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61. Research Programs - High Energy Nuclear Physics physics high energy nuclear physics, http://www.phy-astr.gsu.edu/PhyRHig.htm | |
62. Session C3 - High Energy And Nuclear Physics. Previous session Next session. Session C3 high energy and NuclearPhysics. ORAL session, Saturday afternoon, October 12 2.336, SETB. http://www.eps.org/aps/meet/TSF02/baps/abs/S140.html | |
63. High Energy Nuclear Physics Group high energy nuclear physics Group. at University of Tsukuba. Switchto Japanese. PHENIX evidence of RHIC collisions recorded Thursday http://utkhii.px.tsukuba.ac.jp/index_e.html | |
64. Physics Around The World: High Energy & Nuclear Physics physics Around the World high energy nuclear physics. Science, Radio Array NeutrinoDetector (RAND); Kansas (UK at Lawrence) high energy and nuclear physics; http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/physics-services/physics_hep_labs2.html | |
65. High Energy Nuclear Physics Translate this page http://www.ikf.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/IKF-HTML/highenergy/welcome2.html |
66. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: High-energy Physics Author CERN Subjects astrophysics, cosmology, highenergy physics, nuclear physics,physics research, quantum physics, relativity DeweyClass 530 ResourceType http://bubl.ac.uk/link/h/high-energyphysics.htm | |
67. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Nuclear Physics Corporation NEA The nuclear energy Agency NIKHEF The National Institute for nuclearand high energy physics in Amsterdam, The Netherlands NIST National http://www.rarf.riken.go.jp/rarf/np/nplab.html | |
68. Nuclear Physics Conference Page XXXI on Gross Properties of Nuclei and nuclear Excitations) WaldemarPetersen-Haus,Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal HEDM.03 2.2-7 physics of high energy Density in http://www.rarf.riken.go.jp/rarf/np/conf.html | |
69. FermiNews Organized list at Fermilab.Category Science physics Particle...... HEP. HENP DOE's Office of high energy and nuclear physics; part ofER. HEPAP high energy physics Advisory Panel. Advisory to DOE. http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ferminews/ahep.html | |
70. ISV - Department Of Radiation Sciences in which a structure of the nucleon is investigated using a high energy muon beamat A long serie of experiments in particle and nuclear physics have started. http://www.isv.uu.se/isvRESEARCH/isv_HEP.html | |
71. World Scientific General physics. high energy physics/ Particle physics. Laser physics/ Optical physics.Mathematical physics/ Theoretical physics. nuclear physics/ Plasma physics. http://www.wspc.com/books/physics/nppp.shtml | |
72. INSTITUTE OF HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS INSTITUTE OF highenergy physics AND nuclear physics. Lines of researchat NSC KIPT. Basic results of recent years. Participation in http://www.kipt.kharkov.ua/Baseinfeng/ihepnp.html |
73. HEP Institutes In RUSSIA Progr. QCD and deepinelastic scattering, heavy flavours, low-x physics and pomeron,colour transparency, high-energy nuclear physics, mathematical physics http://graybook.cern.ch/institutes/countries/RU.html | |
74. HEP Institutes In POLAND Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of nuclear physics. Department of high energyphysics. Soltan Institute for nuclear Studies. Division of high energy physics. http://graybook.cern.ch/institutes/countries/PL.html | |
75. HEP Structure Entry . high energy and nuclear physics. . . This is the entry page to the structureof knowledge in the subject field of high energy and nuclear physics. http://hepstructure.inr.ac.ru/ | |
76. Computing As A Tool For High Energy And Nuclear Physics 10Oct-02 MOUs in CD http://cc.jlab.org/docs/scicomp/presentations/wolbers/ | |
77. Critical Tool Library For High Energy Nuclear Physics Calculations Ported To CRA Critical Tool Library for high energy nuclear physics CalculationsPorted to CRAY T3E. LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY An http://www.npaci.edu/online/v2.12/nersc.html | |
78. Untitled Document Center for Advanced Computation in high energy and nuclear physics (highenergy and nuclear physics). Accelerators for the high energy http://www.lbl.gov/Publications/Institutional-Plan/2001/CHIVIntro.html | |
79. Government Web Sites: Office Of High Energy And Nuclear Physics Agency, Office of high energy and nuclear physics. Acronym, HENP. Hierarchy,Department of energy. Office of Science. Docs, URL, http//www http://www.virtualref.com/govagency/246.htm | |
80. High Energy Physics At The University Of Chicago high energy physics at the University of Chicago. nuclear energy Henry Moore This bronze figure stands just outside our building http://hep.uchicago.edu/ | |
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