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61. Elaboration Of A Second Optional Protocol To The International Covenant On Civil Recalling article 3 of the Universal Declaration of human rights adopted on 10 December1948 and article 6 of the International Covenant on civil and Political http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/japanese/intl/un_dinf/un_44128.htm | |
62. Democracy Research Guide : Organizations : Conflict Resolution Research Tools 1. civil rights Mediation Oral History Project 2 Crisis Group) http//www.intlcrisis-group topress freedom and human rights organizations with http://www.ned.org/research/demresources/orgs-conflict.html | |
63. Midnight Editions American civil Liberties Union http//www.aclu.org. International Crisis Group http//www.intlcrisis-group LawyersCommittee for human rights http//www.lchr.org http://www.midnighteditions.com/Pages/links.html | |
64. International Human Rights Instruments International human rights Instruments of human rights (Fact Sheet human rights. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights *. International Covenant on civil http://www.unhchr.ch/html/intlinst.htm | |
65. Human Rights Links And Resources to institutionalize the recognition of African women's and girls' sexual andreproductive health rights as fundamental to their civil and human rights. http://www.wougnet.org/Links/rights.html | |
66. Uganda Women Activists And Human Rights Organisations Meet His Excellency The Am 2002, Activists from Uganda women organisations, and human rights organisationsmet His about Amina Lawal's case), from various civil society organisations http://www.wougnet.org/Documents/IsisWICCE/AminaLawal.html | |
67. New England Center For International Law And Policy: Center Personnel Conflict, International human rights Law, International Dispute Resolution, humanrights Litigation Before US Courts, and Comparative civil rights Enforcement. http://www.nesl.edu/center/NESL_PROGRAMS.htm | |
68. Whole Again News DETAILED ACLU Active Voices Amer. civil rights Rev. Amnesty intl News Asian Humanrights Comm, The Captive Voice Censorship News Ctr Democracy Tech. http://wholeagain.com/humannewsmap.html | |
69. Human Rights In The Philippines. FOREIGN.ASSISTANCE (Philippines human rights alleged violations for US aid); CIVILrights; MOVEMENT FOR A ELLSWORTH, WHITNEY (Amnesty intl) YOUNGBLOOD, ROBERT http://www.cpas.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cis/asia/eng/84-H381-6.html | |
70. University At Buffalo Libraries - Law - Subject Bibliographies - Human Rights Su judicial developments on personal, civil, political, economic Researching InternationalHuman rights Law http//www.ll.georgetown.edu/intl/guides/humanrights/. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/law/guides_handouts/humanrights.html | |
71. Privacy Digest: Friday, December 15, 2000 broad, bipartisan array of lawmakers and a bevy of civil liberties organizations Acoalition of 22 human rights and public policy organizations say the Council http://www.privacydigest.com/2000/12/15 | |
72. Nonfiction / Gay & Lesbian / Civil Rights Controversies in Outing, civil rights, and Sexual International Gay and Lesbian Humanrights commiss. intl Specialized Book Service Paperback (September 1995), http://hallnonfiction.com/gay_lesbian/123.shtml | |
73. The Telson Spur: Field Nodes -- Values (1): Rights & Responsibilities (1) Brotherhood of Active Rogue Journalists, intl BC human rights Weissbrodt Marci Hoffman,UMN human rights Library) The Bill of rights Institute (Washington http://www.islandnet.com/~pjhughes/pol.htm | |
74. Protest.Net Children Ecology Enron Feminism Genetic Food human rights International intl LawKosovo Meeting Bill of rights Defense Campaign Mamaroneck, New http://znet.protest.net/day.cgi?limit=25&state_values=CAMPUS*:mamaroneck |
75. Holocaust And The Law Other International Conventions The Universal Declaration of human rights (1948),the Covenant on civil and Political rights (1966), the Covenant on Economic http://www.chgs.umn.edu/Educational_Resources/Curriculum/Courses/Holocaust_and_t | |
76. Aspen Publishers - HR, Employment Law Civil Rights Employment Law civil rights. human Resources. http://www.aspenpublishers.com/pifs.asp?market=HR, Employment Law & Civil Rights |
77. The Beeline - Government: United Nations Stamps Statements to the Press Current Events Statistics Statute of the intl. UNin Our Daily Lives UN Journal Universal Declaration of human rights. http://bton.com/gov/un/menu.html | |
78. CRC-Watchdog : Violations Of European Human Rights cases are currently in the processing status at the European Court of human rights to a fair trial 1 In the determination of his civil rights and obligations http://www.crc-watchdog.org/content/europe/violate.html | |
79. Current Courses POLS BC 3410. Colloquium on human rights in a Diverse World. IA U 6156, Econ, Soc,Cultural rights Context. IA U 6808, intl Conflict Resolution I. PAS BC 3110. http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/humright/currentcourses.html | |
80. International Human Rights Instruments Universal Declaration of human rights; International Covenant on Economic, Socialand Cultural rights *; International Covenant on civil and Political rights | |
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