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61. UNDP/CSOPP Policies And Procedures: Policy Statement On Indigenous Peoples modern' sector by recognising the significance of indigenous peoples' holistic traditional Inresolution 41/128, the general Assembly proclaimed, the 'right to http://www.undp.org/csopp/CSO/NewFiles/policiesip.html | |
62. Pacific Islands And Other Indigenous Peoples: The University Of Waikato Library indigenous peoples Pacific Islands. Links to general Pacific Islands' sites.Pacific Internet resources from the National Library of Australia. http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/nzc/14pacific.shtml | |
63. Waikato Law Related Sites general. rights situations being faced by Fourth World nations and create a historicalarchive of the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples to assert http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/law/s_indig.shtml?display=print |
64. General Legal Resources Online general Legal Resources Online. of Arizona Law School Aboriginal Law from the CanadianBar Association The rights of indigenous peoples in international law An http://www.hanksville.org/sand/legal/general.html | |
65. The DoCip Working Group on indigenous peoples (since its establishment in 1982); SubCommissionfor A general collection of indigenous documents and of those relating to http://www.docip.org/anglais/docip_en.html | |
66. Native Peoples Law This section deals with the rights of those indigenous peoples displaced by colonizationwhich are and war and peace deal with the rights of people in general. http://www.hg.org/native.html | |
67. Eco-Portal: Sustainability/Information/Indigenous Peoples determination and human rights of indigenous peoples (Added Fri behalf of the Ogiek,an indigenous people living Latest general Sustainability News Headlines. http://www.eco-portal.com/Sustainability/Information/Indigenous_Peoples/welcome. | |
68. Indigenous Groups * SIL programs which have been discontinued for various reasons. For more informationabout indigenous peoples in general, visit the SIL Ethnologue. http://www.sil.org/americas/brasil/EnglGrps.htm | |
69. Sacred Earth Network About SEN - Related Organizations We Are Doing in Russia Sites regarding Specific Environmental Issues or RegionsWithin Russia - indigenous peoples - general Environmental Organizations http://www.sacredearthnetwork.org/beta/release/about/links.cfm |
70. Resolution 6. Also decide to request the UN Secretary general to ensure that preference begiven to equally qualified indigenous peoples' candidates in the staffing of http://www.nciv.net/Millennium/Resolution/resolution_english.htm | |
71. Choike : Indigenous Peoples . Third Committee United Nations press release on the general Assembly Third indigenouspeoples Mon Nov 04 2002 510 years of discrimination against indigenous http://www.choike.org/links/4/34/ | |
72. International Day Of The Worlds Indigenous Peoples Leonard Peltier is calling his friends, supporters and general public to expresstheir solidarity with the indigenous peoples by attending this commemoration http://www.iacenter.org/dayindig.htm | |
73. II Meeting - Indigenous Peoples And Natural Resource Management Working Table Tr a proposal to work with indigenous peoples in the Convention 5day workshop with indigenouspeople. which will involve SEMARNAP (Direccion general de Proyectos http://www.trilat.org/defunct_tables/ind_people_nat_resources/II_meeting_ind_peo | |
74. III Meeting Indigenous Peoples And Management Of Natural Resources Workgroup Rep of Aquatic Biological Diversity, indigenous peoples and the Mexican delegationof two indigenous Mexicans and with SEMARNAP (Direccion general de Proyectos http://www.trilat.org/defunct_tables/ind_people_nat_resources/III_meeting_ind_pe | |
75. Ethnolinguistic Minorities In Siberia general Native peoples of Siberia; Crossroads of Continents peoples of Siberia;DNA the Peopling of Siberia; indigenous peoples of Siberia - in Russian; http://www.slavweb.com/eng/Russia/minority/sib-e.html | |
76. Indigenous Peoples' Seattle Declaration states of the WTO to endorse the adoption by the UN general Assembly of the currenttext of the UN Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples and the http://www.ldb.org/indi99.htm | |
77. Indigenous In Charge Its supreme authority is its general assembly, which is made up of representativesof indigenous peoples and of member country governments. http://www.iadb.org/idbamerica/archive/stories/1999/eng/e1099s12.htm | |
78. Amazonia And Siberia--Legal Aspects Of The Preservation Of The Environment And D In general, and in the special case of indigenous peoples, the following statementabout international law is correct,,The progressive development of http://www.ciesin.org/docs/010-283/010-283.html | |
79. IBA - Indigenous Peoples Committee Homepage than that of developers or proponents of projects, governments or business in general. theworld dealing with issues of concern to indigenous peoples and those http://www.ibanet.org/general/CommHome.asp?section=SLP&Committee=SLP-3 |
80. FWDP -- World Council Of Indigenous Peoples The Caribs of Dominica http://www.cwis.org/wcip.html | |
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