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41. TVE: Human Rights Catalogue '98 Perhaps the most important thing in guatemala is that indigenous peoples, forthe first time in their history, are now involved in the policy dialogue. http://www.tve.org/humanrights/doc.cfm?aid=374 |
42. Rights & Democracy's Indigenous Peoples' Rights Programme rights of indigenous peoples. It has been ratified by nine countries in Latin America.This grant helped the Consejo de Organizaciones Mayas de guatemala (COMG http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/prog/indigenous/indigenous.html | |
43. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International A directory of Aboriginal links around the world.Category Society Ethnicity indigenous People...... Maps (Magellan) Institute for Central American Development Studies indigenous peoplesin Central America Maya peoples in Mexico and guatemala Maya Archeology http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
44. Indigenous Peoples In The Americas Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay andPeru) are State Parties to the indigenous and Tribal peoples Convention known http://www.maryknoll.org/GLOBAL/NEWSNOTES/xNEWSNOTES/newsnote09_01/indig_sept01. |
45. Indigenous People, Culture And Lifestyle In Guatemala guatemala Portfolio Professional Photo Selection. Tourist Information(and recommendation). La Ruta new page. Return to indigenous peoples. http://www.jpsviewfinder.com/travel/country/guatemala/guaculture.htm | |
46. Briefings Declaration of Atitlán, guatemala indigenous peoples Consultationon the Right to Food A Global Consultation. · Declaracion http://forestpeoples.gn.apc.org/body_briefings.htm | |
47. The Forest Peoples Programme Supports Forest Peoples Rights To April 2002. Declaration of Atitlán, guatemala indigenous peoplesConsultation on the Right to Food A Global Consultation. http://forestpeoples.gn.apc.org/body_index.htm | |
48. World Bank Launches Paper On Justice And Indigenous Peoples In Latin America proposals that were presented at the Second International Seminar on the Administrationof Justice and indigenous peoples, held in guatemala in September 1998. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20017477~menuPK:3446 | |
49. The Terms indigenous Peoples, indigenous Ethnic Minorities, tribal Gro Operational Directive (OD) 4.20 indigenous peoples. Cited in Health Education inindigenous Areas Through Bilingual Teachers in guatemala. (AGES and http://www.pathfind.org/pf/pubs/focus/IN FOCUS/Indigenous.htm | |
50. The Historical Memory Project - A Photographic Exhibit From Guatemala And One Da Her book received international acclaim bringing to light the conflictbetween indigenous peoples and the military government of guatemala. http://www.toremember.org/program.html | |
51. Hrip INTRO TO indigenous peoples. UN indigenous RIGHTS. RIGHTS OF DISCOVERY CONQUEST.NATIONSTATES indigenous RIGHTS. MEXICO. guatemala. SOUTH AMERICA. http://www.colby.edu/personal/jdanders/hrip.html | |
52. Human Rights And Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples of Brazil (UN Photo 159651C). indigenous people makeup well over half of the populations of guatemala and Peru. http://www.un.org/av/photo/subjects/hgindig.htm | |
53. Guatemala Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in guatemala (MINUGUA) and the signing ofthe Agreement on Identity and Rights of indigenous peoples are encouraging http://www.un.org/Docs/SG/SG-Rpt/ch4d-11.htm | |
54. Chief Abel Bosum, Indigenous Peoples' Rights In guatemala, the indigenous Mayan peoples comprise the majority of the inhabitants,yet they are systematically excluded from government; and when they try to http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/122.html | |
55. Indigenous Peoples: Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Maya, Consejo de Organizaciones de Tukun Uman de guatemala, Centro Saqbe MayabMoloj de guatemala, Movimiento Indigena African indigenous peoples Forum http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/nominations.htm | |
56. Konferansen 2001: Competence Building And Indigenous Peoples Competence Building and indigenous peoples Alle dokumenter Le Roux, Working Groupfor indigenous Minorities, Botswana. EXPERIENCES FROM guatemala AND NICARAGUA. http://www.uit.no/ssweb/forum/konferanse2001/rapport_2001.htm | |
57. GTI97_COPMAGUA_ingl Organization of guatemala, COPMAGUA- wish to contribute some reflections to thediscussion of the Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. http://www.puebloindio.org/ONU_info/info97/GTI97_COPMAGUA_ingl_copy(1).htm | |
58. Indigenous Peoples The Mayan Forestry Action Plan is a process of consultation on forestryand agriculture with farmers and Mayan women in guatemala. http://www.itpcentre.org/env_mayan.htm | |
59. Indigenous Peoples of indigenous peoples themselves. Despite its importance, to date only nine countrieshave ratified this Convention Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, guatemala, http://www.itpcentre.org/legislation/english/ilo1eng.htm | |
60. Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Quiche Mayan employee. She lived in the midst of the injustice, misery and discriminationsuffered by the indigenous peoples of guatemala. Various http://www.indians.org/welker/menchu.htm | |
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