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81. MIAMI INDIANS ETHNOHISTORY ARCHIVES Hudson bay control of the fruitful fur trade of the 8 was captain of a militia companyraised to or Champion Countrey lying between hudsons bay Calefornia in http://www.gbl.indiana.edu/archives/miamis5/M07-13_21a.html | |
82. Going Native -- Tom Bacig -- University Of Minnesota Duluth of New France depended on maintaining trade with the William Laidlow, of the ColumbiaFur company in charge English factors of the hudsons bay company had made http://www.d.umn.edu/~tbacig/writing/Metis/brdmetis.html | |
83. Selling Your Business? say, television stations) or the fur trade monopoly granted by the Crown to theHudsons bay company circa 350 necessarily bad strategy for the company to take http://www.dramatispersonae.org/SellingYourBusiness3.htm | |
84. METIS CULTURE 1812-1814 raised in a tradition of free trade, freedom of that they plotted to expel all furtraders from the region to secure the hudsons bay company's fragile claim to http://www.telusplanet.net/public/dgarneau/metis36.htm | |
85. Untitled canada in 1850; He was a fur trader and clerk with the Northwest company and theHudsons bay company;. Newfoundland, 19191920; MPP for bay Verde; Minister http://members.tripod.com/~Roughian/index-11.html | |
86. Historical Sketches - The Canals Of Canada. One of the northwest fur trading companies of the Northwest Territories from theHudsons bay company), the Dominion built by a joint stock company having its http://www.history.rochester.edu/canal/bib/whitford/old1906/vol2/Part4-2.htm | |
87. John Peter Pruden Family of Kenneth McKenzie of the American fur company. Chief Factor William Sinclair ofthe hudsons bay company. Governor and Committee of the Hudson's bay company,. http://www.televar.com/~gmorin/pruden.htm | |
88. Published Collections Of HBCA Records and Observations on a Book entitled A Voyage to hudsons bay in the W. Stewart, ed.Documents Relating to the North West company. The Battle for James bay, 1686 http://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/archives/hbca/resource/publish.html | |
89. The Coat Of Arms Adventurers of England trading into hudsons bay in 1670 very suitable motto for afur trading company For Hudson's bay company employees, it represents even more http://www.hbc.com/hbc/e_hi/hbc_adventurers/coat_of_arms.htm | |
90. Winnipeg 411 - History & Facts - Before The Hudson's Bay Company company of Adventurers of England tradeing into hudsons bay . The Hudson's bay companywas the only group allowed to the natives brought their furs to the bay. http://winnipeg411.com/history/indepth/prehistoric/ | |
91. Companys The hudsons bay company had fierce competition now from the other company they competedwith the North West company for furs, the Hudson's bay men explored http://www.angelfire.com/zine/linz/indexy7.html | |
92. Vancouver Island Map, How To Find Us, Beaconsfield Inn, British Columbia, Canada of the Northwest company and the hudsons's bay company in 1821 Government asked theHudson's bay company to colonize served as the company's western headquarters http://www.beaconsfieldinn.com/mapisland.htm | |
93. Untitled Document If a hudsons bay company agent could reach the river's mouth serving as Mate on aHudson's bay trading boat. in presentday Alberta for the North West company. http://www.pkwy.k12.mo.us/southmiddle/westwardexpansion.htm | |
94. Oregon Prior To 1839 clerks in the service of the hudsons bay company in 1818 clerks in the service ofthe Hudson's bay company in 1818 years in the service of the company, mostly on http://www.oregonpioneers.com/1838.htm | |
95. Canadian Authors And Publishers By Shown - Isbn: Older Canadian Titles 1 by Harris, R. Cole 0802024955, hudsons bay Catalogue 1910 by Berton, Pierre 0771013396,Georgian bay by Barry, James 1550460625, In Good company by Irving http://www.bookscanada.ca/chist.html | |
96. Level 2 we are fighting to keep our publiclyowned electricity company. Victoria on the HudsonsBay Co with almost five hundred men, following the fur trade trails, and http://www.utubc.com/meeting/meeting31.htm | |
97. NEW FRANCE HISTORY of Merchants, sailed the Discover (hudsons old ship October John Guy explored TrinityBay, Newfoundland to after the collapse of the de Monts Trading company. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/dgarneau/french2.htm | |
98. Macdonald http://www.nipissingu.ca/faculty/johnlo/John_Long/coping | |
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