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1. Economagic: Economic Time Series Page Vast amount of economic data for economic research. Over 100000 series concentrating on the United Category Science Social Sciences economics Indicators and statistics...... BEA State Personal Income, Per Capita, and Population 177 series; business CycleIndicators Not updated, but Bank of japan and economic Planning Agency http://www.economagic.com/ | |
2. Economic And Social Research Institute ESRI Research Paper No.1 "Government Banking Activity in US, UK, Germany and France" In US and UK, role of government banking activity is limited, and there exist only a few institutions for that purpose. economic Policy Forum. business statistics. SNA (National Accounts) The Workshop on Tax Reforms in japan. Feb.04 '03 http://www.esri.cao.go.jp/index-e.html | |
3. Search Solutions: Business Statistics, How To Find Economic Indicators, Market I japan, JPY, 1986, MF8117, 1971. business Week (File 623) Production Indexes, LeadingIndicators, Foreign Quest economics Database (QUES) - economic Indicators and http://training.dialog.com/quick/solutions/4202.html | |
4. AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society Categories include Census of japan, Vital statistics, economics agency allows accessto economic and social by subject areas such as business, economy, labour http://www.asiasource.org/links/al_mp_03.cfm?TID=78,160 |
5. AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society and present statistics of japan's economic and social Categories include Census ofjapan, Vital statistics annual survey of population, business and geography. http://www.asiasource.org/links/al_mp_03.cfm?TID=238 |
6. Japan Links - A Selected List Of Informative Resources business and market. Bank of japan statistics, reports on japanese economy, govornor'sspeech etc. Rich information. japan economic Foundation - provides bi http://www.kanzaki.com/jinfo/jlink.html | |
7. Economics And Business In Japan business. economics and business in japan. Resources at Duke and Beyond.Dictionaries, Bibliographies, economic statistics. Directories, http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/eac/economics.html | |
8. Business And Economy Futures Exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange economic Data. JIN statistics DoingBusiness with japan. Access to japan (KEIDANREN) japan External http://www.jinjapan.org/navi/category_10.html | |
9. Course Schedule SHINTAKU, % Workshop on Modern business Organization I Employment Systems in japan(Summer/Winter Macroeconomics Prof.BRAUN, economic statistics (Summer/Winter http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/jikanwari-s-e.html | |
10. Untitled Document External Trade Organization (JETRO) japan Tariff Association Daily economic Data economicInformation Network statistics Department China business (Press) Hong http://www.icsead.or.jp/link.htm | |
11. Asia - Business - University Of Alberta Libraries Euromonitor publication provides statistics on numerous following to find businessrelatedtopics in japan economic conditions Hong Kong (China) economic http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/business/asia/index.cfm | |
12. Canadian Economic Statistics - Business - University Of Alberta Libraries country specific information, ie japan, OECD, European about the Canadian EconomicStatistics guide should be Winspear business Reference Library University of http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/business/canadianstatistics/index.cfm | |
13. Embassy Of Japan In UK - Japan-UK Relations For trade statistics based in yen, visit the japanese Ministry of Finance website.Main index Site map japanUK economic ties Advice on business with http://www.embjapan.org.uk/eng/business/bus-ties.html | |
14. Internet Public Library: Statistics Subjects covered include agriculture; business and industry comprehensive statisticaldata on japan and also review, linkage with other economic data, and http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/bus82.00.00/ | |
15. WWW Virtual Library Economic And Business History and Racism; CIA Handbook of International economic statistics; Historical SocietyLibrary business Archives; Cité des on Germany and japan; Comparative Studies http://www.neha.nl/w3vl/alphabet_A-J.html | |
16. Statistics Reports Monthly Report of Recent economic and Financial Bank of japan statisticsand Other Key statistics (Updated every business day) Notice Bank http://www.boj.or.jp/en/siryo/siryo.htm |
17. Download (Reports And Research Papers 2002) items (eg, diffusion index of business conditions) of Role of the Bank of japan inPayment Further Improvement of Financial and economic statistics The Bank's http://www.boj.or.jp/en/down/siryo/dsiryo.htm |
18. Statistics Finland - IBS - Main Economic Indicators MAIN economic INDICATORS, updated 26.11.2001. japan, 0.8/Sep, 5.3/Sep, -12.7/Sep. InquiriesInternational business statistics e-mail ibs.tilastokeskus http://www.stat.fi/tk/tt/ibs/mei.html | |
19. EDIRC: Associations And Societies Connecticut) mirrored by NetEc in UK, USA, japan, Russia Association ARIA AmericanStatistical Assosiation, business and economic statistics Section - ASA http://edirc.repec.org/assocs.html | |
20. Statistics And Publications After japan, Australia is Alberta's secondlargest Asia Summarizes the economic impactsof downhill skiing offers a number of business development opportunities http://www.alberta-canada.com/statpub/tourstat.cfm | |
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