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61. Corporate Counsel Center - International Trade & Investment Free trade Area of the Americas Features Features basic documents, cases, and bilaterialinvestment treaties. international Monetary Fund Features news releases http://corporate.findlaw.com/industry/international/ | |
62. Monterey Institute Of International Studies international Law, InterAm Database of international treaties. Full legal texts oftreaties, free trade agreements and international agreements concerning trade. http://www.miis.edu/cresources-lib-research.html | |
63. International Agencies And Information On The Web international trade Law Project international trade treaties; IncludesGATT, NAFTA, World trade Organization. international treaties http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/intlnew.html | |
64. PreventConflict.org - Treaties_International Trade, Labor And Development Health. Human Rights. international trade, Labor Development. Media Law.Security. Transmigration, Population Refugees. treaties Legislation. Women. http://www.preventconflict.org/portal/main/treaties_trade.php | |
65. Law.com Treaties Multinational International Trade treaties Multinational international trade, Convention on internationalBills of Exchange and international Promissory Notes Convention http://www11.law.com/international/nav.asp?h=1694 |
66. Law.com Treaties East Asia And The Pacific International Trade treaties East Asia and the Pacific international trade, AsiaPacific EconomicConference (APEC). Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Tariffs. http://www11.law.com/international/nav.asp?h=1645 |
67. CIPR: International IPR Treaties Extracts from the European trade Mark Harmonisation Regulation (Council Regulation(EC) No. 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade Mark). http://www.cipr.org/treaties/etm.htm | |
68. Social Law Library - International Law Links Trading Department of trade and Industry South America. Brazil Brazil Law For additionalinformation on international Law and treaties Washburn University's http://www.socialaw.com/irg/il.html | |
69. Law And Politics - Treaties It builds on a freetrade agreement between the US and Canada that became effectivein 1989. 12,000+ US treaties and international Agreements from 1783 to http://www.lpig.org/treaty.html | |
70. Trade Policy of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman. trade Agreements and international treaties.WTO World trade Organization. The WTO Committee on Agriculture http://www.fas.usda.gov/trade.html | |
71. WorldTradeLaw.net - Legal Texts: Treaties And Legislation international treaties and Agreements Multilateral treaties and Agreements.Regional treaties and Agreements. Domestic trade Legislation. http://www.worldtradelaw.net/legaltex.htm | |
72. FOREIGN TRADE LAW 4. banning import by the provisions of international treaties or agreements to which departmentin charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the http://www.cietac-sz.org.cn/cietac/English/Convention/Ftl1.htm | |
73. EconPapers: International Treaties On Trade And Global Pollution. international treaties on trade and Global Pollution. in Catholiquede Louvain Center for Operations Research and Economics from http://econpapers.hhs.se/paper/fthlouvco/9903.htm | |
74. Government Information On The Internet: A Primer -- Treaties World Constitutions and international treaties http//library.tamu.edu internationalTribunal for the Law of the North American Free trade Agreement http//www http://www.ifla.org/I/resource/treaties.htm | |
75. AFI-ASI Ag-Trade Agenda-December 5-7, 2001 international treaties if the laws place unreasonable burdens on international commerce.Come find out the potential impact of the North American Free trade http://www.ncsl.org/statefed/AgTrade_Agenda.htm | |
76. International Environmental Law Resource international trade World trade Organization Commission of international Law, internationalEnvironmental Law to environmental treaties, secretariats, websites http://www.lclark.edu/org/ielp/treaties.html | |
77. Guide To Migratory Bird Laws And Treaties two international treaties that contain important provisions for the protection ofmigratory birds CITES (the Convention on international trade in Endangered http://migratorybirds.fws.gov/intrnltr/treatlaw.html | |
78. Bora Laskin Law Library - Links - International Trade & Economics Includes the US and international trade law materials. Contains textof international trade treaties and agreements. In addition http://www.law-lib.utoronto.ca/resources/topic/inttrade.htm | |
79. World Trade And E-Commerce Affirm that existing international treaties governing trade in goods,services, and intellectual property apply to electronic commerce;; http://www.microsoft.com/issues/essays/11-15wto.asp | |
80. Fletcher-Ginn-Multilaterals Project Searchable database of international multilateral conventions and associated treaties and documentsCategory Science Social Sciences Foreign Policy...... at Harvard Law School. ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for internationalLaw treaties by Jill McC. Watson. treaties and Other http://fletcher.tufts.edu/multilaterals.html | |
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