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81. Violaelementaryschool - Grade 4 Native Americans Longhouse the Land http//www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/prehistory/ settlements/regions/northeast.htmlIroquois Oral Traditions http//www.indians.org/welker http://www.ramnet.k12.ny.us/violaelementaryschool/index.cfm?npageid=50 |
82. THE ILLINI: LORDS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Scholarly resource on the Illinois indians, also known as the Illiniwek or Illini Confederation.Category Society Ethnicity Tribes, Nations and Bands I Illini...... had antagonized the Fox, the iroquois, the Chickasaw CHIEF ILLINIWEK Many native Americansdisapprove of the this are The Cleveland indians, The Washington http://members.tripod.com/~RFester/ | |
83. Native Americans - American Indians, The First People Of America LONG BEFORE the white man set foot on American soil, the American indians,or rather the native americans, had been living in America. http://nativeamericans.com/ | |
84. Browse The Modern English Collection -- Electronic Text Center Largest collection of 19th- and 20th-century native American literature available online; also includes Category Arts Literature Cultural native American...... users search all unrestricted works including native American texts. Constitutionof the iroquois Nation 13901500 CE Recent Writings By American indians 1902 http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/Native-American.html | |
85. Compact Histories An ongoing web project that aims to provide extensive histories of all major tribes of native americans.Category Society Ethnicity native americans History...... were some of the ugly traits of the iroquois . often thought of as Canadian Indiansand French Most older histories of native americans begin with vague http://www.tolatsga.org/Compacts.html | |
86. Go To The Following URL: 13. What kind of clothes do the iroquois people wear today? 14. Some facts aboutNative americans. The indians were the first people in North America. http://www.uni-giessen.de/fb10/tefl/seminarP/cele99/projectResults/augustinersch | |
87. Native Americans Makahs. Mayas. Adenas. Cherokees. Mandans. Chinooks. Kiowas. Navajos. iroquois.Hopis. Aztecs. Anasazi. native americans have a long history in North and SouthAmerica. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/NewingtonForestES/sixth/native.htm | |
88. Hillsdale Educational Publishers - Michigan Text Books - Native Americans of US history and the conflict between the native American and 2 (indians then topresent day indians) 2.1.1 of men, women, children) 2.1.2 (iroquois indians vs http://www.hillsdalepublishers.com/nativeamericans.htm | |
89. Learning About The Indigenous Americans Of The Pocono Region native americans. americans to inhabit the Pocono region were the Eastern WoodlandsIndians. authority and protection of the very forceful iroquois, leaders of http://www.academybb.com/NativeAmericans.html | |
90. Native American Lore Index Over 130 stories from tribes across North and South America. Link to quotations from native leaders.Category Society Ethnicity Arts and Culture Folklore...... If you have a story of native Indian Lore you would like to have posted here Originof the iroquois Nation iroquois 38. Creation of the First indians Chelan 60. http://www.ilhawaii.net/~stony/loreindx.html | |
91. Haudenosaunee Links Unofficial native/Inuit Sites. native Websites; iroquois * Haudenosaunee Web WWW VirtualLibrary American indians Index of native American Resources http://www.ganondagan.org/links.html | |
92. Native Americans Of The Northeast http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5467/ | |
93. Native Americans:Historic:The Illinois:History:The Illinois Decline The threat of iroquois raids subsided in the early of which killed at least 200 KaskaskiaIndians in 1714 native drawing of a person suffering from smallpox or http://www.museum.state.il.us/muslink/nat_amer/post/htmls/hi_decline.html | |
94. Sasquatch And Native Americans Indian legends about the Sasquatch.Category Science Anomalies and Alternative Science Bigfoot...... http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/~bz050/HomePage.bfna.html | |
95. Native Americans native americans and Their Homes Forests, Deserts, Plans and Woodlands. IntroductionWho were the first North americans? Where did they come from? http://loma.k12.ca.us/LPS/Webquests/Webqu2/19_Native_Americans.html | |
96. EASTERN PEOPLE LINKS The Six Nations of the iroquois. MOHAWK. SENECA. The Seneca Nation of indians. NativeAmericans and the Environment Seneca YawYeaw Family Ninth Generation. http://members.aol.com/AIMMASS/elinks.html | |
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