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81. University Of Sydney Library Collections & Resources Policy in Ancient History, and Classical, Prehistoric, and Historical archaeology encompassthe 946, iberian peninsula Adjacent Islands, Spain, 3aF, Eastern Spain etc. http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/about/policies/collections/histeuro.html | |
82. Coastal EuropeIberian Peninsula, Bilbao, Dordogne Valley, Brittany, And Norman Coastal Europeiberian peninsula, Bilbao, Dordogne Valley, Brittany, and Normandy Perched on the end of the iberian peninsula, in the westernmost corner of Europe, Portugal has http://www.smithsonianstudytours.com/sst/cruises/053003coastal.asp | |
83. Coastal EuropeIberian Peninsula, Bilbao, Dordogne Valley, Brittany, And Norman Interest. Coastal Europeiberian peninsula, Bilbao, Dordogne Valley, Brittany,and Normandy. http://www.smithsonianjourneys.org/cruises_intl/053003coastal.asp | |
84. Sephardic Surnames Names of Arabic derivation, eg Abenatar, Abensur, also occur and can berelated to the iberian peninsula from where the Sephardics came. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~terre011/Surnames.html | |
85. Medieval Atlas - Maps Of Iberia - Medieval Spain And Portugal In Maps and Portugal. The shifting political boundaries of the kingdoms inthe iberian peninsula are revealed in the maps offered here. http://historymedren.about.com/library/atlas/blatiberdex.htm | |
86. Temples And Towns In Roman Iberia Mierse shows that architecture on the peninsula displays great can be seen, but theIberian form has modern and ancient languages and the archaeology of the http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/6741.html | |
87. British Archaeology, No 49, November 1999: Reviews rudimentary analogues of these features in inscriptions from the Rhineland and theIberian peninsula, where they are Return to the British archaeology homepage. http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba49/ba49book.html | |
88. Ant "Supercolony" In Europe Raises Questions About Getting Along supercolony, which stretches from northern Italy along the Mediterranean coastlinepast France and Spain and curves around the iberian peninsula past Portugal. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/04/0418_020418_TVantcolony.html | |
89. Latin American And Iberian Collections And Resources At UNM archaeology, anthropology, and history of the Mesoamerican region University of IberianPeninsula Resources University of California, Los Angeles Library http://elibrary.unm.edu/ibero/webres.htm | |
90. SAAweb - Straus American Antiquity Vol 65 No 2 technocomplex of southern France and the iberian peninsula is an http://www.saa.org/Publications/AmAntiq/Aqabstracts/Aq65-2/straus.html | |
91. FSC Leisure Learning : Behind The Costa Brava: Exploring Garrotxa And Emporda, R from the madding crowds. Its rugged windswept coastline has a floraunique to the iberian peninsula. This is interspersed with low http://www.field-studies-council.org/leisurelearning2003/courseinfo.asp?no=672 |
92. B.A.R. Titles: ENVIRONMENT, LANDSCAPE AND GARDENS 1. BAR S1091, 2002 New Developments in Italian Landscape archaeology Theory and methodologyof field survey, land evaluation and landscape perception, pottery http://www.hadrianbooks.co.uk/category.asp?categoryID=14 |
93. Point Of Reference - Journals And Bulletins Aerial archaeology Newsletter. when last visited, only the first Adumatu Journal. the archaeology of the Arab World AfricanAmerican archaeology Newsletter. hosted by New South http://anthro.org/journals.htm | |
94. Staff - Department Of Archaeology - University Of Southampton Diaz Andreu, M. and Keay, S. 1996 The Dynamics of Change The case of the IberianPeninsula, In (Eds.) Diaz Andreu, M Keay, S. The archaeology of Iberia. http://www.arch.soton.ac.uk/Staff/default.asp?Staff=sjk1 |
95. British Archaeology, No 45, June 1999: Features In an article for British archaeology magazine, space researcher Duncan Steel argues that Stonehenge Category Science Social Sciences Archaeoastronomy Stonehenge...... constitutes smokinggun evidence of significant contact, at least in the Iberianpeninsula. Dr Mike Parker Pearson is Reader in archaeology at the University http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba45/ba45feat.html | |
96. Gibraltar Museum Site : Clive Finlayson of Climatic and Environmental Change Current Distribution Patterns in the IberianPeninsula and Evidence In Bound, M. (ed.). The archaeology of Ships of War. http://www.gib.gi/museum/p81.htm | |
97. Notes From The Road - Afghanistan - Buddhist Statues Of Bamyan - Archeology - Ah He has just coauthored a work on the relevance of archaeology to apeople. Excavating Jesus, focusing on biblical archaeology, seeks http://www.notesfromtheroad.com/desertsouthwestlakabul.htm | |
98. Concentration In Latin American Studies (Please note that a student may choose not to take a subject focused on the Iberianpeninsula.) Anthropology/Politics/archaeology and Material Science/History http://web.mit.edu/hass/www/guide/crla.html | |
99. Centre D'Arqueologia Subaquàtica De Catalunya the disembarkation of the Roman armies, culminating in the Romanization of the IberianPeninsula, and still To Main Page Back to Nordic Underwater archaeology. http://www.abc.se/~m10354/mar/casc.htm | |
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