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Indigenous Peoples Listservs: more detail |
81. Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal/indigenous peoples. Either/Or Multiculturalism and Biculturalismby Marian Boreland Critical article on Australian aboriginality http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/eduweb/engl392/492/aboriginal.html | |
82. Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples Aboriginal/indigenous peoples Either/Or Multiculturalism and Biculturalism byMarian Boreland Critical article on Australian aboriginality, multiculturalism http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/eduweb/engl392/492a/themes/aboriginal.html | |
83. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : L Center for World indigenous Studies Find archival documents on social, political,strategic Chi cano and Chicana Literature listservs (from UPenn listserv index http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1783 |
84. Electronic Mailing Lists IKS under provisions contained in Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Convention, and otherinternational agreements and conventions applying to indigenous peoples;; http://www.sdgateway.net/mailinglists/list9.htm | |
85. Multi-cultural Resources And K-12 Project Sites http//www.inform.umd.edu/NAME A national organization offering conferences, listservsand resources indigenous peoples of Mexico, Central and South America! http://lone-eagles.com/multicultural.htm | |
86. Resources.html Using listservs How to find listservs and subscribe to them. indigenous Peoplesof Arizona This is a study of the history of Native American people in http://psrtec.clmer.csulb.edu/resources.html | |
87. GST Gateway Biodiversity - Policy indigenous peoples, indigenous Knowledge and Innovations and the Convention onBiological Diversity by the indigenous People's Biodiversity Network (IPBN). http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/LKS/biodiv/policy.html | |
88. GST Gateway Biodiversity - Resources Annotated Bibliography of Publications Relating to indigenous peoples and TraditionalResource Rights This bibliography contains about 200 entries; http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/lks/biodiv/resources.html | |
89. E-Mail Discussion Lists NATEDU. K12 Education and indigenous peoples group. listserv@indycms.iupui.edu.NCPRSE-L. Discussion of science education reform. listserv@ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu. http://www.edwebproject.org/lists.html | |
90. XCP:links and political realities of indigenous nations. fosters better understanding betweenpeoples through the Lists, Publishers, Newsgroups/ listservs, General Links http://bfn.org/~xcp/links.html | |
91. Native Title Resources - Monash University Library aim of NativeNet is to promote dialogue and understanding regarding indigenous peoplesof all links to the archives of four of the major listservs which deal http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/subjects/law/nativetitle.html | |
92. Second World Conference On Remedies To Racial And Ethnic Economic Inequality Native Net, maintained by Fond du Lac Tribal College; maintains a set of listservson subjects pertaining to the indigenous peoples of the world. http://www.hhh.umn.edu/centers/wilkins/second/ | |
93. Key Resources On The Internet For International Law Research Mail List Manager Commands for general information about using listservs). ResearchingIndigenous peoples Rights Under International Law (Steven C. Perkins). http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/intlaw.html | |
94. Humanities Links the Web. Native Web Native Web has links to good resources concerningnative/indigenous peoples from all over the world. http//h http://avconline.avc.edu/avcoll/olhuman.html | |
95. WEb Link Resources By Subject Media Native Americans in the Movies A Bibliography of Materials in the UC BerkeleyLibrary Gender, Race Ethnicity in the Media indigenous peoples (U. of http://www.library.ubc.ca/xwi7xwa/subject.htm | |
96. Links To Other Sites list of links to many treaties, listservs, journals and Project The Center for WorldIndigenous Studies' Fourth record and preserve our peoples' struggles to http://www.usd.edu/iais/baggsites.html | |
97. Heritage Institute - Continuing Education For Teachers place to browse for K12 teachers (and others) interested in subscribing to education-relatedlistservs (see below K12 Education and indigenous peoples group. http://www.hol.edu/listsrvs.htm |
98. Ecuador InterPress / globalinfo.org, 2/7/2001 Power Is Not indigenous Goal, Says EcuadoreanLeader The objective of Ecuador's indigenous peoples is not power, but to http://www.worldrevolution.org/CountryNews.asp?CountryName=Ecuador |
99. Udall Center For Studies In Public Policy: UC Update 7, July 1999 Allen Buchanan, professor of philosophy, will look at bridging the discoursesof indigenous peoples' rights and national minorities' rights. http://udallcenter.arizona.edu/publications/update/update07.html | |
100. Dialogue Resources And Perspectives Links to Aboriginal Resources www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborl.htm A completelisting of connections to resources on indigenous peoples on every continent http://thataway.org/dialogue/res/res7i.htm | |
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