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21. Listings Of The World Regional Europe Iceland Government Includes country information, government, embassies, and consulates. http//www.iceland.org/cn/ Added Nov-25-02; Embassy of Iceland - Berlin, Germany Post http://listingsworld.com/Regional/Europe/Iceland/Government/Embassies/ |
22. Iceland: Government html. encyclopediaEncyclopediaiceland government. Iceland is aparliamentary democracy governed under the constitution of 1944. http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/world/A0858726.html | |
23. Iceland Government Links iceland government Links. SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Embassy ofIceland. (created 2000) (last updated 17 September 2001) http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~smckee/govt_iceland.html | |
24. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Iceland iceland DeweyClass 323.4912 ResourceType document Location usa Last checked20000728 iceland government of the Republic of Iceland Official information http://bubl.ac.uk/link/i/iceland.htm | |
25. WWF Newsroom News Article, 22, Jul 2002 Alcoa and iceland government to proceed withcontroversial smelter and hydropower development, Related Links, http://www.panda.org/news_facts/newsroom/other_news/news.cfm?uNewsID=2620 |
26. Vindex, De Vindplaats Van Het Nederlandse Web Regional Europe iceland government. Subrubrieken, Links, Constitution of theRepublic of Iceland. Gevonden in rubriek Regional Europe iceland government. http://www.vindex.nl/dir/Regional/Europe/Iceland/Government | |
27. Motorola Teams With IRJA To Provide Tetra-Based Communications Solution To Icela Sector. 1/800247-2346. Motorola Teams With IRJA to Provide Tetra-BasedCommunications Solution to iceland government. Basingstoke, United http://www.motorola.com/LMPS/pressreleases/CGISS0014.html | |
28. ISN - Information Services - Links Library iceland government Governmental Stjórnarráð Íslands Official site withlinks to the parliament, government offices and related sites of interest. http://www.isn.ethz.ch/linkslib/index.cfm?Parent=262 |
29. FalunInfo.Net - Chinese Dictator Manipulating U.S. And European Airports We are calling on the iceland government to end the restriction on IcelandAir,and allow Falun Gong practitioners to enter the country. . http://www.faluninfo.net/DisplayAnArticle.asp?ID=5756 |
30. About Iceland Iceland information includes Anthems, Defense, Economy, Flags, Geography, Government,Maps, News, Weather. Iceland Geography. iceland government. Iceland People. http://www.countryreports.org/iceland.htm | |
31. WWF Arctic Programme - Welcome 22 July 2002 WWF will continue the fight for an Iceland national park despite Alcoaand iceland government decision to proceed with controversial smelter and http://www.ngo.grida.no/wwfap/core/newsroom/stories2002/07/22.html | |
32. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ON U. S. OCCUPATION OF ICELAND I have received your message in which you have informed me that after careful considerationof all the circumstances, the iceland government, in view of the http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/1941/410707a.html | |
33. Iceland.org Official site of the icelandic Foreign Service. Includes country information, government, embassies, Category Regional North America Foreign Embassies......Here you will find a wealth of information about iceland and icelandic nature,its history and people, culture and science, travel and leisure, business in http://www.iceland.org/ | |
34. Government Of Iceland Read news updates on government initiatives, meet the prime minister, and link to details on individual ministries. http://www.stjr.is/ | |
35. Government Offices Of Iceland - News And Articles forecast of the Ministry of Finance European Union rules on government aid -Generation ofalcohol in the European Union and New OECD forecast for iceland MORE http://www.raduneyti.is/interpro/stjr/stjr.nsf/pages/english-index | |
36. Government Offices Of Iceland - News And Articles government Offices of iceland Information Pages http://brunnur.stjr.is/interpro/stjr/stjr.nsf/pages/english-index | |
37. Dynamic Directory - Regional - Europe - Iceland - Government Regional Europe government (3). Regional Europe iceland Localities (151) http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Regional/Europe/Iceland/Government |
38. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Iceland government, iceland, Top of Page. Country name Definition Field Listingconventional long form Republic of iceland conventional short http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ic.html | |
39. Iceland On The Web: Administration : Government Institutions of Fisheries, responsible for implementing government policy on fisheries management and handling for the official regulation and supervision of financial operations in iceland. http://www.iceland.vefur.is/Administration/Government_Institutions | |
40. MapZones.com Government iceland, government, Back to Top. iceland is governed under a constitutionthat became effective when the country achieved full independence in 1944. http://www.mapzones.com/world/europe/iceland/governmentindex.php | |
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