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Hungary History: more books (100) | ||||
141. Colossal Sound Hungary Hang/f©ny/sznpadtechnikai szolg¡ltat¡sok, l¡tv¡nytervez©s, lemezlovasok, rendezv©nyszervez©s, filmgy¡rt¡s. http://www.colossal.hu/ |
142. BBC Hungary Ritk¡n friss¼lÅ, de megbzhat³ hrforr¡s http://www.infostart.hu/category.my?idt=165 |
143. Hungary's Agricultural Biotechnology Center Includes news, scientific program, structure, services and products, job opportunities and archives. http://www.abc.hu/englishver.html |
144. (Hungary) Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE) Operations Research Department. http://www.cs.elte.hu/opres/index2.html |
145. Hungary, Budapest Includes event information, mission statement, committee information, sponsors, and news. http://www.szivarvany-misszio.hu/homepage/angol/?page=2 |
146. Geological Institute Of Hungary Magyar llami F¶ldtani Int©zet hivatalos honlapja. http://www.mafi.hu/hunindex.html |
147. (Hungary) Alfréd Rényi Institute, Budapest Preprints by author. http://www.renyi.hu/preprints.html |
148. (Hungary) Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute, Budapest Set Theory and Topology Research Group. Members, preprints. http://www.renyi.hu/pub/setop/setop.html |
149. Kossuth Lajos University (Hungary) Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry http://www.klte.hu/~wwwinorg/inorg.html |
150. My Travels HomePage Images and stories from experiences encountered while working around the world. Includes the former Soviet Union, Turkey, Egypt and hungary. http://MWebster.com |
151. Hungarotips Resource on hungary and Hungarian culture. Offers information on travel, language, genealogy, and culture. http://www.hungarotips.com/ |
152. Catholic Encyclopedia St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Also called St. Elizabeth of Thuringia. Biographical article on the princess, widow, Third Order Franciscan, who died in 1231. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05389a.htm |
153. (Hungary) Alfréd Rényi Institute Of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy Of Scie Number Theory research group staff. http://www.math-inst.hu/staff/number.html |
154. Backpack Guesthouse - Budapest - Hungary Backpackers hostel in Budapest featuring a young and friendly staff, laid back atmosphere, internet access and weekly spelunking trips. Directions to the hostel and caving information. http://www.backpackbudapest.hu |
155. Hungary On Education India an overview on the international programs http://www.educationindia-online.com/student/studyabroad-hg.asp?p=sa |
156. Atlasgeo.net Hungary Animated GIF image. http://www.atlasgeo.net/flags/anglais/html/Ehungary.htm |
157. Transnational Organizations, Human Rights Regimes, And The Roma The Cases Of Hun By Richard M. Clewett, Jr., 1999. http://www.english.eku.edu/CLEWETT/Duke_paper.html |
158. Folkinfo, Az Almássy Téri SzabadidÅközpont Folkadatbázisa - Budap Ingyenes folkadatb¡zis a magyar n©pműv©szet, n©pzene, n©pt¡nc ©s az ehhez kapcsol³d³ t©mak¶r¶krÅl nyºjtott inform¡ci³kkal. http://www.folkinfo.net/ |
159. Birding Hungary Overview, tours, trip report, resources, and links. http://www.birdinghungary.com/ |
160. Hungary - Scouts On Stamps Postal issues depicting scouting. http://scoutingmuseum.com/hungary.htm |
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