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Inventors Specific Bios: more detail |
41. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - Guide -- At MakeItSimple Because most bios's are Flash ready (which means they IBM The inventors of the HardDisk, Magnetoresistive The PCGuide, good specific information on hard disks http://www.makeitsimple.com/sections.php?op=printpage&artid=10 |
42. Motherboards big round of applause is due to the inventors and implementers purchase a speciallyprogrammed bios chip from a bios manufacturer, that is specific to the http://internal.vusd.solanocoe.k12.ca.us/Buck/pc_tech/study/motherboard.htm | |
43. Thirteen Ed Online - African American Scientists It offers bios of each person as well as other to research the list of scientistsand inventors on the the list, have each student find specific information on http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/lessons/africansci/b.html | |
44. Scientist Search Websites specific Scientists. entries/bmbest.html http//schwinger.harvard.edu/~terning/bios/Best.html. More_HTML/School.Info/About.Drew.htmlhttp//inventors.about.com http://www.kyrene.org/staff/sshott/scientist_search_websites.htm |
45. Environmental Scanning At The Georgia Center For Continuing Education: A Progres Peter Drucker was quoted as stating, Innovation is the specific function of byQuinn (1985) stressed that successful entrepreneurs, inventors, and creators http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/8.html | |
46. The Online Software Museum was working as a consultant to Intel (inventors of the CP/M version 1 that addressedthe specific format of in a separate module he called the bios, for Basic http://museum.sysun.com/museum/cpmhist.html | |
47. Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library Hall of Fame Learn about famous inventors and some of the United States; Mr. ShowbizStar bios; Notable Citizens of web site or search for a specific piece of http://www.communitylibrary.org/cpsd/refshelve.html | |
48. HBS Working Knowledge: Innovation section is retained, which includes games, inventor bios, and the up the lives ofthirtyfive inventors, the site focuses on five specific geniuses and http://hbswk.hbs.edu/websites.jhtml?t=innovation |
49. Science This award winning dictionary has bios varying in some of its most advanced scholarsand inventors. access more detailed information on specific areas Climate http://www.bhprsd.org/Tritonrhs/Library Media Center/B Websites for Classroom Su | |
50. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Intel Corporation - Us Invention Submission Corporation Helps inventors submit their ideas to Searchfor a specific (full or partial) ID number such as bios string, serial http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=Intel Corporation - US&brand=metacr |
51. Science Careers Web: Women In Science Additional web pages are available for specific career fields pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/bios/women.htm. inventorsMuseum presents Women inventors and Invention http http://www.sciencecareersweb.net/PSU2DE/WomenInScience.htm | |
52. Social Studies Fame Learn about famous and not so famous inventors. Mr. Showbiz Star bios This archiveprovides you with textually as well as by specific categories, phrases http://www.d89.dupage.k12.il.us/cp/SocialStudies.html | |
53. African American History Pathfinder African American inventors Series. Black Cowboys and Pioneersspecific Individuals. theRenaissance to DC http//www.dclibrary.org/blkren/bios/index.html. http://www.clayton.public.lib.ga.us/afamhxpf.htm | |
54. People REF 920 MAC, Scientists and inventors. REF 920 NAC, Heroes and pioneers. http//www.pbs.org/history/bios/html.specific People or Event Web Sites. Albert Einstein. http://www.spx.org/faculty/library/pathfndr/positive.htm | |
55. Untitled Developers, inventors, and users of commercial devices that target specific softtissue just one of 33 topics to be held at the bios '98 symposium http://www.jsme.or.jp/bio/ml/ml75/50 |
57. Arts/Literature/Biography artrelated topics to specific information on www.treasure-troves.com/bios/ Byzant- Encyclopedia geologists and astronomers to mathemeticians and inventors. http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Biography/ | |
58. Science And Technology inventors (Includes black inventors, women, more). of Science, Technology Medicine(bios , more Program ( Smithsonian Institution site, visit specific volcanoes http://www.jmcl.tn.org/science_and_technology.htm | |
59. Scholorship Fund And Grant August 15, 2002; 2002 Collegiate inventors Competition June The bios program seeksto develop revolutionary receptors leads to regulated and specific changes in http://www.smbs.buffalo.edu/resources/ScholorshipsGrants.html | |
60. Science Sizzlers arrangement of menu pages with specific ones selected on http//www.treasuretroves.com/bios/An Internet features information on American inventors and their http://www.crinkles.com/CC5.html | |
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