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Illinois Coop Ext Service: more detail |
1. Abbreviated Titles 1996 : L in illinois. NAL call no. S624.I3L36. Leafl coop ext Serv Univ Ga*. Leaflet - cooperative extension service, http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji96/abrtil.htm |
2. Untitled Document (Pennsylvania coop. ext.). House Bat Mangement (U.S. Fish and Wildlife service) ext.). Chipmunks (Pennsylvania coop. ext.). Commensal Rodents. Mouse Management (illinois coop. http://www.berrymaninstitute.org/internetpubs.htm | |
4. Members Of WIN Wyoming Northern illinois Univ., DeKalb. Christine Pasley, MEd, County Coordinator/FCS Educator, UW coop. ext. service, Platte http://www.uwyo.edu/winwyoming/members.html | |
5. WasteContacts.html Asst Director coop ext service. University of illinois. 116 Mumford Hall http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/wmi/GenInfo/WasteContacts.html | |
6. List Of Agricultural Web Sites Newsletter (Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Servic www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/ fhepubs.html of illinois ext. http//www.aces.uiuc.edu/research/ Foodsafety/. University of Kentucky cooperative ext. service http://www.okstate.edu/OSU_Ag/agedcm4h/bobslist.htm | |
7. UIUC PSO Employment Classifications Covered By Collective Administrator I, Food service Administrator II, Housing Advisor ext Area II SecretaryIV, coop ext Area III The University of illinois is an Affirmative Action http://www.pso.uiuc.edu/Employment/UnionClasses.html |
8. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : K-M resources in illinois S624.I3L36 Leafl coop ext Serv Univ Ga* Leaflet cooperative extension service, University of http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji95/abrtij.htm | |
9. CSREES - State Urban Programs Contacts Jane Scherer University of illinois extension jscherer@uiuc Doug Babkirk Universityof Maine coop.ext. Dan Panshin Minnesota extension service dpanshin@mes.umn http://www.reeusda.gov/ecs/urbanlis.htm | |
10. CSREES - Diversity And Pluralism - Institutional Diversity Contacts illinois. James D. Oliver University of illinois oliverj@ces.aces.uiuc.edu. Louisiana,Ann Berry Louisiana coop. ext. service, LSU aberry@agctr.1su.edu. http://www.reeusda.gov/diversity/contacts.htm | |
11. Pubs Main Bulletin 815, Agdex 231, Ohio cooperative extension service, Ohio State University,Columbus, OH 43235; Ph 614 Southern illinois Univ., READI Cornell coop ext. http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/pubs/pubsmain.html | |
12. USDA Forest Service, Cooperative Forestry Hilo, HI 96720 Phone 808933-8121 ext. http//www.fs.fed.us/r6/coop/Programs/ucf NANortheastern Area (Connecticut, Delaware, illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine http://www.fs.fed.us/spf/coop/ucf_contact_fed.htm | |
13. Tree Health Care -- G 475. Gray, F., Gazaway, W. Alabama coop ext service. Note $1.00. Index terms insectcontrol, cultural practices, IPM, bronze birch borer, illinois, Midwest. http://www2.champaign.isa-arbor.com/members/INHScompendium/G.html | |
14. Tree Health Care -- H 481. Hagan, A., Mullen, J. Alabama coop ext service. Index terms cultural practices,selection, dogwood, illinois, Midwest. 513. Hilburn, DJ Virginia coop. http://www2.champaign.isa-arbor.com/members/INHScompendium/H.html | |
15. DEPARTMENT ROOM ADDRESS MC Abbott Power Plant 201C Abbott Power Advanced Rocket, 253, 1101 Springfield, 278. Advanced Study, 912 W. illinois, 064. coopext, 4H Mem Camp, 57, Mumford Hall, 710. coop ext service, 528, Bevier Hall, 184. http://www.cstores.uiuc.edu/mail/MAILCODE.HTML | |
16. CompostContacts.html Kathleen Brown ext Spec, Solid Waste Mgmt University of illinois CES PO MISSISSIPPIDr. Joseph Schmidt Comm Dev Specialist Mississippi coop ext service PO Box http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/wmi/Compost/CompostContacts.html | |
17. Office Of The CIO - Peter Siegel University of illinois Policy on Patents and Copyrights; Guidelines Source, AccountType, service Duration. staff including 0%; Academic hourly; coop ext based on http://www.cio.uiuc.edu/policies.html | |
18. Office Of The CIO - Peter Siegel acprof, staff including 0%; Academic hourly; coop ext based on 1 yr, length of service,length of service. 601 East John Street, Champaign, illinois 618205796 http://www.cio.uiuc.edu/policiesAuthUsers.html | |
19. List Of University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Mail Codes Admissions Records/Mail Rm, Henry Admin Bldg, 332. Advanced Study, 912 W illinois,064. Continuing Engr Educ, Engr Hall, 268. coop ext service, Mumford Hall, 710. http://www.ps.uiuc.edu/oldsite/mailcodes.html |
20. Communicators Guide/chapter Seven Natural Resources Conservation service, US Department CO 805234050, douglass@coop.ext.colostate.edu Goettel,Communications Coordinator, illinois-Indiana Sea http://www.usda.gov/news/pubs/fcn/chapter7.htm | |
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