botany, Chemistry And Pharmac By Keys Back to current search. Title Chinese herbs Their botany, ChemistryAnd Pharmac Illustrated encyclopedia of over 250 herbs. http://www.buildersbooksource.com/cgi-bin/booksite/4281.html | |
22. The Malvaceae herbs, shrubs, or trees comprising about http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/malv.htm |
23. The Herbal Encyclopedia, Herbal Encyclopedia, Herbs Plants, Herbal Plants, Botan The Herbal Encyclopedia, Herbal Encyclopedia, herbs plants, Herbal plants, botanyplants, botany plants, Menopause, Pregnancy, Infertility, Pets, Herb Articles http://www.geocities.com/herbalexporter/plants.htm | |
24. The Piperaceae fleshy herbs, soft shrubs, and infrequently small trees http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/piper.htm |
25. Herbs Related Links And Resources By Carvalhas & Tavares Kohler's Medicinal Plants. Medicinal herbs by Common Name (UW). Michael Moore SW School of Botanical Medicine. Internet Directory for botany Software. http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/6896/herbs.html | |
26. The Rutaceae herbs, shrubs, and trees with http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/rut.htm |
27. The Botany Shelf Back to botany The Green Basics. Boudica's Kitchen Info on herbs and trees; EssentialOil Technical Data Prepared by Gary Ross. Funeral herbs by Selana Fox. http://www.iit.edu/~phillips/personal/contents/testbot.html | |
28. The Papaveraceae herbs or rarely shrubs or trees comprising http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/papaver.htm |
29. Magic Of Herbs Herbs Complementary Medicine Botany Rhiannon Ryall Magic of herbs herbs Complementary Medicine botany Rhiannon Ryall. Subject herbsComplementary Medicine botany Title Magic of herbs Author Rhiannon Ryall. http://www.bookssource.co.uk/Rhiannon-Ryall-Magic-of-Herbs-1898307881.html | |
30. The Urticaceae monoecious or dioecious herbs or http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/urtic.htm |
31. Botany Of Gesneriads GESNERIACEAE. African Violets and Gloxinias. Dr. B. Morley. The Gesneriaceaeis a large family comprising mostly tropical herbs and shrubs. http://www.gesneriads.ca/gesneria.htm | |
32. The Nyctaginaceae herbs, shrubs, and trees comprising 30 genera and http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/nyctagin.htm |
33. Chinese Herbs: Their Botany, Chemistry & Pharmacodynamics Insight Metaphysical Bookstore Chinese herbs Their botany, Chemistry Pharmacodynamics. White Background Qty SEARCH our catalog http://www.insight-books.com/new/0804816670.html | |
34. The Amaranthaceae mostly herbs but rarely also shrubs or http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/amaranth.htm |
35. Mandragora: Magic Or Botany? Mandragora magic or botany? (Return) Friar Lawrence on herbs. One of Shakespeare'sspecialists on herbs is Friar Lawrence, in Romeo and Juliet. http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Library/SLTnoframes/ideas/herbs.html | |
36. The Portulacaceae succulent herbs or infrequently soft shrubs http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/portulac.htm |
37. Mandragora: Magic Or Botany? Mandragora magic or botany? Images of the mandrake root, on the leftfrom a medieval herbal, on the right from Gerarde's Herbal (1597). http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Library/SLT/ideas/herbs.html | |
38. The Acanthaceae mostly herbs or shrubs comprising about http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/acanth.htm |
39. Index Of Medieval Medical Images (IMMI) - Vermont Herbal (MS.2) - Index Of Fols. botany), fol. 4 Erba brance leonina maggiore. Erba canolo maggiore. SolanaceaeCruciferae Plants, Medicinal herbs Pods (botany) Berries Roots (botany) Demons, http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/biomed/his/immi/vermont/vermontindex2-17.h | |
40. The Apiaceae mostly temperate herbs almost always with http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/api.htm |
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