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Kansas Education Agencies Org: more detail |
21. Home - Kansas Grants Clearinghouse Also from the US Department of education. Farming. kansas Agriculture Production LoanDeposit Program. Network Funding Opportunities from various Federal agencies. http://www.kansasgrants.org/ | |
23. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies kansas Insurance Department; Kentucky Attorney General's Office; and Local ConsumerAgencies (Pueblo's master Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
24. About Learn & Serve America :: Tribal Grantees About Learn Serve State education agencies. kansas Commission on National andCommunity Service Ms Kentucky Department of education Ms. Karen Schmalzbauer http://www.learnandserve.org/about/sea.html | |
25. Alabama Department Of Education--Online Academy of education by the Online Academy at the University of kansas as a resource forinstitutions of higher education and local education agencies in Alabama as http://onlineacademy.org/alabama/ | |
26. Kansas State Department Of Education / List Server's @ NEKESC / Student Support Services, Grant 21004 and the kansas Department of Health and early childhood specialeducation program staff parents and staff of agencies collaborating with http://www.kansped.org/ksde/ssslist.html | |
27. Kansas State Department Of Education / The Kansas Project For Children And Young Improvement Grant in collaboration with other agencies responsible for kansas StateDepartment of education. 120 SE 10 th Avenue Topeka, kansas 666121182. http://www.kansped.org/ksde/deafblind/deafblind.html | |
28. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - Promoting Entrepreneurship And current system and convening community agencies to address kansas City organizationsjoin forces to improve the quality of early care and education across the http://www.emkf.org/pages/178.cfm | |
29. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - Promoting Entrepreneurship And the Child Mental Health Foundations and agencies Network (FAN quality of early careand education across the Foundation 4801 Rockhill Road kansas City, Missouri http://www.emkf.org/pages/314.cfm | |
30. Kansas Association Of Private Investigators - KAPI - Kapi.org and their employees;; Collection agencies and their Qualification The background,education and experience of vary considerably, but each kansas Licensee is http://www.kapi.org/ | |
31. Kansas Children's Service League families, with offices and affiliates throughout kansas. and strengths includeparenting education and support other private and public agencies, the courts http://www.kcsl.org/ | |
32. SchoolGrants - Links: State Agencies State agencies. A C F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W. A. K. kansas State Departmentof education kansas Exemplary Educators Network. Wyoming Department of education. http://www.schoolgrants.org/schoolgrants2/links/state_agencies.htm | |
33. SchoolGrants: State Agency Links State agencies. State Department of education kansas Exemplary Educators Networkkansas Arts Commission. Wyoming Department of education Wyoming Arts Council. http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/state_agencies.htm | |
34. Pollution Prevention Agencies And Programs education throughout the State of kansas. KACEE was established in 1969 as a public/privatepartnership made up of representatives of governmental agencies and http://www.p2ric.org/Directories/details.cfm?orgid=92 |
35. Pollution Prevention Agencies And Programs In EPA Region 7 agencies and Programs. State University Pollution Prevention Institute kansas WaterOffice Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and education (SARE) North http://www.p2ric.org/Directories/providers_All.cfm | |
36. RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of educationprograms, practices Affairs (BIA), Colorado, kansas, Montana, Nebraska http://www.dssc.org/frc/rrfc.htm | |
37. OSEP Technical Assistance And Dissemination Network Projects Consists of over 40 projects funded by the United States Department of education's Office of Special Category Reference education Special education...... of Indian Affairs (BIA), Colorado, kansas, Montana, Nebraska 3808 fax joy@nasdse.orgThe primary information among federal, state, and local education agencies. http://www.dssc.org/frc/oseptad.htm | |
38. Kansas Division Of Early Childhood of the kansas Association for the education of Young Children; Planning for theAnnual Spring Conference with other Professionals, Organizations, and agencies; http://www.kdec.org/ | |
39. Kansas Links, From Kansas On The Net (KOTN) Government Departments agencies, Top. kansas State Board of education the educationDirectory is a 2003 / John Susan Howell / Wichita, kansas / howell@kotn http://www.kotn.org/kslinks.html | |
40. TDC Online--Management Team Association of education Service agencies, school administrators 785232-8271 Emailgneely@nea.org. Dr. James Wheeler Northeast kansas education Service Center http://busboy.sped.ukans.edu/~ks2000/manage.htm | |
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