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161. Plagiarism And The Internet Bibliography of print resources on plagiarism and the web. http://homepages.wmich.edu/~rea/CW/plag.html |
162. Die Datenbank Für Bildungsangebote Im Internet Bei bildungsboerse.com haben Sie die M¶glichkeit, nach Bildungsangeboten, Seminaren, Schulungen, Fortbildungen, Weiterbildungen und Ausbildungen aller Art zu suchen. http://www.bildungsboerse.com/ |
163. Business Information Sources On The Internet Created by University of Strathclyde, Department of Information Science. http://www.dis.strath.ac.uk/business/countries.html |
164. Pharmacist's Guide To Drug And Medical Information On The Internet Clinical Pharmacist's web page containing links to helpful and informative drug and medical information sites. Drug databases are available. http://www.erols.com/lpincock |
165. As 20 Vulnerabilidades Mais CrÃticas De Segurança Na Internet A lista Top 20 do SANS/FBI © valiosa porque a maioria dos ataques bem sucedidos direcionados a sistemas de computadores atrav©s da internet pode ser atribuda explora§£o de falhas de seguran§a includas nesta lista. Uma referªncia obrigat³ria para os profissionais da ¡rea. http://www.sans.org/Top20_Portuguese.php |
166. Tutorial - Suchen Im Internet Darstellung der Arbeitsweise von Suchmaschinen, beschreibt Problematik der st¤ndig wachsenden Datenmengen und die Notwendigkeit pr¤ziser Suchanfragen und entsprechende Syntaxerkl¤rung. Nicht alle externen Links sind korrekt. http://www.fh-regensburg.de/meile/cbtbibliothek/suchmaschinen/k2_00.htm |
167. A Patient's Guide To The Internet A stepby-step guide for patients seeking medical information on the internet Covers References, Resources, Support Groups, Mailing Lists, Medical Terminology, and a Glossary. http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/me/patientsguide/ |
168. Guide To Philosophy On The Internet A regularly updated collection of online philosophy resources by Peter Suber of Earlham College. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/philinks.htm |
169. A Patient's Guide To The Internet A stepby-step guide for patients seeking medical information on the internet. http://www.patientsguide.com |
170. Internet Archive The internet Archive is building a digital library of internet sites andother cultural artifacts in digital form. Browse the internet Archive http://www.archive.org/ |
171. Disability On The Internet A guide to disability related resources on the internet, organized by subject. http://www.gva-acqui.org/gva2gc.htm |
172. RTC Internet Fast, reliable internet access. Domain name and dedicated access available. http://www.catt.com/ |
173. W3history This site will be relaunched at some point in the future In the meantime, pleasevisit the W3C's Little history of the World Wide Web Copyright © 19992003 http://www.w3history.org/ |
174. Southern Internet Acceso a internet en Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz. http://www.southern.com.ar/ |
175. Jagdalmanach - Die Erfolgreiche Nachsuche Im Internet Der Jagdalmanach, die erfolgreiche Nachsuche im internet. Hier finden Sie alles, was das internet jagdlich zu bieten hat. Alphabetisch und ¼bersichtlich geordnet. Mit einem Klick auf der von Ihnen gew¼nschten topaktuellen Homepage. Einfacher ist Ihnen die Jagd noch nie gemacht worden! http://www.jagdalmanach.com |
176. Imaginar Un sitio en donde encontrar lo b¡sico que todo navegante debe tener. Podras bajar a tu computadora los programas mas populares y reconocidos para el mejor aprovechamiento de internet http://www.imaginar.net |
177. INTERNET internet. As the use of TCP/IP became more common, entire other networksfell into the digital embrace of the internet, and messily adhered. http://www.lysator.liu.se/etexts/the_internet.html |
178. WebNow Serviços De Internet Com PHP, PERL/CGI, ASP, ASP.Net e extensµes FrontPage. http://www.webnow.com.br/ |
179. Siberdine Tutoriales sobre variados aspectos de la computaci³n e internet http://comunidad.ciudad.com.ar/argentina/buenos_aires/siberdine10 |
180. Rock3 Caters for Kids, Teens and parents with a range of different internet filtering solutions to protect against pornography and other net nasties. Has recently been purchased by Orcon internet http://www.rock3.net.nz |
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