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21. Pejepscot Historical Society Home Page Museums operated by the Pejepscot Historical Society in Brunswick, Maine, including The Pejepscot Museum, The SkolfieldWhittier House Museum, and The Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum. http://www.curtislibrary.com/pejepscot.htm | |
22. Maryland Association Of History Museums Home Search for a MA Member Museum. Enter a phrase and click ''Go''. Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh, http://www.museumsusa.org/sma/MD/ | |
23. Natural History Museums, Links For Palaeobotanists Natural history museums, Links for Palaeobotanists 1, Annotated links to internetresources, especially for palaeobotanists (Palaeobotany, Paleobotany). http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/mineralogie/palbot/organisations/museums.html | |
24. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Natural History Museums Natural history museums. Pull Down for More Options. http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/nh_mus.htm | |
25. Jewish Post Of New York Online - Travel - Military History Museums Flourish In I Military history museums Flourish in Israel. The There are 12 museumsin Israel dedicated to the history of the heroes and heroism. You http://www.jewishpost.com/jp0807/jptr0807c.htm | |
26. LTP -Natural History Museums On The Web Academy Of Natural Sciences NASA Home Page, Natural history museums on the Web Academy of NaturalSciences; Berkeley Museum of Paleontology; Bishop Museum (Hawaii http://www.grc.nasa.gov/Other_Groups/K-12/John/natural.htm | |
27. Natural History Museums And Research Centers . N a t u r a l H i s t o r y M u s e u m s a n d R e s e ar c h C e n t e r s. by Country, by Field/Online Collection. http://www.academiaexchange.net/1.Science_Exchange/Nature_Expos/museums.html | |
28. WWW Virtual Library: Museums In The USA USA Museums, history museums A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum,Chicago, IL. history museums of San Jose , San Jose, CA. http://www.museumca.org/usa/history.html | |
29. Wells Fargo Museums - History Museums Real history. It's all at the seven Wells Fargo history museums. Here's your chanceto travel to the past by exploring all the rare and authentic exhibits. http://www.wellsfargo.com/about/museum_info.jhtml | |
30. Natural History Museums of UK zoo's, zoological gardens, aquariums, butterfly farms, bird gardens,aviaries,safari parks, city farms, botanical gardens, natural history museums. http://www.zoos.50megs.com/museums.htm | |
31. History Museums ExperiencePA.com My Path Home history museums. Pennsylvania's colorful and significant ourmemories. Want to explore some more of history museums? Read this http://www.experiencepa.com/experiencepa/contentarea.do?name=History Museums |
32. History Museums in 1994 and has earned a reputation for creating exciting, innovative exhibitsthat transform visitor centers, science centers, history museums and youth http://www.sibbettgroup.com/History/historymuse.html | |
33. Natural History Museums Natural history museums. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia,PA. American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. California http://www.mcz.harvard.edu/Departments/InvertPaleo/NaturalHistoryMuseums.htm | |
34. African American History Museums Academic Info African American history museums, Exhibits Libraries. The AfricanAmerican history museums Libraries page is sponsored by. http://www.academicinfo.net/africanammuseums.html | |
35. Natural History Museums - Zoological Museums - Academic Info Australian Museum. Berkeley Natural history museums Consortium. BrighamYoung University Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Crayfish http://www.academicinfo.net/zoomuseums.html | |
36. The Natural History Museums And Botanical Garden - The University Of Oslo The Natural history museums and Botanical Garden. The University'sMuseums of Natural History and The Botanical Gardens' web pages http://www.uio.no/english/faculties/natural_museums.html | |
37. Natural History Museums CattailCompany.com. home/natural history museums. Click Here, United StatesAlabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; http://www.cattailcompany.com/nat_hist_museum/first_nat_hist_museum.html | |
38. Community Information Database Sources 1 Historical Sources See History Sources 1 History 7 History Archives16 History Bookstores 2 History Libraries 35 history museums 31 History http://sjsulib1.sjsu.edu:81/search/dHistory -- Museums./dhistory museums/-5,-1,0 | |
39. History Museums - HomeworkSpot.com HomeworkSpot Museums history museums. American Museum of NaturalHistory Items from many museum exhibits. Field Museum of Natural http://www.homeworkspot.com/reference/museum/history.htm | |
40. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - WildlifeNatural WildlifeNatural history museums. Natural history museums Listing of major naturalhistory collections and museums (primarily for birds) in North America. http://www.webdirectory.com/Wildlife/Natural_History_Museums/ | |
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